
四六级 · 写作 | CET-4写作参考话题 - 课堂无奈 课外精彩、不同视角 不同见解、网络购物冲击实体店

2016-12-13 蔡雷英语
四六级 · 往期回顾 



一、课堂无奈 课外精彩

Directions: Write a short essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then comment on the phenomenon that quite a few senior college students skip classes to be more involved in job-hunting. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


      In the above picture, only two students attend the class for senior college students, and the teacher is unwilling to give a one-man show, leaving the classroom disappointedly. Meanwhile, seniors are striving to get a job or engaged in their internship outside of the campus. The sarcastic picture reveals a kind of common phenomenon which has been called “Senior Empty Nests”.

       The reason why senior college students skip classes for job-hunting is that they are uneasy about job prospects, so they daren’t miss every single chance. Still some think that it is a waste of time to listen to teachers who keep reading the textbook word for word.

      I think graduates should be aware of the importance of the last academic year. What they learn during this period of time is an inseparable part of the whole college learning and will be of benefit to them in their career development in the long run. Besides, governments should take measures to solve employment pressure. What’s more, teachers should make their lectures more interesting and beneficial so as to attract those graduates.

词汇give a one-man show 表示唱独台戏;sarcastic 表示讽刺的,嘲讽的; job prospects 指的是就业前景;every single chance 表示每一个机会;word for word 表示逐字逐句;an inseparable part表示不可分割的一部分;in the long run 表示从长远来看;more interesting and beneficial 指上课更有趣,更能使学生受益。


二、不同视角 不同见解

Directions: Write a short essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then comment on the importance of looking at things from different perspectives. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

      In the cartoon,two men are quarreling about the number of blocks. One says that there are four blocks while the other says three, and from each of their perspectives, both of them are correct. The picture reveals that we should see things from different perspectives.

    By using the same bag of tricks, we can only end up with the same magic show. For getting a new solution, the best way is to change our perspectives. When we explore new angles of a problem, we set our feet on the road to creativity and true innovation. 

      The same is true about getting along with others. The act of putting ourselves in another person’s shoes has a host of benefits. It makes us more likely to help others, more understanding and charitable about other people’s mistakes, and even more successful when we’re negotiating with someone.

       All in all, to be more creative and to create a better, more cooperative world, we need to see things from different perspectives.

词汇:reveal 表示揭示,透露; end up with 表示以……告终,以……结束;set one’s feet on the road to意为“踏上通往……的道路”; put oneself in another person’s shoes 是一个惯用表达,表示设身处地为他人着想; charitable 表示仁慈的,宽容的。



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on “Could online shopping replace in-store shopping?” You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:

  • 随着互联网技术的发展和网络购物平台的日益完善,越来越多的人选择网上购物;

  • 一些人认为网购将会代替商场购物,商场未来会消失,而另一些人则争辩说商场不可能消失,它有自己的优势;

  • 谈谈你的看法。

    With the development of Internet technology and improvement of on-line shopping platform, the last decades witnessed a dramatic increase in the number of people opting for online shopping. Hot discussion has arisen about whether digital sales will overtake shopping at traditional brick and mortar stores.

      Some people claim that online shopping will certainly replace shopping in retail stores, and shopping malls will vanish some day. On the contrary, others hold the idea that in-store shopping won’t be replaced since it has its own advantages and has stood the test of time.

As for me, I’m in favor of the latter. It is true that online shopping offers us attractive benefits and convenience, but there certainly exist concerns about its security and the quality of the products purchased online. Besides, malls have excelled at providing shoppers with a sense of discovery and community that online shopping simply lack. Online shopping may be today’s most popular option, but it will never live up to all that the mall delivers.

词汇:opt for 表示选择,后面一般接名词;表示取代,代替可以用overtake 或者replace。brick and mortar store 指的是实体店;stand the test of time 表示经受住时间的考验;in favor of 表示赞成,同意;live up to 表示达到,不辜负。



