

中印君 中印对话 2022-09-15

以中印为方法   以世界为目的

From China and India

to the world as a whole

文/ 彻丽• 赫特卡丽

By Cherry Hitkari


Being home to 50-60 percent wild elephants and about 20 percent domesticated ones, India has devised one of the strictest laws to protect elephants in Asia. Legally, elephants have been granted the highest protection with their inclusion under the Wildlife Protection Act, 1975. There exists a strict ban on poaching, trading, and trafficking of elephants with a hefty fine and incarceration of up to seven years. The State Forest Department in every state acts as the first respondent in cases of any violation of their safety.

为了解决大象栖息地丧失问题并致力保护大象走廊,印度政府于1992 年启动了“大象项目”,以期保护象群的传统迁徙路径,并将人象冲突的程度降至最低。该项目建立了25个大象保护区,占地约5.8万平方公里。

In 1992, the Government of India launched the Project Elephant to address the issue of habitat loss and preserve elephant corridors so as to protect the traditional migratory path of the herds and minimise the extent of Human-Elephant Conflict (HEC). It created 25 Elephant Reserves, covering an approximate area of 58,000 sq km.

2021 年2 月16 日,印度孟买,人们参加各类活动庆祝象神甘尼许的诞辰。(VCG)

此外,监测非法猎杀大象项目被纳入《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》。在各方共同努力下,印度大象的数量出现了增长。2016 年,印度正式将 8月12日定为世界大象日,旨在提升公众保护大象的意识。

Project Elephant has also incorporated the Monitoring of Illegal Killing of Elephants (MIKE) as part of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna Flora (CITES). With concerted efforts, the population of elephants in India has seen a positive growth. In 2016, India formally adopted August 12 as the World Elephant Day with the aim to conserve the mammals as well as to spread awareness about their protection.


For China, since the 1980s, conservation efforts have been made to preserve the small elephant population that inhabits in the country. Local authorities in areas with elephant populations such as Xishuangbanna have not only made efforts to relocate human population from the traditional habitat of the elephants but have also collaborated with private insurance companies to provide insurance to farmers whose crops are destroyed by wandering elephants.

2021 年7 月15 日,云南省森林消防总队野生亚洲象监测分队拍摄的大象在林中悠闲漫步。(图片由云南省森林消防总队提供)

《中华人民共和国野生动物保护法(2016年修订本)》保障了大象这一野生动物可据其习性获得生存、繁殖、医疗保健等必要条件,明确反对虐待大象的行为,并阐明了如何保护象群栖息地。据新华社报道,截至 2021年,中国境内大象的数量与上世纪80年代相比几乎翻了一番。

The 2016 amendment to the Wildlife Protection Law of 1988 ensures that the wildlife be provided with the necessary conditions for living, breeding, healthcare, etc. as per their behaviour, in addition to action against their mistreatment as well as protection of their habitats. According to a report by Xinhua, the population of elephants in China has nearly doubled from the 1980s to 2021.


2020 saw a rare journey of the animal  as a herd of 14 elephants of varying sizes and ages set out for a journey from their home in southwestern China’s Yunnan Province, baffling scientists and conservationists about the possible reason for such migration. Cameras caught them in certain adorable moments such as playing in mud and taking a nap together which melted hearts across the world.


The author is a postgraduate student of East Asian Studies at University of Delhi, India.



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