
热词 | 支付宝单车、太极格斗、网游实名 … 新闻热词荟

2017-05-12 蔡雷英语




bike-sharing services accessible via Alipay

Bicycle riders in China are benefiting from a new deal in the country's burgeoning bike-sharing sector as six players team up with popular mobile payment tool Alipay.


The 450 million users of Alipay can now access the bike-sharing services of the companies — ofo, Bluegogo, Youon, Hellobike, funbike and U-bicycle — via its mobile app, to keep from having to download each company's app and pay deposits in order to ride.


The service is available in 50 cities and connects Alipay with about 6 million bikes, over half of all the shared bikes in China, Ant Financial, owner of Alipay, said in a statement.


The move is a counterpunch to WeChat, the messaging-to-payment app that inked a similar deal with bike-sharing company Mobike in March. Alipay and WeChat are locked in fierce competition to win the offline payment market.


Under the partnership,Alipay will also provide insurance for each rider who accesses the service via its app.


Many college students and even professionals in China are returning to bicycles as a favorite transportation tool for short-distance travel, and a number of startups are scrambling to enable users to borrow and return bikes virtually anywhere at anytime.



  • burgeoning  迅速增长的,生机勃勃的

  • bike-sharing services  共享单车服务

  • team up with  与…合作/协作

  • counterpunch  反击,回击;迎击

  • be locked in fierce competition  陷入激烈的竞争

  • scramble to  争先恐后,竞相,争夺



duel between Tai Chi and MMA

Xu Xiaodong, an MMA coach from Beijing, took down Tai Chi-practising Wei Lei in less than 10 seconds in front of shocked spectators on April 27 in Sichuan Province, south-west China.


Video of the duel shows the ex-MMA fighter initiated the attack as he approached Mr Wei and started punching him. Mr Wei, posing with a crane-like gesture, seemed to be defenseless. He was soon pushed to a corner.


The alleged Tai Chi master fell down instantly, but Xu did not see stop hitting. The fight stopped when Mr Wei stopped hitting Mr Wei. Later, the referee separated the two.


The duel has sparked an outcry on Chinese social media. Following Mr Wei's quick defeat, people have started doubting the benefits of Tai Chi, which is considered a form of martial arts and has thousands of years history.


近日,综合格斗(mixed martial arts, MMA)选手徐晓冬20秒击败太极拳师魏雷的视频引爆网络,引发公众对传统武术(traditional martial arts)与现代搏击(modern MMA)孰强孰弱的争论。徐晓冬乘胜追击,向拳王邹市明等人发出战帖(throw down the gauntlet in a challenge to others, including boxing champion Zou Shiming),武林人士剑拔弩张,"约战(arrange private fights)风波"大有愈演愈烈之势。

中国武术协会3日发表声明称,徐晓冬魏雷约架行为有违武德(a breach of martial arts morality),涉嫌违法(suspected violation of law),对此应坚决反对。 声明称,武术是中华民族传统体育项目,是民族优秀传统文化(martial arts is a traditional Chinese sport as well as an excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation),具有强身健体(build up heath)、防身自卫(self-defense)、修身养性(cultivate one's mind)的功能价值,包含套路、散打等多种形式(include various forms like martial arts repertoire and free combat)。

传统武术是武术之根,具有广泛群众基础(enjoy wide support among the public)和社会影响,在助力全民健身(Fitness for All)国家战略、服务"健康中国(Healthy China)"建设中发挥着重要作用,需要更好地传承与弘扬(inherit and promote)。

声明称,由于传统武术种类繁多(great varieties),仅国家正式认定的拳种就有129种,在民间传习过程中,确实会出现一些乱象(irregularities),需要进一步规范和管理。对个别虚假、违规、违法行为,公众应按照规范程序报相关部门,由相关部门进行处理,不能以"打假"的名义进行有违武德、涉嫌违法的约架行为,更不能好勇斗狠、恶意炒作(what's more, there should be no aggressive challenges to cause sensation)。 


  • MMA (mixed martial arts)  综合格斗

  • take sb. down  打倒,击败

  • spectator  观众

  • duel  决斗

  • initiate the attack  发起进攻

  • referee  n.裁判员,调解人,介绍人;v.为…当裁判,调停,仲裁

  • pose  摆姿势

  • alleged  所谓的,宣称的

  • outcry  抗议,疾呼

  • 较量/回合 bout

  • 习武 practice kungfu

  • 身体动作 body movements

  • 文化软实力 cultural soft power



real name registration for online games

The requirement for real name registration for online games is aimed at safeguarding the legal rights and interests of the users, especially the juveniles.


➤5月1日,《文化部关于规范网络游戏运营加强事中事后监管工作的通知》正式开始实施(take effect, come into force)。通知要求,明确网络游戏运营范围,规范网络游戏虚拟道具(virtual prop)发行服务,加强网络游戏运营事中事后监管(strengthen its supervision over online game operations during and after the process),严肃查处违法违规运营行为。

通知明确表示,网络游戏运营企业应当要求用户使用有效身份证件(valid identity document)进行实名注册(register with their real names),并保存用户注册信息(keep users' registration information),不得为使用"游客模式"登录的用户(users that log into the game as guests)提供游戏内消费(make in-game purchase)或者充值服务。

通知还提倡网络游戏经营单位设置未成年用户消费限额,限定未成年用户游戏时间(limit the time and maximum spending on online games for minors),并采取技术措施屏蔽对未成年用户来说不健康的网游内容(block unhealthy content in the online games for juvenile users)。

➤数据显示,截至去年6月,我国19岁以下网民(internet users in China below the age of 19)已达1.7亿人。未成年人沉迷网络游戏(indulge in cyber games)的问题一直备受关注。今年2月,网信办也曾发布限制网游的相关规定。《未成年人网络保护条例(草案征求意见稿)》(draft regulation on the online protection of minors released for public opinions)规定对未成年人实施"网游宵禁(an online game curfew)",引发社会的广泛关注(draw wide public concern)。此后提交国务院的送审稿对未成年用户的注册信息、其所接触的内容、游戏功能等方面做出了限定。

送审稿还要求,限制未成年人连续使用游戏时间和单日累计游戏时间(limit minors' continuous play time and accumulated play time each day),禁止未成年人每日0时至8时使用网络游戏服务(minors should be forbidden from using online game services from midnight to 8 am every day)。


  • 手游 mobile phone game

  • 桌游 desktop game

  • 主机游戏 console game

  • 电脑游戏 PC game

  • 网页游戏 browser game




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