Arch | 蓬皮杜的工业梦,他早就想到了
Cedric Price, 被称为是一个“as famous for not building things as he was for building things”的建筑师,长这样:
他所做的东西一直带着些许Industrial Engineer的色彩,他认为建筑师们总是自恃过高自己对于改变世界的能力,应该带着“非建筑”的眼光来审视一个项目。他说:“I’m only radical because the architectural profession has got lost. Architects are such a dull lot and they’re so convinced that they matter.”
代表作 Fun Palace:
"The idea was to build a ‘laboratory of fun’ with facilities for dancing, music, drama and fireworks. Central to Price’s practice was the belief that through the correct use of new technology the public could have unprecedented control over their environment, resulting in a building which could be responsive to visitors’ needs and the many activities intended to take place there."
建筑整体采用开放式的钢结构,预制墙、楼板、天花板、楼梯模块可以由起重机移动和组装,几乎每个部分的结构都是可变的,可容纳各类活动。可谓 Richard Rogers 和 Renzo Piano 设计的蓬皮杜艺术中心的前身,虽然后者没能实现楼板可上下移动。
上图:Fun Palace 下图:蓬皮杜艺术中心
当然今天主要想说的不是Fun Palace,而是他早期可变结构(建筑体)的原型:The Steel House(1967)
虽然可变空间和模块化一直是建筑师们探讨的课题,哪怕从二战后开始算起,The Steel House也只能是比较中期的一个case,但是,我,今,天,就,说,它:)
他意图通过steelhouse提供一个具有最大使用可能性的空间,迎合definitive功能空间不断增加的需求。具体操作是:Plans features a shared area able to vary over 24-hour cycles, internal and external access routes, capacity for subdivision into two homes and increasing fragmentation of self-contained units.
好吧突然发现就说完了,从毕设到methods就没跳出过工业风建筑的坑,最近的BT课程许多人的design disposal是可动建筑,可动建筑体其实更像一个机器,但是真正要做到结构构件达到可移动的理想状态还是要......
#Cedrik Price #The Steel House #Industrial Engineer #Fun Palace