

鲁秋莲 外交官说事儿 2023-12-06


鲁秋莲 钓鱼台国宾馆大连山庄总经理,1974年至2015年在钓鱼台国宾馆工作至退休,先后在钓鱼台国宾馆总统楼从事服务接待工作,在国宾馆业务部担任楼经理;在当时局长朱贵玉的要求和指导下,查找、收集、整理、存档自国宾馆建馆以来接待国宾的档案;钓鱼台大酒店担任办公室主任等职。




新华社东京9月24日电 专访:







1972年7月,田中角荣出任首相后,开始释放改变对华政策的信号。9月25日至30日,田中角荣应邀访问中国。田中真纪子回忆说:“出发那天天气很好,家里家外来了很多人,媒体的直升机在上空盘旋。我儿子在庭院里跑来跑去。父亲一把抱起他后问,‘北京在哪个方向啊?’我儿子说,‘那边。’父亲捏捏他的脸说,‘那爷爷去那边啦,如果顺利回来,咱们再一起吃饭哟。’ ” 





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mutual trust and mutual benefit, seeking common ground while shelving differences

Tokyo, Sept. 24 (Xinhua) – Exclusive Interview:

China and Japan should have mutual trust and mutual benefit and seek common ground while shelving differences-Meeting Makiko Tanaka, daughter of former Japanese Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka

On September 25, 1972, Japanese Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka flew to Beijing, China. The Chinese and Japanese governments issued a joint statement on Monday, normalizing diplomatic ties and turning a new page in bilateral relations. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the normalization of China-Japan diplomatic relations, Makiko Tanaka, daughter of Kakuei Tanaka and former Japanese foreign minister, recalled in an exclusive interview with Xinhua News Agency what she knew about the process of the normalization of China-Japan diplomatic relations. She believed that mutual trust and mutual benefit and seeking common ground while putting aside differences should be the mainstream of bilateral relations.

Ever since Kakuei Tanaka was first elected to parliament, China had never been left his mind. "In my father's view, the relationship with China is a fundamental issue in Japanese politics, and it is impossible to talk about Japanese politics without China." "Ms. Tanaka said.

Tanaka, 78, recalled, "My father said Japan must have good relations with China, but Japan launched an invasion war against China. My father always said that the first thing to do was to apologize to China. War only leaves hatred."

When Kakuei Tanaka became prime minister in July 1972, he began to signal a change in China policy. From September 25 to 30, Kakuei Tanaka visited China on/upon invitation.  "The day we left was a beautiful day," Tanaka recalled. "There were a lot of people outside my home, and media helicopters were flying overhead. My son was running around the yard, and my father picked him up and asked, 'Which way is Beijing?' My son said, 'Over there'. My father squeezed his face and said, 'Grandpa's gone there. If I come back with safe and sound, we'll have dinner together.'"

In 1992, Makiko Tanaka accompanied her father on another visit to China, where they were warmly entertained and housed in the same room where Kakuei Tanaka had stayed in 1972. Tanaka was still recovering from a cerebral infarction.

"My father was awfully/very emotional when he saw it," Tanaka said. "He remembered it very well and was ever so moved. He was very clear about the careful intentions of the Chinese government."

Kakuei Tanaka died in December 1993. Tanaka said that before his death, her father was unable to speak, but he could still write. He always believed that the normalization of diplomatic relations between Japan and China was a significant/important part of Japan's postwar revival.












其实 ,日本田中角荣首相前后20年再次下榻国宾馆,之所以能住在国宾馆同一个房间,这与我们国宾馆一个良好的传统做法密不可分。在接待国宾的实践中,国宾馆形成了一套行之有效、让宾客有宾至如归之感的做法。


中曾根康弘夫妇等与国宾馆领导及接待他们的团队部分人员合影留念。(the photo above: Yasuhiro Nakasone and his wife had a picture taken with the first leader of the State Guesthouse and some members of the team receiving them.)



