
人教版 | 初中英语七年级上册期中测试卷,考前测一测!

菜单栏有“精品团购”,今日推荐: 《写给孩子的山海经》3册 原价114元抢购价39元; 《数理化通俗演义》5册 原价135元 抢购价90元,限量发售!




21. ---Who is the boy_____a red coat?

---He is Tom. He has_____e-dog at home,

A. wear; an    B. put on: the    C in; an    D. on; a

22. The girl between you and_______ is______ good friend.

A. I; my      B. she; my     C. her; she      D. me, my

23. ---Where do you want to go_______ this Saturday? 

   ---Oh, I’ m going to my grandparents’ farm______Saturday afternoon.

A. /: on       B.on; on      C. in: on    D. /; in

24. ---Shall we go and_____ hello to our teacher?

   ---Good idea! Let;s go.

A. tell     B. speak      C. say       D. talk

25. ---May I have a dog at home, Dad?

   ---Yes, you can. But you must know how to _______a dog.

A. look after     B. look at        C. look for     D. look around

26. ---______Tom in the English club.

   ---Yes, but he_____go there very often.

A. Does; doesn’t  B. Does; isn’t  C. is; does   D. Is;doesn’t

27. --- We do morning______ at school.

   --- That’s great. It’s good _____ you.

A. Exercises; at    B. exercises; for   C. exercise; at   D. exercise;to

28. ---Are you new students?

---No. _____________.

A. I am      B.I’m not       C. we are       D. we aren’t

29. Students in China often have________homework.

It makes them________bad.

A. too many;feel               B. too many; to feel  

C. too much; feel                D. too much; to feel

30. --I love_______. What about you,Helen?

   ---Me, too. I’d like ______my dream house now.

A. drawing; drawing;       B. drawing; to draw

C.to draw; drawing         D. draw; to draw

31. Mr Wu is our English teacher. He is very kind______us.

   We often chat_______him after class.

A. to; with     B. for; with      C.for; to       D.to; to

32. _______ books every day______fun. It also helps me learn about the world.

A. Read; is    B. Read; are    C. Reading; is   D. Reading; are

33. ---________ do you watch TV every day?

   ---About one hour.

A. How often     B. How long     C. How many    D. How much

34. The library ________at 2 every day, so I think it________now.

A. opens; opens  B. opens; is open C. is open; opens  D. is open; open

35. ---Would you like to go boating with me tomorrow morning?


A. I’d like to, but I have to do my homework   B. Yes. I’d like to

B. Thanks, I wouldn’t. I’m so busy.           D. Yes, please



    Mrs. White is from London in England, but she likes 36 in China. She says her students all work very 37. and they are very friendly. She loves 38 very much.

     Mrs White 39 a son and a daughter. Her son's name is Jack. He is ten. Her daughter's name is Sue. She is seven 40 old. They study in China. They have 41 on weekdays. They 42 their school very much.After school they often go shopping or_ 43 sports. They help their mother 44 somehousework sometimes. They have a happy 45 .

36 .A works    B. studies    C. working    D. work

37. A. good     B easy      C. hard       D. fast

38. A. them    B. they      C.theirs       D. his

39.  A. have   B. has       C. there is     D. there are

40. A. years    B year      C. a year      D. young

41. A. classes   B. class     C. lesson      D. book

42. A. see      B. like      C. want       D. wants

43. A. go      B. plays     C. does        D. do

44. A. with     B. by        C. at         D. to

45.  A. home   B. families    C. family     D. homes




Millie’s Favourite Activities






Play volleyball with her friend

In the playground



Practise tennis with her classmates

In the Tennis Club



Go swimming

In the Swimming Club



Have a picnic with her parents

In the park



Read books with her brother

At home



46. Who often plays tennis with Millie?

A. Her friends         B. Her classmates

C. Her parents          D. Her brothers

47. Where does Millie often go out for a picnic?

A. In the playground     B. In the club

C. In the park           D. At home

48. Millie often_________ on Thursday.

A. Play volleyball        B. read books    

C. goes swimming       D. draws pictures

49. Millie’s brother usually reads books from____________.

A. 11:00am-5:00pm       B. 9:00am-5:00am

C. 4:30pm-5:30pm        D. 6:00pm-7:00pm

50. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Millie often plays volleyball for two hours.

B. Millie likes to stay at home on Saturday.

C. Millie likes to read books on Saturday.

D. Millie likes sports very much.



Lin has a few e-friends from different countries. He is telling something about them.



Tony is from the USA. He is thirteen years old. He is tall and good-looking. And he likes playing basketball. His dream is to be a great basketball player.


Lisa is 12 years old. She’s a German(德国)girl. She has brown and long hair. She likes listening to music. But she likes drawing best. Her dream is to be an Art teacher.


Judy is a 12-year-old Australian girl. Her hobby is reading books. She has many friends because she is friendly to everyone. She’d like to be a reporter.


Eric is from Japan. He is fourteen years old. He’s strong because he often does sports. His favourite subject is Maths. And he wants to be a football star.

51. ________ is the oldest(最大)of the four e-friends.

