
TED | 离开自己的舒适圈,去直面恐惧~

2017-03-13 蔡雷英语
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  • When I was sevenI went to summer camp. My parents found it necessary for peace of mind. And atnoon each day the campers would go to a pond, where they had floating docks.You could jump off the end into the deep end. I was born premature. I wasalways very small. My left lung had collapsed when I was born.

  • 七岁的时候,我参加了夏令营。我父母觉得这对他们的内心平静非常必要。 每天中午, 参加夏令营的孩子都会去到湖边 湖边有浮动船坞。 你能从船坞尽头跳进湖的深处。我是早产儿。我一直个子很小。 从出生起,我的左肺就闭合了。

  • And I've alwayshad buoyancy problems. So water was something that scared me to begin with. ButI would go in on occasion. And on one particular day, the campers were jumpingthrough inner tubes, They were diving through inner tubes. And I thought thiswould be great fun. So I dove through the inner tube, and the bully of the campgrabbed my ankles. And I tried to come up for air, and my lower back hit thebottom of the inner tube. And I went wild eyed and thought I was going to die.A camp counselor fortunately came over and separated us. From that point onwardI was terrified of swimming. That is something that I did not get over. Myinability to swim has been one of my greatest humiliations and embarrassments.That is when I realized that I was not the Incredible Hulk.

  • 因此我身体的浮力一向不好。我开始时很害怕下水, 不过偶尔也会尝试。 有一天, 孩子们玩起了跳救生圈游戏。 他们跳进水上的救生圈,潜到水里。我觉得这很有趣。 于是我穿过救生圈潜进水里,这时夏令营里的一个坏孩子抓住了我的脚踝。 我想出水换气, 但后背被救生圈底部顶住了。 我慌得不行,以为自己要完蛋了。 一个夏令营指导员凑巧经过,拉开了我们。从那时起,我对游泳产生了恐惧。 我一直没能克服它。身为旱鸭子一直是 最令我不堪和尴尬的事情之一。那让我意识到,我并不是绿巨人。

  • But there is ahappy ending to this story. At age 31 -- that's my age now -- in August I tooktwo weeks to re-examine swimming, and question all the of the obvious aspectsof swimming. And went from swimming one lap -- so 20 yards -- like a drowningmonkey, at about 200 beats per minute heart rate -- I measured it -- to goingto Montauk on Long Island, close to where I grew up, and jumping into the oceanand swimming one kilometer in open water, getting out and feeling better thanwhen I went in. And I came out, in my Speedos, European style, feeling like theIncredible Hulk.

  • 但这个故事有了一个好结局。 31岁时,就是我现在的年龄去年八月,我用了两周时间重新审视游泳, 并对关于游泳的所有 “显而易见” 的方面提出了质疑。 从只能像一头落水狗一样 游一泳道,大概18米, 每分钟心跳 200 下, 我量过, 到从长岛的蒙淘克我长大的地方附近, 跃入海里,游上一公里公开水域, 出水时感觉比入水时还好。 我出水时穿着欧式的泳衣, 自我感觉像极了绿巨人。

  • And that's whatI want everyone in here to feel like, the Incredible Hulk, at the end of thispresentation. More specifically, I want you to feel like you're capable ofbecoming an excellent long-distance swimmer, a world-class language learner,and a tango champion. And I would like to share my art. If I have an art, it'sdeconstructing things that really scare the living hell out of me. So, movingonward.

  • 我希望当这个演讲结束时, 在场的各位都能感觉像绿巨人。 具体来说,我希望你能觉得 你有能力成为一个优秀的长距离游泳健将, 一个世界级的语言学者, 和一个探戈冠军。 我还想分享我的艺术。如果说我擅长一门艺术,那就是解构那些 能把我吓个半死的东西。 好,言归正传。

  • Swimming ……

  • 游泳……(省略)

  • Languages.Material versus method. I, like many people, came to the conclusion that I wasterrible at languages. I suffered through Spanish for junior high, first yearof high school, and the sum total of my knowledge was pretty much, "Dondeesta el bano?" And I wouldn't even catch the response. A sad state ofaffairs. Then I transferred to a different school sophomore year, and I had achoice of other languages. Most of my friends were taking Japanese. So Ithought why not punish myself? I'll do Japanese. Six months later I had thechance to go to Japan. My teachers assured me, they said, "Don't worry. You'llhave Japanese language classes every day to help you cope. It will be anamazing experience." My first overseas experience in fact. So my parentsencouraged me to do it. I left.

