The 6th International STEM in Education Conference
STEM 2020: Changing the Story | July 9 - 11
The University of British Columbia | Vancouver, Canada
We invite you to submit a proposal to present at The 6th International STEM in Education Conference in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada ( The conference will focus on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education across formal and informal contexts and its implications for academia, business, industry, and society. We invite K-12 and post-secondary educators, students, and researchers from formal and informal education sectors, business and industry leaders, and representatives of non-profit, private, and public agencies. STEM 2020 is an opportunity to share and discuss innovative practices and research initiatives that advance STEM education. We call for proposals for papers and posters, panels and symposia, and workshops and innovative showcases. Proposals will be peer reviewed. The potential contributors are encouraged to bring and share their stories while considering the following themes:• Empirical research in STEM education• Approaches and methodologies for STEM education research• Innovative pedagogies and curricula in STEM education• Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary STEM education• STEM and STEA(art)M education• STEM education and social issues• STEM education and the environment• STEM education and industry partnerships• STEM Teacher Education and professional development• STEM education in informal contexts.The conference will create opportunities for sharing:• Information and knowledge through keynote addresses and presentations from world leaders, experts, and innovators in STEM education.• Effective STEM curricular and pedagogical practices and strategies in and across a variety of education settings.• Professional development approaches for STEM educators in a range of contexts and settings.• Experiences and networking among participants, local and global.Call for Papers closes November 3, 2019. Presenters whose papers are accepted will be invited to submit their full papers to be published in the peer-reviewed online STEM 2020 Conference Proceedings. Guidelines are available on the conference website: http://stem2020.ubc.ca转载声明:本文转载自「北师大教育学部」,仅供教育科研学习,原文版权归属原作者和原发刊所有!