熟词僻义 | hack除了非法入侵,还指什么?
The WikiLeaks co-founder is accused of hacking, not leaking, and that is a serious crime.
Someone — perhaps a set designer — hacked that stone into an ersatz relic of antiquity.
hack somebody to death
把某人砍死hack at the shrubs
砍灌木hack off dead branches
砍掉枯树枝hack one's way through the bushes
For example, the name Grub Street—a London street (now called Milton Street) formerly much inhabited by writers of small histories, dictionaries, and temporary poems and so giving rise to its use as an epithet referring to literary hackwork.
hack a budget in half
把预算削减一半a hack writer
雇佣文人(尤指廉价受雇撰写报纸庸俗文章者)hack out articles for a book review column
a party hack
政党杂务人员hack in wheat
碎土播下小麦It's a good job, but he can't hack it.