
视频 | 第89届奥斯卡颁奖典礼获奖感言大合集(视频+全文)

2017-03-02 蔡雷英语
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This, uhn, it means so much to me, thank you. One of first people who told me to be an actor is Denzel Washington, I just wanna thanks tonight for once time. Thank you.

And all other nominees,very great work, I'm trusting your company, is very pretty and I admire what you do. And I'm only here really because of all the, the talisman, and goodwill so many people are impossible to name.

But most of all, Kenneth Lonergan who made his part, without this part, without his writing, I wouldn't be here for sure.And he directed it. Men, I want to shake something bigger and more meaningful to say, but I just uh, I'm really proud to be part of the community.

In general, look at all of you and I have saw here. And I'm just founded as a, I mean included. And it means a lot to me, thank you. Also to Matt Damon, for created an opportunity to the movie, for so much. And to Patrick and over and so many people, of course, my mother and my father, for mostly usually believing in me, in doing this and the, Ben , I love you. And you know it. Thank you all very much.



Whoa…. Thank you so much to the Academy. 

To the women in this category, Natalie, Isabelle, Meryl, Ruth, you were all so extraordinary and I look up to you and I admire you more than I can put into words. It has been the greatest honor just to stand alongside you. That’s the greatest honor of all. 

To my mom, and my dad, and my brother Spencer, and my soul sister Chrissie, and my whole family, I love you so much. Thank you for everything. And to Doug Wald, who stood by me all these years. And Holly, and Michelle, and Craig, and P.J., and Greta, and Bob Cooper, thank you so much.   

And I realize that a moment like this is a huge confluence of luck and opportunity, and so I want to thank Damien Chazelle for the opportunity to be part of a project that was so special and once in a lifetime. I’m so grateful to have been involved in this film and thank you for faith and your patience and such a wonderful experience. 

And Ryan Gosling, thank you for making me laugh and for always raising the bar and for being the greatest partner on this crazy adventure. To our whole crew, everyone that put their hearts and souls into this film, I’m going to find you all individually, and I’m going to thank you. All along with my friends, who I love so much. I’m going to hug the hell out of you when the feeling reenters my body.


My grandma would want me to button up now. 

Wow. I want to thank my teachers, my professors – I had so many wonderful teachers. And one thing that they consistently told me is – Zelda Fichandler, Ron Van Lieu, Ken Washington – was that it wasn’t about you, it’s not about you. It’s about these characters. You’re a servant, you’re in service to these stories and these characters. And I’m so blessed to have had an opportunity. It was about Juan, it’s about Chiron, it’s about Paula.

Cast and crew, just such a wonderful experience. Thank you, Barry Jenkins. Thank you, Tarell Alvin McCraney, Adele Romanski, who forced Barry to cast me. You know, but…It’s just such a wonderful experience and I have so many people to thank who’ve got me here.

My manager Carolyn Govers, who I’ve been with for ten years, just thank you so much, and (to) the rest of the cast who did wonderful work – any one of them could be up here right now holding this trophy – such a gift getting to work with you and be inspired by you and then the performances that you all offered up. So thank you, the Academy, I really appreciate this.

And lastly, I just want to thank my wife, who was in her third trimester during awards season. We just had a daughter four days ago. So…I just…I just want to thank her for being just such a soldier through this process and help and really carrying me through it all. So thank you, I really appreciate it. Peace and blessings.



Thank you to the Academy. 

You know, there’s one place that all the people with the greatest potential are gathered. One place and that’s the graveyard. 

People ask me all the time, what kind of stories do you want to tell, Viola? And I say, exhume those bodies, exhume those stories. The stories of the people who dreamed big and never saw those dreams to fruition. People who fell in love and lost. 

I became an artist – and thank God, I did – because we are the only profession that celebrates what it means to live a life.

So, here’s to August Wilson, who exhumed and exalted the ordinary people. And to Bron Pictures, Paramount, Macro, Todd Black, Molly Allen, Scott Rudin for being the cheerleaders for a movie that is about people, and words, and life and forgiveness and grace. 

And to Michael T. Williamson, Stephen McKinley Henderson, Russell Hornsby, Jovan Adepo, Saniyya Sidney for being the most wonderful artists I’ve ever worked with. 

And oh captain, my captain, Denzel Washington. Thank you for putting two entities in the driving seat: August and God. And they served you well. 

And to Dan and Mary Alice Davis, who were and are the center of my universe, the people who taught me good or bad, how to fail, how to love, how to hold an award, how to lose. 

My parents – I’m so thankful that God chose you to bring me into this world. To my sisters, my sister Dolores, who was here, who played jaji and jaja with me. We were rich white women in the tea party games. Thank you for the imagination. And to my husband and my daughter. My heart, you and Genesis. You teach me every day how to live, how to love, I’m so glad that you are the foundation of my life. 

Thank you to the Academy. Thank you.