  • 语言。教材对方法。 我和许多人一样认为 我没有学语言的天分。 我初中和高一时,西班牙语学得痛苦极了。 我最后记得的就只有一句 "Donde esta el bano"(厕所在哪里?) 而且我连回答都听不懂。凄凉得很。 然后,我高二时转了校。 我可以选一门别的语言课。我的大多数朋友都选了日语。我想:我为什么不也折腾我自己一下呢?于是我选了日语。半年后,我有一个去日本的机会。 我的老师们鼓励我说:“别担心。你每天都会上日语课,帮你适应。 这会是一次难忘的经历。”事实上这也是我的第一次海外生活。 我的父母也鼓励我去。于是我上路了。

  • I arrived inTokyo. Amazing. I couldn't believe I was on the other side of the world. I metmy host family. Things went quite well I think, all things considered. My firstevening, before my first day of school, I said to my mother, very politely,"Please wake me up at eight a.m." So, (Japanese) But I didn't say(Japanese). I said, (Japanese). Pretty close. But I said, "Please rape meat eight a.m." (Laughter) You've never seen a more confused Japanesewoman. (Laughter)

  • 我来到了东京。难忘啊。 我不敢相信我来到了世界的另一端。 我和我的寄宿家庭会面了。我觉得总体来说,一切进展得很顺利 第一个晚上,我开学前的一天,我很有礼貌地对寄宿妈妈说: “请在早上八点叫醒我。”也就是(日语) 但是我没有说(日语)。我说成了(日语)。很接近。但是我说的是:“请在早上八点强奸我。” (笑声) 你找不到比她更一头雾水的日本女人了。 (笑声)

  • I walked in toschool. And a teacher came up to me and handed me a piece of paper. I couldn'tread any of it -- hieroglyphics, it could have been -- because it was Kanji,Chinese characters adapted into the Japanese language. Asked him what thissaid. And he goes, "Ahh, okay okay, eehto, World History, ehh, Calculus,Traditional Japanese." And so on. And so it came to me in waves. There hadbeen something lost in translation. The Japanese classes were not Japaneseinstruction classes, per se. They were the normal high school curriculum forJapanese students -- the other 4,999 students in the school, who were Japanese,besides the American. And that's pretty much my response. (Laughter)

  • 我走进学校。 一位老师走过来,递给我一张纸。 我一个字也不认识 ── 那都是象形文字 那是汉字,日语中使用的中国文字。 我问他这上面说的是什么。 他说:“啊,没问题, 嗯…世界历史…嗯…微积分 传统日语…” 依此类推。 一波波地向我涌来。事实上翻译中出了错。 日语课不是教日语的课 而且为一般日本高中生开设的日常课程。 也就是学校里另外4999名日本学生,除了我这个美国人。 我的反应大概就像这样。 (笑声)

  • And that set meon this panic driven search for the perfect language method. I triedeverything. I went to Kinokuniya. I tried every possible book, every possibleCD. Nothing worked until I found this. This is the Joyo Kanji. This is a Tabletrather, or a poster of the 1,945 common-use characters as determined by theMinistry of Education in 1981. Many of the publications in Japan limitthemselves to these characters, to facilitate literacy -- some are required to.And this became my Holy Grail, my Rosetta Stone.

