
English Learning | 广以学长学姐谈英语能力提升

The following article is from GT生涯发展 Author 生涯君 Mr.CC
































1. 刚入学时,英语的哪些方面比较薄弱?











2. 如果上课时或者其他情况下,听不懂教授在讲什么,你会怎么做?



如果是比较长的或完全无法理解的句子,我会马上举手问“Excuse me, could you repeat again?”疫情期间,如果是有录播的网课就更好了,可以课后反复听。即便不是网课,也可以跟教授商量把课录下来。


















老师一般会在课前把这节课的课件发在Moodle上。用iPad记笔记的同学可以直接看课件里的解析,或者对照老师黑板上的板书,这样应该可以解决大部分问题。如果还是不懂,先做好标记,等下课或者office hour问老师。可以叫上同学一起去请教老师,请教过后一起解决问题。





3. 在课堂中,遇到不会的生词时,你会怎么办?你会专门花时间来识记学科常用词汇吗?



我会单独花时间记单词。比起死记硬背单词的中英文,我更喜欢用一种更开放的记忆法:在背单词中英文的同时,通过与其相关的概念、符号、含义来增强记忆,并且尝试“用英文解释英文”或者“用图像解释英文”。比如数学的专业名词/概念“orthogonal”,我会记下“<v,w>=0”,“inner product”,”⊥”和“ATA=I”。这样就可以把记单词和学科的学习结合在一起,一石二鸟。













4. 你是否曾经尝试过学习中文教材来辅助理解,效果如何?推荐其他同学使用吗?






不推荐。国外的教材一般很厚,写得很全面很仔细;例子也很多,甚至到了冗余的地步。就拿微积分来说,如果仔细读《Calculus Early Transcendentals》和《托马斯微积分》的话,其实会觉得它们比同济的教材更容易懂。吃透一本教材,知识就已经很扎实了。如果想找中文的辅助资料,可以去b站上随便找一个播放量高的课程,质量都很好。如果想找帮助理解英文的专业资料,可以去YouTube搜索3blue1brown的视频。







5. 大一第一学期每天大概花多少时间学英语?对于刚来适应英文教学环境的新生,你有什么建议?你还有哪些小秘诀?




大一每天学习英语一到两小时。看美剧很有用。此外,我会多去office hour,或者跟教授的小孩玩。
















如果不是为了考试(雅思、GRE),没必要特意划分一段时间来学习英语。建议自己手写学科笔记,既能加深对学科的印象,又能练习英语。多参加能练习英语的课(TECHNICAL ENGLISH COMMUNICATION),多参加学校举办的活动(pen pal、配音大赛、辩论赛、演讲等)。






《English Learning | 还在担心广以的全英文教学?这里有颗定心丸!》

《Experience Sharing | 请收好这份英语学习秘籍!》

《English Learning | 适应广以全英文教学,学长学姐现身说法》




(请各位同学到Career& Learning Center的Moodle site浏览相关资源)

"My English level in high school is just average. What should I do if I can't keep up with the English teaching?"

"How to make good use of the preparatory semester to prepare for professional courses?"

"I can't read English textbooks. Should I buy Chinese textbooks?"


These are common problems for first-year students. But don't worry, the seniors have gone through this adaptation period and have lots of experiences to share with you. 

Today, the Career & Learning Center of Guangdong Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (GTIIT) invited ten seniors from various grades and programs to share their English learning experiences. Come and have a look!

 Introduction of GTers 

Zhan Tianrui

Cohort 2020 in Mathematics with Computer Science

Lin Jiongxi

Cohort 2021 in Materials Science and Engineering

Li Huihong

Cohort 2020 in Biotechnology and Food Engineering

Fang Yiqi

Cohort 2021 in Biotechnology and Food Engineering

Huang Qiumian

Cohort 2021 in Mechanical Engineering and Robotics

Li Peichen

Cohort 2021 in Mechanical Engineering and Robotics

Wei Xuwu

Cohort 2021 in Mechanical Engineering and Robotics

Yang Yu

Cohort 2021 in Mechanical Engineering and Robotics

Yu Runyang

Cohort 2021 in Materials Science and Engineering

Yue Chongsheng

Cohort 2020 in Materials Science and Engineering


1. When you enrolled in the program, what was the most challenging part of learning English?

Zhan Tianrui

My English listening was very poor; I had an accent and limited vocabulary. Later, I found that I have limited "soft power" in English, such as English communication etiquette, email format, cultural differences, etc.

