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Treatment EfficacyAnalysis of Traditional Chinese Medicine for Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia(COVID-19)
A novel coronavirus namedCOVID-19 was identified in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, which causedinfectious pneumonia and spread rapidly. However, there has been no consensuson the nomenclature of the novel coronavirus pneumonia (NCP) from the perspectiveof traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) so far. Academician Tong Xiaolinsuggested that the disease should be named as cold-dampness pestilence, andacademician Wang Qi called the disease pulmonary pestilence in the Manual forTraditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis and treatment of the NCP. In general,there is an agreement on the opinion that the NCP belongs to the category ofepidemic disease in TCM. As the special climate of Wuhan, where the localtemperature in last winter was higher than that of the previous winter, and therainfall was more frequent than snowfall, the syndromes of NCP patients oftenpresented the characteristics of dampness pathogen in TCM. Integrating theanalysis resulted from Professor Liu Qingquan and Dr. Xiang Qiong, we consider thatthe NCP (COVID-19) should be defined as dampness toxin pestilence. Dampnesstoxin runs through the comprehensive pathology of the NCP. Even in Gansu, aregion with dry climate, the researchers found that the characteristics ofdampness pathogen from NCP patients were similar to those in Wuhan.
TCM has accumulatedabundant clinical experiences and effective formulas on the prevention andtreatment of epidemic diseases. In the Ming Dynasty, Wu Youke, a famous Chinesemedicine doctor, believed that the pathogen of epidemic disease was differentfrom the six excesses, but was a kind of pestilent Qi that had high contagiousand powerful toxic features. Pestilent Qi is prone to encroaching specificorgans and involving multiple organs failure, and commonly breaks out inpopulated large cities. In 2004, a clinical study including 524 patients withsevere acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) showed that the duration of majorsymptoms in the group of patients treated by integrated Chinese and westernmedicine was significantly shorter than those in the group treated by westernmedicine alone. The satisfied therapeutic effects of TCM in preventing andtreating SARS suggested the superiority of TCM on severe infectious diseases.
In March 2020, theDiagnosis and Treatment Guideline of the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (Edition7) was released by the National Health Commission (NHC) of People’s Republic ofChina, in which Qingfei Paidu Decoction (Decoction for Clearing Lung andRemoving Toxin) and other TCM formulas were recommended to treat the NCP.Although it is necessary to consider the real pathological evolutions ofpatients based on the local climatic features and individual physicalcharacteristics of patients, inconsistency of syndrome types is prone toproducing cluttered Chinese medicine formulas.
TCM comprehension onpathological evolution of the NCP and medication paradigm were analyzed basedon syndrome differentiation. As the NCP belongs to the category of epidemicdisease, the pathogen is generally attributed to dampness toxin according tothe main symptom characteristics of this disease. TCM believes that the NCPlocates in the lung, and is closely related to the spleen and stomach, and itspathological changes involve in the heart, liver and kidney in the laterstages. Dampness pathogen can change into cold-dampness pathogen following theYin body constitution, and also become the dampness-heat pathogen following theYang body constitution. Clinical observation shows that dampness toxin candirectly invade into the middle energizer in NCP patients partly, and leads todysfunction of the Qi movement. If the treatment method is appropriate andsufficient healthy Qi gradually recovers, the pathogen will be driven out,consequently the patient will enter into the recovery period. At the same time,clinical manifestations appear some symptoms of Qi and Yin deficiency. Thus,the pathological evolution of the NCP in TCM can be summarized as dampnesstoxin invading defense exterior in early stage, and then enters the lungs andinfluences the spleen function, eventually involves the heart, liver andkidney, which causes Yang Qi collapse by excess pathogen and Yin and Yangseparating from each other. If the treatment is timely and suitable, sufficienthealthy Qi can eliminate the pathogen.
(Excerpted from ChineseMedicine, by Luo Erdan et al. )