
STONE ISLAND 全球店铺设计 |不同寻常的光与空间的呈现

OMA/AMO 意大利Luce e design 2023-03-15

Stone Island Chicago (c) Photo by Marco Cappelletti, courtesy OMA AMO and Stone Island

专研、实验与功用的融合是 Stone Island 的文化根基;品牌创立于 1982 年,致力于成为纤维与面料的终极研究者并将其用于创新设计。

A culture of research, experimentation and usability are the matrixes that have always defined Stone Island; the brand, established in 1982, destined to become a symbol of extreme research on fibres and textiles applied to innovative design.

Stone Island Chicago (c) Photo by Marco Cappelletti, courtesy OMA AMO and Stone Island

Stone Island Chicago (c) Photo by Marco Cappelletti, courtesy OMA AMO and Stone Island

早在社交媒体之前,Stone Island就基于品牌对研究和技术的投入,拥有了一群忠实的拥趸者。

Long before social media, Stone Island built a loyal community of followers, drawn by the brand’s devotion to research and technology. 

Stone Island Chicago (c) Photo by Marco Cappelletti, courtesy OMA AMO and Stone Island

Stone Island Chicago (c) Photo by Marco Cappelletti, courtesy OMA AMO and Stone Island

Stone Island Chicago (c) Photo by Marco Cappelletti, courtesy OMA AMO and Stone Island


The new stores – in Chicago, Seoul, Munich, Stockholm – complement Stone Island’s current online presence. Here, the physical and virtual journeys come together.



新的店铺更像是 Stone Island的新基地。店铺被打造成一个如祭坛般的空间,商品也以一种不同于常规店铺的陈列方式,空间与物结合带给客人一种神圣的仪式感和情感共鸣。

The new stores are the base for Stone Island’s community. Altar-like spaces and objects resonate with the rituals of the followers and appeal to new customers. 

Stone Island Chicago (c) Photo by Marco Cappelletti, courtesy OMA AMO and Stone Island

Stone Island Chicago (c) Photo by Marco Cappelletti, courtesy OMA AMO and Stone Island


Niches for archive pieces and prototypes – results of years of experimentation in Stone Island’s lab in Ravarino – and dedicated rooms for collaboration and processes highlight the brand’s dedication to innovation. The stores serve the community beyond opening hours; public presentations, salons, workshops and private events take place here.

Stone Island Chicago (c) Photo by Marco Cappelletti, courtesy OMA AMO and Stone Island

Stone Island Chicago (c) Photo by Marco Cappelletti, courtesy OMA AMO and Stone Island

Stone Island Chicago (c) Photo by Marco Cappelletti, courtesy OMA AMO and Stone Island

Stone Island Chicago (c) Photo by Marco Cappelletti, courtesy OMA AMO and Stone Island

应用于新店的设计思路反映了Stone Island对产品设计和对服装材料的试验研究。服装上架前,材料经过特殊的处理工艺以呈现不同的外观和性能。

The design guidelines applied to the new stores reflect Stone Island’s approach to product design and experimentation on materiality. Off-the-shelf materials go through unique treatments to acquire different appearances and properties.

Stone Island Chicago (c) Photo by Marco Cappelletti, courtesy OMA AMO and Stone Island

Stone Island Chicago (c) Photo by Marco Cappelletti, courtesy OMA AMO and Stone Island

Stone Island Chicago (c) Photo by Marco Cappelletti, courtesy OMA AMO and Stone Island

在这里你可以看到很多特殊的服装材料:– 尼龙单丝结构夹克,源于水过滤工艺,– 高反光或热感面料,颜色随温度的变化而变化 – 羽毛般轻盈的聚酯纤维面料,航空科技中用于保护机载计算机的真空镀 100% 不锈钢薄膜工艺的使用 – 非织造材料 Kevlar® 与聚酯纤维毛毡等。

Recycled paper and resins are compressed under high pressure to become Stone Island’s own defined ‘concrete’. Cork – the central material to the Stone Island stores – is burnt, sandblasted and coated, turning dark and textured, while remaining sound absorbent and humidity controlling. Corrugated steel panels, sand-coated, acquire a soft surface.


Stone Island Chicago (c) Photo by Marco Cappelletti, courtesy OMA AMO and Stone Island

Stone Island Chicago (c) Photo by Marco Cappelletti, courtesy OMA AMO and Stone Island

Stone Island Chicago (c) Photo by Marco Cappelletti, courtesy OMA AMO and Stone Island

空间最大的亮点是用一个巨大的水晶灯造型的数字显示器悬挂于天花板,既担任照明的功能,更是传递信息的载体,承担社交功能,用于播放Stone Island的文化、音乐和故事。

A chandelier-like digital display, suspended from the ceiling, broadcasts Stone Island’s culture, music, and storytelling to its community.

Status: Completed

Client: Stone Island

Location: Chicago

Program: Retail 

AMO Director: Samir Bantal

Project Leaders: Natalie Konopelski, Giulio Margheri, Mateusz Kiercz


Concept: Samir Bantal, Marina Bonet, Valerio Di Festa, Kael Fineout, Camille Filbien, Giulio Margheri, Mateusz Kiercz, Natalie Konopelski, Adam Kouki, Andrea Masini

Stores: Samir Bantal, Kael Fineout, Mateusz Kiercz, Jason Long (Managing Agent, Illinois), Andrea Masini, Giovanni Nembrini, Caterina Solini


Tim Hooijmans

Tim Teven Studio

Elvis Wesley

Studio Corkhino





柏林Axel Springer大楼|一项复杂的照明解决方案

里昂La Part Dieu购物中心|光与立面,打造购物焕新体验


Luce e design

Luce e design源于意大利,进入中国16年。旨在打造东方融合西方的平台,将意式设计的经典与传承以及东方设计的含蓄与内敛相结合,通过分享案例、资讯、访谈,了解最传统的设计手法,和极具创新的设计尝试。连接过去和现在,永续未来。