Li Huihong

My English listening, reading, and writing skills were weak. In the preparatory semester, I got up at 6:00 every morning to do my English homework, but I almost failed in English.

Li Peichen

The main problem was vocabulary. But don't worry, many courses in the first year are related to the courses in high school. We need to translate the Chinese words into English and get familiar with them.

Yang Yu

Face-to-face communication with foreigners is different from man-machine dialogue. You may have problems with accents and can't catch up with the words as they speak too fast.

Yue Chongsheng

I often got stuck in language expression and didn't know how to translate it. Very often, my words didn't make sense.

2. What would you do if you couldn't understand what the professor was talking about?

Zhan Tianrui

If it is a relatively a short sentence or a word, I would remember the pronunciation and then ask the professor or classmates after class or check it myself. However, sometimes it does not work well. First, it is challenging to remember accurate pronunciation if the teacher has an accent. Second, the teacher sometimes forgets what he said after class.

If it is a relatively long sentence or I can't understand it, I will immediately raise my hand and ask "Excuse me, could you repeat it?" During the pandemic, it would be better if there was a recorded online class, and you could listen to it again and again after class. Even if it is not an online class, you can discuss it with the professor to record it.

After class, we should also consider whether the professor has enough time to talk to us. We can mark the things we don't understand and then ask the professor by email or make another appointment with them.

Lin Jiongxi

Take the initiative to ask questions. The professor usually uses a different expression or body language to explain the content to you.

Li Huihong

I uploaded a teacher's course to the YouTube in the preparatory semester, and the website automatically provided more accurate subtitles. I learned many commonly used words through subtitles and matched pronunciation with spelling. When communicating with professors, the most important thing is to be thick-skinned. Although you may make grammatical mistakes, be sure to speak up.

Fang Yiqi

Firstly, we must try to avoid this situation. If you do not understand the terminology, no matter how many times you repeat it, you will not understand it. So you should prepare in advance and become familiar with these words during the winter and summer vacations, which can shorten the reaction time in class. Professors usually put the terminology on Moodle, but you have to enroll in the course to be able to access it. You can ask the Undergraduate Department to talk to the professor first and get the terminology to memorize in advance.

Secondly, when talking with professors, you should focus on the key points and ignore the words which are not necessary, such as pet phrases, adverbs, etc. Also, taking two similar courses simultaneously is a good idea.

In addition, students might forget that communication is a two-way process. In many cases, it is not that you can't understand the professor's words, but the professor can't understand you. Therefore, when speaking with non-native English-speaking teachers, using more simple sentences is more accessible to both of you.

Huang Qiumian

I repeat it and ask the teacher to check whether my understanding is correct. Or I look at the sentences in the textbook that have similar meanings to the teacher's expression.

Li Peichen

Actually, you don't need to understand each word. A lot of content in the first year is the same as you have learned in high school. You only need to understand what the teacher is talking about, and your brain will automatically keep up. Now, you need to replace the knowledge you are familiar with in the English version. This process may be difficult at first, but it can be very productive after two or three weeks. Similarly, some non-native English-speaking teachers have an accent, which may initially sound awkward. Still, as your "listening memory" is gradually formed, you will not only be able to understand it quickly but even feel that it is interesting to see the different speaking styles of teachers.

Wei Xuwu

Commonly, the teacher's first language is not English. To ensure you can understand it, they don't use complex sentences on purpose. Ask if you don't understand. Even if you ask the most straightforward question, they praise you for asking a good question.

Yang Yu

Teachers usually post the coursebook on Moodle before class. Students who use iPad to take notes can directly read the analysis in the courseware or check the notes on the blackboard, which should solve most problems. If you still don't understand, mark it first and ask your teacher after class or during office hours. You can invite your classmates to seek advice from the teacher and then discuss the problems together with your classmates.