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On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the normalization of China-Japan diplomatic relations, I read the above news from today's news browsing and felt deeply moved. As a Chinese who witnessed the boom of Sino-Japanese friendly relations, and who once worked on the front lines of the foreign service, I felt deeply that countries for good with each other, altruistic and self-interested; It is a win-win situation for countries to be friendly with their neighbors. Why not do it?

Therefore, here, I would like to sincerely pay tribute to the older generation of far-sighted Chinese and Japanese politicians, such as the founding leader Mao Zedong, Premier Zhou Enlai and Japanese former Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka, who had made contributions to China-Japan good-neighborliness and friendship, as well as to all those who have made contributions to the development of China-Japan friendly relations.

Time flies. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the normalization of China-Japan relations. In these years, the world has changed a lot, including China-Japan relations. There are many experts who have a lot to say in this regard. On my theoretical level and understanding of the height compared with them, I am pale into significance, I will be humble and study as a student. However, I’d like from the above Xinhua News Agency interview Makiko Tanaka in a detail, combined with the actual work of my past, talk about a little of my own personal experience.

I came to the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in 1974. My dear vocation was my work as a service staff of foreign affairs of our State Guesthouse. I had been working in the Presidential Building for several years. Now I am retired. In my previous work as host to heads of State and Government, as well as important government delegations, I have witnessed many unforgettable experiences of the continuous development of our national diplomacy. For example, I received heads of state and government from far and wide countries, and served round after round of negotiations between China and Britain on the return of Hong Kong.

At the same time, in my work practice, from my peers, superiors, every state guesthouse in the guidance of the leadership, I understand and experience to our service reception work, although ordinary, but is also very important, what we say and do are not only for ourselves, what are more important on behalf of our state. Foreign reception service is an integral part of the national foreign affairs.

This point, through the above Xinhua News Agency reporter interview Makiko Tanaka, has also been approved/confirmed. She said that in 1992, she accompanied her father to visit China again and was warmly received by the Chinese side. They were also arranged to stay in the same room as her father visited China in 1972. "My father was very emotional when he saw all those. He remembered it very clearly and was deeply moved. He was pretty clear about the careful intentions of the Chinese government."

It was obvious that the Japanese Prime Minister was very touched by the fact that he was staying in the same room on his second visit to China after 20 years, and to the extent that the Chinese government treated him very carefully. In other words, as a state guest, he was highly valued and superlatively respected by the Chinese government. It can be seen that the reception of foreign affairs, which seems insignificant, can play the role/impact of icing on the cake for the country's foreign affairs.

In fact, Japanese prime minister Kakuei Tanaka stayed in the State Guesthouse again after 20 years, the reason why they could stay in the same room, which is inseparable from a good tradition of our State Guesthouse. In the practice of receiving state guests, the State guesthouse has formed a set of effective ways to make guests feel at home.

For example, at the end of each reception task/assignment, a summary meeting will be held to record, sort out and archive the reception of the guest in details, including his/her religious beliefs, living habits, hobbies, food and accommodation details, and which service personnel directly serve him/her, as a reference for the guest when he/she stays again.

I remember that when the State Guesthouse received then Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone for the second time in 1986, I had already been transferred to the tourism building. The guesthouse reviewed the previous reception files, and got to know that the first time I received him, I served in the presidential dining room. Therefore, I was temporarily assigned to the President's villa to participate in the reception, to serve him again (See the photo above: Yasuhiro Nakasone and his wife had a picture taken with the first leader of the State Guesthouse and some members of the team receiving them).

We expect: By making our extraordinary efforts, to provide our guests meticulous service, create a familiar environment, let them see familiar faces, taste favorite dishes... Let the distinguished/honored guests from faraway have a sense of home intimacy, comfort, warmth and a sense of being valued and respected. Let our thoughtful and meticulous service become a ray/blaze of brilliant color of their stay at the State Guesthouse and a pleasant aftertaste of their trip to China.

— END —

供稿人、汉译英 | 鲁秋莲

引文 | 新华社记者:杨汀 冯武勇 李光正

编辑 | 外交官说事儿 青岩





