其是在Ed Awh 和 Ed Vogel领导的来自于芝加哥大学的认知神经科学实验室,主要通过采用电生理技术研究视觉工作记忆和选择性注意之间的关系。主页为: ,该实验室于2016年开始通过OSF等平台公开共享实验室已发表研究成果中的原始数据及分析代码等相关资源。其关于alpha振荡的相关研究如下:
[1] Foster JJ, Sutterer DW, Serences JT, Vogel EK, Awh E (2016) The topography of alpha-band activity tracks the content of spatial working memory. Journal of Neurophysiology.
[2] Foster JJ, Sutterer DW, Serences JT, Vogel EK, Awh E (2017) Alpha-band oscillations enable spatially and temporally resolved tracking of covert spatial attention. Psychological Science.
[3] Foster JJ, Bsales EM, Jaffe RJ, & Awh E (2017) Alpha-band activity reveals spontaneous representations of spatial position in visual working memory. Current Biology.
[4] van Moorselaar D, Foster JJ, Sutterer DW, Theeuwes J, Olivers CNL & Awh E (2018) Spatially selective alpha oscillations reveal moment-by-moment trade-offs between working memory and attention. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.
[5] Hakim N, Feldmann-Wüstefeld T, Awh E, & Vogel EK (2020). Perturbing neural representations of working memory with task-irrelevant interruption. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.
3. Eren Gunseli
Günseli, E., Fahrenfort, J. J., van Moorselaar, D., Daoultzis, K. C., Meeter, M., & Olivers, C. N. (2019). EEG dynamics reveal a dissociation between storage and selective attention within working memory. Scientific reports.
4. Joram van Driel
以上就是我之前在研究过程中关注到的关于EEG神经振荡数据分析中已公开的原始数据及分析代码, 鉴于个人能力和精力有限,诚邀更多的小伙伴通过留言等方式进行补充和交流。谢谢!