
名师讲堂•新年特辑 | 迎新春探寻新思想,战疫情探索新思路,与一流学者线上面对面

名师讲堂•新年特辑 | 迎新春探寻新思想,战疫情探索新思路,与一流学者线上面对面

华东师大上海国际首席技术官学院 2022-01-16 21:00





Baojun Jiang is an associate professor of marketing at the Olin Business School at Washington University in St. Louis. He received an M.S. in physics and an M.S. in electrical engineering from Stanford University, an M.B.A. from the University of Texas at Austin, and an M.S. and Ph.D. in information systems from Carnegie Mellon University. His current research interests include behavioral economics, the sharing economy, platform-based business models, competitive strategy, and marketing-operations interface. His research has been published in top-tier journals such as Management ScienceMarketing ScienceJournal of Marketing ResearchJournal of Marketing, and Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. He serves as a Senior Editor at Production and Operations Management and an Associate Editor at Service Science and Decision Sciences. He is also on the Editorial Review Boards of Marketing Scienceand Journal of Marketing Research.


The digital content market has grown dramatically in recent years. Many platforms (e.g., YouTube, Twitch, and Instagram) show ads when consumers watch the content on their platforms, and they share ad revenue with content creators to incentivize them to create and share content. These platforms generally adopt either a uniform-advertising format (i.e., the platforms display the same number of ads irrespective of content quality) or a differentiated-advertising format (i.e., the platforms display the number of ads based on content quality). This paper shows that, regardless of the ad format, an increase in content homogeneity on the platform can increase the content creators’ profits and the consumer surplus. By contrast, an increase in content homogeneity can benefit the platform under uniform advertising but not under differentiated advertising. Moreover, the equilibrium ad revenue-sharing rate, content quality, and the number of ads shown for each content will be lower under differentiated advertising than under uniform advertising. The platform’s profit and the consumer surplus are also lower under differentiated advertising than under uniform advertising. However, depending on the level of content homogeneity on the platform, the content creators’ profits can be higher or lower under differentiated advertising. In an extension, we also analyze an emerging ad format in which the platform allows content creators themselves to decide the number of ads on their content. Interestingly, we show that this new ad format can make all the market participants (i.e., the platform, the content creators, and the consumers) worse off.  


Prof. Jian Ni received his Ph.D. in Business from Carnegie Mellon University. He holds joint appointment at Carey Business School and Department of Economics of Johns Hopkins University. He specializes in empirical and theoretical analysis of healthcare, financial service, education, environmental and energy, technology and emerging markets. His recent research interests include pricing, (non-)monetary incentive design, data analytics, people analytics, social media, mobile platforms and empirical industrial organization. He was named a 2017 MSI Young Scholar and 2021 MSI Scholar, and was a recipient of 2020 Johns Hopkins Catalyst Award.


Healthcare is arguably one of the most important personal services that consumers buy, and it has a pervasive impact on quality of life and the economy. This is amplified by the current pandemic situation. Given this, business and policymakers try to foster the provision and improvement of healthcare from all aspects, especially in the era of digital technology, big data, social media and artificial intelligence. I will share some of my understanding and research in (broadly defined) healthcare business, and discuss how academic research can interact with and meet the needs of healthcare business practice. setting.



崔教授是《生产与运作管理》(Production and Operations Management) 部门主编,《服务科学》(Service Science) 部门主编,《管理科学》(Management Science) 客座副主编,以及Journal of Marketing ResearchJournal of Marketing ScienceJournal of Operations Management等学术期刊的编委会委员。崔教授研究领域主要集中在将行为和实验经济学与商业管理决策相结合的行为量化研究领域。崔教授是国际上市场营销和运营管理领域在此研究方向做出早期突出贡献的学者之一,并继续对此领域研究的进一步推广与发展做出持续的贡献。崔教授曾在Journal of MarketingJournal of Marketing ResearchMarketing ScienceManagement ScienceProduction and Operations ManagementStrategic Management Journal等多个国际顶级学术期刊上发表论文并多次获得国际营销界顶级学报、美国市场营销科学研究院、美国市场营销协会等颁发的学术荣誉及奖励。其中包括2011 美国市场营销科学研究院 (MSI) 青年学者称号 (此奖项是授予“市场营销学界下一代学术带头人”)、3M 学者奖、《管理科学》2009-2019年连续多年功勋服务奖及杰出服务奖、《市场营销科学》杰出服务奖、2004 美国营销协会AMA-Sheth博士联盟学者奖等。此外,崔教授在2018年被美国市场营销科学研究院授予MSI首届学者奖 (此奖项是授予“市场营销学界影响未来研究方向的优秀学者”),在2017、2018、2019年连续三年被明大卡尔森管理学院CHEMBA项目EMBA学员评选为“最受爱戴恩师奖”教授,2017年荣获明大卡尔森管理学院年度“最优学术研究奖”,2019年被明尼苏达大学教育创新中心授予“优秀教学和服务奖”,以及在2020年荣获明尼苏达大学卡尔森管理学院“优秀教学奖”。



We investigated 254 BOM target documents published in five premier operations management-related journals (MS, OR, JOM, POM, and MSOM) between 2000-2020 and their 8,567 cited and 5,076 citing references to examine the evolvement of research topics in behavioral operations management (BOM) and to predict the future trend. Moreover, we analyze the coauthor network to explore the evolutionary trends of author collaboration and their research focuses. Our research finds that the most studied OM topics in early years include inventory management, supply chain management, and revenue management, most of which with newsvendors modeling framework applied, and the mostly studied behavior factors are heuristics and references dependency. In recent years, however, the topics of productivity, service, healthcare, quality, new product, and sustainability have received more attention, and more behavioral constructs were incorporated into the studies. In addition, significant co-authorship networking effect was discovered, and academic relationship is also a non-trivial factor in the co-authorship network. The flow of newly discovered knowledge from fundamental disciplines such as economics and psychology to applied disciplines such as marketing and operations and the flow vice versa are also examined, which provides interesting information about where BOM research may likely be heading.


