Bilingual | 港剧《新闻女王》爆火,网友:看的很爽,但有点浮夸
香港电视广播有限公司(以下简称“TVB”)的56周年台庆剧《新闻女王》(the Queen of News)近日在内地和香港热播,相关话题频频登上热搜榜。
Titled "The Queen of News," this drama series centers around the highly competitive world of news anchoring, delving into the fierce rivalry between seasoned news anchors Man Wai-sum (played by Charmaine Sheh) and Leung Ging-yan (played by Kenneth Ma) as they vie for the top spot in the news department.
Charmaine Sheh's character, known for her strong and career-focused persona, quickly becomes a beloved figure among viewers. Her memorable line, "Let me teach you what live broadcasting is all about," goes viral across online platforms, further adding to the buzz surrounding the drama.
General producer Chung Shu-Kai believes that it is the creators' responsibility to shed light on the obstacles women often encounter in the workplace. "The Queen of News" aims to portray how women overcome adversity and establish themselves in their careers, challenging societal stereotypes along the way.
However, some critics have accused the drama of exaggerating the realities of the news industry.
综合来源:澎湃新闻 红星新闻 东方网 中国新闻周刊
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