
四六级 · 听力 | 新闻听力练习- N20170503

2017-05-03 蔡雷英语
四六级 · 往期回顾 

3. What does Betty Azar think about teaching grammar?

  1. Teaching grammar is the easiest class of all.

  2. Teaching grammar is the most fun class of all.

  3. Teaching grammar is the most boring class of all.

  4. Teaching grammar is the most difficult class of all.

4. What docs Betty Azar suggest the teachers do when moving from grammar to communication experiences?

  1. Do a reading test.

  2. Do grammar exercises.

  3. Do a grammar test.

  4. Do communicative interaction.






Have you ever heard an English teacher say, “Teaching grammar is boring!” Betty Azar has and she strongly disagrees. “For me teaching grammar is the most fun class of all. I think it is a misconception that teaching grammar is a boring thing to do. Teaching grammar, for me, always was the class I looked forward to the most because grammar was just the foundation. It was where you started. Grammar is just the starting point,” she says. Betty Azar is a world famous expert on teaching English grammar. She talked about how teachers can move from grammar to communication experiences. “From there you do conversations, you do games, you do communicative interaction, and you do all of the wonderful things you do in a second language classroom, but you do it in combination with having a solid foundation of the structures that they are using,” she says.