车海博士现为加州大学河滨分校Gary Anderson商学院市场营销副教授(终身教授),之前曾在加州大学伯克利分校、南加州大学和印第安纳大学任职。他运用统计、计量经济学和微观经济学对于网上销售、网络游戏和社交化媒体数据进行定量化分析,已发表国际核心期刊论文十五篇,另外发表多篇会议论文。个人被授予美国市场营销学会年轻学者称号,获得多项美国市场营销学会、中国国家自然科学和加利福尼亚大学颁发的研究基金。现担任美国营销学科杂志Journal of Academy of Marketing ScienceCustomer Needs & Solutions编委会成员,并担任多个国际核心刊物在职评审人。车海博士具有非常丰富的教学经验,目前在安德森商学院讲授本科生和MBA的市场营销管理和市场营销研究课程、以及博士生的市场营销实证模型课程,他与国内的高校在研究和教学上有着密切的合作,现担任复旦大学管理学院特聘教授,并在复旦大学、交通大学高级金融学院和安泰学院、长江商学院、中欧商学院、中山大学、合肥工业大学、上海财经大学、上海科技大学等地做学术报告或短期讲学。车海博士现担任安德森商学院营销分析硕士学位委员会(Steering Committee on Master of Science in Business Analytics)主席和加州大学河滨大学研究委员会(Committee on Research)主席。


From time to time, policymakers had to repeal pro-environment policies, such as a nominal fee on single-use grocery bags, regarded as a “Green Nudge,” due to industry pressure and community resistance. In addition to the intended consumer behavioral change, a green nudge can indirectly generate significant unintended consumption behaviors (i.e., spillovers). After a repeal, the spillovers may persist or dissipate over time. If a negative spillover carries over after the repeal, we may be worse off than before. In this study, we ask the following research questions: 1) Can repealing a green policy reverse negative consumption spillovers? and 2) Do firms adjust marketing strategies when the negative consumption spillovers carry over after the repeal? We analyze the implementation and repeal of a green nudge, i.e., a nominal 5-cent fee on single-use grocery bags, in Dallas. We find that the green nudge implementation increased trash bag sales (a negative spillover) almost immediately. Additionally, the increase in trash bag sales persisted after the policy was repealed, albeit at a lower level than when the green nudge policy was in place. Further, private labels take advantage of the repeal to increase prices. We discuss implications for policymakers, firms, and regulators.


Shibo Li is John R. Gibbs Professor of Marketing at the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University Bloomington. He obtained Ph.D. in Industrial Administration (marketing) from Carnegie Mellon University. His research interests include consumer dynamics, digital marketing, customer relationship management, marketing analytics, shopper marketing, and quantitative models in marketing. His research has appeared in Marketing ScienceJournal of Marketing ResearchJournal of MarketingInformation Systems ResearchJournal of the Academy of Marketing ScienceJournal of Business Venturing, and Journal of Interactive Marketing. Prof. Li was selected as a MSI Young Scholar by the Marketing Science Institute in 2009, and won the Faculty Research Award in 2012, the Arthur M. Weimer Faculty Fellowship from 2011-2016, and the 3M Junior Faculty Grant Award at the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University in 2008-2010. He was the winner of the John A. Howard Doctoral Dissertation Award of the American Marketing Association in 2004, and received the CART Research Frontier Award from Carnegie Mellon University in 2006. His dissertation also won the William Cooper Dissertation Award at Carnegie Mellon University in 2003. Prof. Li served on the editorial review board of Marketing Science from 2007-2008 and is a member of the editorial review board of Journal of Marketing from 2018 to present.


The advancement of digital technologies has led to the digitization of businesses. Firms and organizations are interested in how to utilize the big data from consumer navigation path online or offline to improve revenues and social welfare. Such big data (e.g., clickstream, mobile, video, audio, RFID) presents important and unique opportunities and challenges to managers and academic researchers. The presenter will use a number of his own cutting-edge research publications and ongoing projects to illustrate the enormous value of businesses and research in this rapidly growing domain.



中国高等院校市场学研究会(Chinese Marketing Association of Universities,英文缩写CMAU)成立于1984年元月,是经中华人民共和国民政部批准,由全国各高等院校从事市场营销学教学、研究的专家、学者及企事业单位自愿组成的非营利性学术团体。学会的主管单位是中华人民共和国教育部,现任会长是北京大学光华管理学院符国群教授。




  • 通过定期(如年会)或不定期(如不同专题的研讨会)的形式,为全国高校从事市场营销教学、研究的专业人员提供交流的机会;

  • 通过出版物,为全国高校从事市场营销教学、研究的专业人员和社会各界的有关人士提供发表研究成果的园地;

  • 组建全国性的市场营销教学、研究案例库、资料库,建立全国性的市场营销研究信息网络;

  • 通过各种方式为社会各界培训市场营销教学、市场营销管理实践人才;

  • 以各种方式为企业界及其他部门提供市场营销相关的专业援助,如咨询等;

  • 收集国内外的市场营销理论的研究动态,与国外有关市场营销研究的机构、团体建立不同形式的合作、交流关系。











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图文编辑:CMAU  审校:张希贤