  • 这恐慌使我开始寻找完美的学语言方法。我试遍了所有方法。我跑到纪伊国屋书店、 试遍了每一本书,每一套CD。什么都没有用,直到我发现了这个。 这是《常用汉字表》。这张表上有1945个最常用的汉字 是由教育部在1981年修订的。 日本的许多出版社限定只使用这些字 以方便人们认读。 这成了我的圣杯,我的罗塞塔石碑

  • As soon as Ifocused on this material, I took off. I ended up being able to read AsahiShinbu, Asahi newspaper, about six months later -- so a total of 11 monthslater -- and went from Japanese I to Japanese VI. Ended up doing translationwork at age 16 when I returned to the U.S., and have continued to apply thismaterial over method approach to close to a dozen languages now. Someone whowas terrible at languages, and at any given time, speak, read and write five orsix. This brings us to the point, which is, it's oftentimes what you do, nothow you do it, that is the determining factor. This is the difference betweenbeing effective -- doing the right things -- and being efficient -- doingthings well whether or not they're important.

  • 当我专注学习这份材料后, 我进步飞速。 6个月之后,也就是一共11个月之后, 我已经能够看懂《朝日新闻》了从日语1级进步到日语4级。 我回到美国后,从16岁就开始从事翻译工作, 并不断地使用这种 “材料优于方法”的方式 学习了近12种语言。 从一个学不好语言的人, 到同时说、读、写五六种语言。这告诉我们: 往往你做什么, 而不是你怎么做,是关键所在。 这是有效能(做正确的事情)和有效率(做好事情,不管它们是否重要)之间的区别。

  • You can also dothis with grammar. I came up with these six sentences after much experimentation.Having a native speaker allow you to deconstruct their grammar, by translatingthese sentences into past, present, future, will show you subject, object,verb, placement of indirect, direct objects, gender and so forth. From thatpoint, you can then, if you want to, acquire multiple languages, alternate themso there is no interference. We can talk about that if anyone in interested.And now I love languages.

  • 你能够将这个原则应用在语法上。我在实验之后得出这六个句子。 让一个本地人将这些句子翻译成过去,现在,和将来式,就能使你解析他们的语法 找到主语、宾语、动词、 间接和直接宾语的位置、语法性别,等等。 从那里起,如果你愿意,你就能学习多种语言灵活转换而不相互影响。 如果有人感兴趣,我们可以深入谈。现在,我爱极了语言。

  • So ballroomdancing……

  • 然后,交谊舞(省略……)

  • So fear is yourfriend. Fear is an indicator. Sometimes it shows you what you shouldn't do.More often than not it shows you exactly what you should do. And the bestresults that I've had in life, the most enjoyable times, have all been fromasking a simple question: what's the worst that can happen? Especially withfears you gained when you were a child. Take the analytical frameworks, the capabilitiesyou have, apply them to old fears. Apply them to very big dreams.

  • 恐惧是你的朋友。恐惧是一个指标。有时候它告诉你不该做什么。 但更多时候,它恰恰告诉你该做什么我生命中获得的最好成就, 最美好的时光,都源于问一个简单的问题:“最坏的可能是什么?”尤其是对于你从小时候就有的恐惧。用理性思维,将你的能力 运用在克服陈年的恐惧上。 借助它们实现伟大的梦想。

  • And when I thinkof what I fear now, it's very simple. When I imagine my life, what my lifewould have been like without the educational opportunities that I had, it makesme wonder. I've spent the last two years trying to deconstruct the Americanpublic school system, to either fix it or replace it. And have done experimentswith about 50,000 students thus far -- built, I'd say, about a half dozenschools, my readers, at this point. And if any of you are interested in that, Iwould love to speak with you. I know nothing. I'm a beginner. But I ask a lotof questions, and I would love your advice. Thank you very much. (Applause)

  • 我思考现在我害怕什么,答案很简单。当我想象我的人生如果我没有机会接受教育, 会是如何地不同。 这令我深思。 我在过去的两年中尝试解构美国公共教育系统, 以将其修复或取代。 至今,我已经用五万名学生做了试验, 建立了六所学校, 我的读者们,现在。 如果你们对此感兴趣, 我希望能和你们交流。 我一无所知。我是个初学者。但我会问许多问题,也欢迎你们的建议。 谢谢。



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