A. Tony     B. Lisa     C. Judy     D. Eric

52. These e-friends come from_______ different countries.

A. two      B. three     C. four     D. five

53. Lisa wants to be a(an) _______ in the future.

A. player    B. teacher    C. reporter   D. engineer

54. _______like sports very much?

A. Tony and Lisa       B. Lisa and Judy

C. Judy and Eric        D. Eric and Tony

55. From the passage, we know Judy____________.

A. comes from German        B. wants to be a player

C. is good at making friends.    D. likes to do sports best


Peter’ s uncle lives in the country a man full of humour(幽默). One day, Peter goes to see his uncle. His uncle drives his car to the station to meet him. On their way home, they see many people. His uncle waves(挥手)to everybody. Peter is surprised(惊奇的)and says,‘uncle, you wave everybody, Do you know all of them?’

‘No, Peter,’ his uncle, ‘ When I wave to someone and he doesn’t know me. He will feel surprised and then he will have something to think about. It will makes his road seem shorter. So I can make everybody happy’

56.Peter’s uncle lives_____________.

A. in the city    B. at the station    C. in a town   D. in the country

57. Peter’s uncle is______________.

A. a strange man         B. a kind man    

C. a humorous man       D. a happy man

58. Peter and his uncle go home__________.

A. by car     B. on foot     C. by bike     D. by plan

59. Peter’s uncle____________there.

A. doesn’t know all the people     B. is unwelcome(不受欢迎的)

C. knows everybody          D. doesn’t want to live

60. Peter’s uncle wants to_____________.

A. make everybody happy        B. make everyone unhappy

C. make someone happy         D. make someone unhappy


Jack’s mother is ill. His father goes to New York and the boy has to look after her. He gets up early this morning, cooks breakfast for his sister and gives his mother some medicine(药)and water and then goes to school.

On the way to school, Jack meets Bob, one of his friends. Bob asks , “Are you later this morning, too?”

“Yes, I am.”

“I am sure Mr. Brown will be angry(生气)at us,”says Bob, “We can’t go to school”

“Where are we going, then?”

“To the zoo. There are many monkeys in it. We’ll have a good time there”

“We can’t do that,”says Jack, “or we’ll fall behind(落后) our classmates. Mr. Brown is good. He wants us to be good, too.”

Bob thinks Jack is right and they go to school.

61. Jack is late for school because(因为)___________________.

A. he gets up late    B. he goes to the zoo

C. he meets Bob     D. he looks after his mother and sister

62. Where does Jack meet Bob?

A. On the way to the cinema      B. On the way to school

C. On the way home            D. At Bob’s home

63. Bob doesn’t want to go to school because_________________.

A. he wants to go home       B. he wants to look after his mother

C. he wants to play outside     D. he doesn’t like Mr. Brown.

64. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

A. Jack is good to his mother and his sister.

B. Jack doesn’t go to the zoo.

C. Jack and Bob go to the zoo at last.

D. Bob wants to go to play in the zoo.

65. What do you think of Jack after reading the story?

A. He is a good student      B. He is a bad student

C. He is good at cooking     D. He is tall and strong




song   paint(V.绘画)  classmate    play   Saturday  sing  friend     

musician(音乐家)  swim     same


I have four good  66 . They’re Jennifer, Victor, Cindy and Leila. We are in the 67_  class. So we’re _68  too. Jennifer swims very well, she want to join the 69_ club. Then she can swim on  70 or Sundays. Victor wants to join the art club because he is good at  71 . Cindy is a pop music fun. She can sing a lot of_ 72 _. So she wants to join the 73  club. Leila wants to join the music club because she  74  the violin very well. And she wants to be  75  when she grows up(长大).I like them.  



Millie: 76._______________, Sandy?

Sandy: Fine, thank you.

Millie: 77._______________?

Sandy: Yes, I like sports very much.

Millie: 78.________________?

Sandy: I like playing football, volleyball and basketball.

Millie: 79_________________?

Sandy: I play volleyball on Sundays.

Millie: Do you play basketball every day?

Sandy: 80.____________. It’s so interesting.



假如你是Amy 根据提示给你的笔友Daniel 写一封电子邮件关于你的学校生活,要点如下。在午饭时:at lunchtime

1. 我是月光中学(Moonlight Middle School)的一名学生。

2. 我们从星期一到星期五上课,每天八点钟上课,上午四节课下午三节课。我们星期六和星期天不上课。在学校我们学习八门课,我最喜欢的课是生物和地理。

3. 我们在学校吃午饭,午饭时经常彼此聊天。

4. 下午3:30我们做课外活动。我经常和同学们打乒乓球。我一周打两次球。我认为运动有益于健康。

5. 我们每天放学后有许多的作业要求。希望有很多时间和父母交流。




二、单选21-25 CDACA   26-30 DBDCB   31-35 ACBBA   

三、完型36-40CCABA   41-45 ABDAC  

四、阅读 46-50 BCCAD   51-55 DCBDC   56-60 DCAAA

61-65 DBCCA


66. friends  67. same  68. classmates  69. swimming 70. Saturdays

71. painting   72. songs   73.singing   74. plays 75. a musician.


76. How are you?

77. Do you like sports?

78. Which sports do you like?

79. When do you play volleyball?

80. Yes, I am.


▍标签:初中英语  期中试卷



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