Yu Runyang

After the class, you can ask the professor to speak slowly. If it is difficult to understand, you can ask the professor to write down the main points on the paper.

Yue Chongsheng

You can ask the professor to use a more vivid way to express it, such as drawing pictures and giving examples.

3. In class, what would you do when you don't know the words? Do you dedicate time to memorizing common vocabulary in your subject?

Zhan Tianrui

I usually try to memorize the new words in three phase: the first is the pre-class stage. I briefly previewed the learning materials provided by the professor and highlighted the new word to get familiar with it. The second one is the class stage. When I do not know a new word, I will ask the teacher directly if it is a crucial point and may affect my understanding. The third one is the after-school stage. I reread the new words and try to find them in the learning materials or on the Internet, and record the new words in word memorizing software for review.

I would dedicate time to memorizing words. Rather than just spending time memorizing word by word, I prefer to use a more flexible memory method. While memorizing English words, I improve my memory through related concepts, symbols, and meanings. I try to use a monolingual dictionary in English or draw pictures to explain it in English. For example, if there is a mathematical terminology/concept "orthogonal", I will write down "<v,w>=0", "inner product", "⊥" and "ATA=I". This way, I can combine word memorization with subject learning, killing two birds with one stone.

Li Huihong

Ideally, we should have a new vocabulary book and write the new words down whenever I don't understand them in class so I can review them. But I'm lazy and scan it if the new words are unimportant. I found the word looked familiar a few days later, so I rechecked it and slowly remembered it. I highly recommend memorizing common vocabulary in the subject as I struggled with it.

Fang Yiqi

Many words in biology are formed by word formation, and they often evolved from languages such as Greek or Latin. If you are interested, you can learn about word formation. For me, the first is to use a dictionary, the second is to memorize terminology, and the third is to use word formation to infer Chinese meanings. Although word formation is not always accurate, it is relatively precise in biochemistry.

I didn't memorize the words because I took the biology class twice. Word memorization is not the main product of attending the class twice but a by-product.

Li Peichen

My approach is to skip it without affecting the coherence. Listening to the teacher in the class is like solving a reading comprehension question. Maybe there is an answer in the following context. Of course, if the new word involves some key concepts, you can check it, but you must use a more professional electronic dictionary or search Google or Bing. There are also some tips: you can try to add the corresponding chapter or course name where the word appears when searching in the browser to improve the retrieval accuracy. If you can find English results, try to search in English, even if you can't understand it. You can use Edge to translate the full text. Don't use Baidu, and the search accuracy is not high. If you want to use it, you can use some web plugins for redirection.

I didn't dedicate my time to memorizing words. I just read and remember it in class or when I review it. The time spent in English class is only more than an hour a day, but because it is an English medium environment, if I am in class, I am learning English all the time.

Wei Xuwu

It is normal to see the new words. Just check them. If the word has a high frequency of repetition in the class or appears in the definition of concepts, you must memorize them. If there are no textbooks in the preparatory semester, you need to find the terminology for the subject to learn it. There are not many words, and it would be enough for two months to memorize 100 words. When the new semester starts, you will often see new words. As long as you know the general meaning of the sentence, there is no need to memorize it word by word. Each course has a textbook. Read the textbook to understand the keywords of each section. The teacher will explain them in class.

Yang Yu

If it takes too long to search the word, you can leave it after class.

4. Have you ever tried to read Chinese textbooks to help you understand the meaning? How effective is it? Do you recommend other students to use it?

Zhan Tianrui

I don't recommend it. Because of the heavy workload after class, memorizing words, definitions, and theorems in both Chinese and English is necessary. Also, Chinese textbooks often cannot 100% match what has been learned in the class, and it is like learning a new course with similar content. It is very time-consuming to search for the corresponding content in English. Worst of all, some key concepts, definitions, and symbols are used differently, or the translation is the exact opposite, causing unnecessary confusion.

Lin Jiongxi

I don't recommend it. You have to overcome the language barrier.

