北京大学国际关系学院伯杰纪念奖学金(Samuel R. “Sandy” Berger Memorial Fellowship),由伯杰家族委托美国中美教育交流基金向北京大学基金会(美国)捐赠。该奖学金项目在北京大学设立,旨在纪念美国著名国务活动家、美国前总统克林顿国家安全顾问萨缪尔·桑迪·伯杰先生,褒奖有志于推动中美合作和友好的中美优秀青年。点我回顾2020年伯杰奖学金颁发仪式~
“伯杰奖学金”项目面向北京大学国际关系学院中国籍本科、硕士、博士生开放。申请者研究领域需要与国际关系或美国研究相关。申请人须在2021 年4月25日(星期日)17:00之前,以电子邮件方式向igcu@pku.edu.cn提交申请(申请表1份+英文短文1篇)。截止日期之后收到的任何申请将不予考虑。
更多关于奖学金申请规定、申请资格与要求、流程细节方面的信息,请详细阅读本文第二部分。本通知如有未尽事宜,请联系北京大学中外人文交流研究基地办公室(B110)。(联系邮箱:maqianying@pku.edu.cn 马老师)
The Samuel R. “Sandy” Berger Memorial Fellowship
Administered by Institute for Global Cooperation and Understanding, Peking University
塞缪尔·"桑迪"·伯杰纪念奖学金将为每位获奖学生提供1500美元/学年的资助。在2020年首次颁发奖学金的仪式上,选出了四位同学,对其进行了授奖。接下来每年将选出两位学生授奖。The Samuel R. “Sandy” Berger Memorial Fellowship provides each selected fellow $1,500 for one academic year. For the first inaugural award in 2020, four fellows will be selected. Two fellows will be selected for every subsequent year.• “伯杰奖学金”项目面向北京大学国际关系学院中国籍本科、硕士、博士生开放。申请者学习或研究领域需要与国际关系或美国研究相关。• 奖学金获得者可将资助用于:1)实地调研;2)论文撰写;3)参加会议。• 如获资助,每位获奖者须在一年内提交一篇自选题目英文论文,论文领域包括:中美关系、美国研究、美国文化与社会。• 获奖者将参加美中教育交流基金会所主办的“美国研究网络”(American Studies Network)年度会议,并在会上展示论文、介绍研究成果。Eligibility and Requirements- The Berger Fellowship is open to all Chinese undergraduate, graduate students, doctoral candidates and post-doctoral scholars at the School of International Studies, Peking University involved with the study and research in International Relations and American Studies.- Fellowship recipients may use the funds for: i) field research, ii) dissertation completion, and iii) conference participation.- If selected to receive the fellowship, each recipient will be required to submit a research paper on a topic of their choice in the area of International Relations as related to U.S.-China relations, American Studies, or American culture and society. The fellows will conduct research and write their papers during the year.- The fellows will attend the U.S.-China Education Trust (USCET)’s Annual American Studies Network conference sponsored present their research.• 每位申请人须完整填写并提交中文申请表或英文申请表 (请进入公众号后台回复关键词“伯杰奖学金”获取)• 每位申请人须提交一份英文短文,长度不超过500字,内容涉及以下几方面:1) 申请者感兴趣的研究与学习领域;2)申请者的奖学金使用计划;3) 伯杰奖学金对申请者未来职业生涯的影响。• 申请人须在2021 年4月25日(周日)17:00之前,以电子邮件方式向igcu@pku.edu.cn提交申请(申请表1份+英文短文1篇)。截止日期之后收到的任何申请将不予考虑。- Interested persons must submit their applications in electronic form in Chinese or English no later than 17:00, 25th April 2021 to the following link: igcu@pku.edu.cn Any applications received after the deadline date will not be considered.- Each applicant must provide the application form.- Each applicant must write a short essay in English of no more than 500 words addressing the following areas: i) his or her area of study interests, ii) what does he or she plan to do with the fellowship funds, and iii) how he or she thinks the fellowship award will impact their academic career.