Li Peichen

I don't recommend it. English textbooks are generally very thick because they are written in detail; there are also many examples, sometimes too many. Take calculus as an example. If you read Calculus Early Transcendental and Thomas Calculus, you would find them more accessible to understand than Tongji's textbooks. You would have solid knowledge after reading a textbook. If you want to see supporting materials in Chinese, you can go to Bilibili to search for any courses with high playback volume, and the quality is excellent. If you want to get professional materials to help you understand the English version, you can go to YouTube to search for 3blue1brown's videos.

Wei Xuwu

I tried it, but it didn't work well. If you cannot fully understand the content of the Chinese textbook in a short period, it could cause a negative impact in class because the problem-solving method and learning sequence are different. I suggest studying the English textbooks first and then exploring other areas based on the learning requirement.

Yang Yu

If you can find the same knowledge points, it would be easier for you to understand them. I suggest you use it in the preparatory and first semesters to overcome some learning difficulties. Try not to use it afterward unless the subject is challenging.

Yue Chongsheng

To a certain extent, it could be beneficial. I have good academic performance in some subjects (organic chemistry, basic materials). However, finding a textbook that matches what you have learned is very time-consuming and challenging. Remember that the Chinese textbooks can only be the supporting materials to help us understand. The course content and the materials provided by the teacher are more important!

5. How much time did you spend learning the English language every day in the first semester in the first year? What advice would you give new students who are used to the English teaching environment? Any other tips?

Zhan Tianrui

It usually takes 30 minutes to prepare for each class. You need to maintain a calm and positive attitude, and you should listen and talk bravely and practice more. The university will design English classes for each program each semester, and Dr. Connie's class is excellent. Many apps have a word book function to memorize new words. Every day, you can read an English article you are interested in and chat with your friends in English.

Lin Jiongxi

I studied English for one to two hours every day in my first year. Watching American TV shows is very useful. I also use office hours frequently or play with the professor's children.

Li Huihong

In my second year, to prepare for IELTS and TOEFL, every day, I spent an hour or two memorizing English words. If there is an online class in the preparatory semester, you must force yourself to listen even if you don't understand it. You can use chrome to open subtitles and match each English word. Learning English is very time-intensive, and it should be worthwhile.

Fang Yiqi

I didn't spend enough time on English learning in the early stage, which brought a lot of trouble afterward. When practicing speaking skills, you can use Google Translate. If it can be accurately translated into text, pronunciation is not much problem. Phonetic symbols can help us reduce accent. Before speaking, you must figure out which sentence structure to use. When reading literature, you can scan it first and then look at the most critical parts of the text to save time. Be bold. As one teacher said, "Shy people can't learn."

Huang Qiumian

I spent an average of 20 minutes a day learning English. I need to preview the textbook to understand the key sentences and write more emails to the professor. I also watch American dramas, listen to English songs and commentary of football games, and pay attention to authentic language expressions.

Li Peichen

I only spend more than an hour learning English daily. Because it is an English-medium environment, I am learning English all the time as long as I am in class.

Wei Xuwu

The concepts and examples in the textbook are your best helpers.

Yang Yu

You should read more English textbooks, try to be involved in an English environment, and don't develop the bad habit of opening translation software when reading emails and courseware.

Yu Runyang

I take half an hour to memorize words every day. You must be familiar with the new words. The best way is to preview these words. I usually use BaiCiZhan to remember words and watch English cartoons.

Yue Chongsheng

If it is not for the exams (IELTS, GRE), there is no need to dedicate much time to studying English. I suggest writing notes for the subject by yourself, which can not only have a better understanding of the subject but also practice English. You can join more English classes (Technical English Communication) and participate in more activities held by the university (pen pal, dubbing competition, debate competition, speech, etc.).

With improvement tips and peer support,

we believe you will have a great performance in English learning!

Related Resources

Tips for Adapting GTIIT's English-Medium Instruction

Experience Sharing by senior students

English Learning Tips

Study Tips for new GTers

Experience sharing of the winner of the national English competition

Video and PPT materials of experience sharing

(For more resources, please visit the moodle site of Career & Learning Center


Text/Photos: GTIIT Career & Learning Center


