

桑国亚 老桑说 2019-05-14

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  朋友,你好,我是老桑。 」












如果你假期后心情不好,那没关系,我们很多人都是这样。我们的假期似乎总是短了一天!当你回到办公室遇到一些不愉快的意外时,你可能会感到难过,心里打退堂鼓。这个时候对自己诚实一些,给自己时间去‘grieve’( “哀悼”)逝去的美好时光。















How to get back to work after vacation

 Hello, my friend!

I'm John Smagula. 」

The Chinese New Year holiday is officially over, and today we have to get back to work. Even though we still can celebrate the new year season, for many of us, today is our first day back in the office. Ugh.

In the United States, many offices close between Christmas and New Year’s Day. For example, at Temple University, we closed on December 21 and reopened on January 2. I spent a wonderful holiday with my parents in Florida, but then, had to get back to the grind in the same way that many of you are doing today. I feel your pain!

Regardless of whether you traveled or stayed at home, I’m sure the last thing you want to think about today is work. To help you through, here are five things that helped me get back into the swing of things:

Don't try to finish all your work all at once

Even though I kept up on email and messages during the break, many people didn’t. So as soon I entered the office after vacation, there were a number of tasks awaiting me. I could have gotten overwhelmed, but rather, I prioritized and focused on the most important two or three tasks. I also said I’ll just do the best I can that day, taking a longer-term view of all the work. 

I also made sure not to schedule any appointments that first day back, as I knew there would be many unexpected problems that would surface. I just tackled one task at a time, and not having any appointments helped me get back on track.

Resume your routine

We may feel sluggish on the first day back to work, wanting to wake up late and just slog through the day—perhaps trying to continue the more blissful, carefree days of vacation. But after so much time off, it is important go about your routine as you normally would. Wake up at your normal time, get a head start on your commute, and clock in when you’re supposed to.

In my case, I also returned to Philadelphia one day early so I could get situated. I unpacked, washed clothes, did a little bit of work, and got a good night’s sleep—all of which took the edge off going into the office the next day. Sure, I would have appreciated another day in sunny Florida, but this buffer day back home really helped me get back to my routine.

Schedule some contingency time

I usually keep a very busy schedule, chock full of meetings, conferences, lectures, and visits. Yet for my first day back, I scheduled lots of break time throughout the day instead. I knew my pace would not be as fast as it normally is, so I planned some tea breaks during the day. As you get adjusted back to reality, you don’t have to feel guilty for needing some breaks during the day.

In my case, whenever I felt like slacking off, I sat back and brewed up some of my trusty Jin Jun Mei. This momentary black tea indulgence helped me acknowledge that I was still adjusting back into my routine while also perking me up for the next round of work.

You can also try to have lunch away from your office on your first day back. As my work was piling up, I really just wanted to grab a sandwich and eat at my desk in an effort to get through it all. But I found that breaking away, even if for a short period of time to refresh and replenish, gave me more energy to get through my inbox later on that afternoon.


Embrace the blues

If you’re feeling down after your vacation, that’s OK. Many of us are. It always seems that our vacations are just one day too short! When you arrive back in your office and encounter some unpleasant surprises, you might feel sad and want to withdraw. Be honest with yourself, and give yourself time to “grieve” the passing of a wonderful time away.

One thing you can do is place an item from your vacation on your desk. If you went to the beach, you can place a shell there. A few years ago, after I had some wonderful Chinese New Year trips to Changyang and Wufeng counties in Yichang, I would place some of the locally-grown tea on my desk, bringing some of the joy of those trips into the office.

Another option is to schedule a dinner with a friend after work on your first day back. This will give you both something to look forward to and could help propel you through the day.

Give yourself some time and space to adjust.

Stay hydrated

Sometimes when we’re under a lot of stress, we eat and drink less. While proper nutrition is important, drinking lots of fluids—especially during the winter—is crucial. If you’re feeling grumpy, jet-lagged, or just out of sorts, you will benefit from staying hydrated.

In my case, I left a water bottle on my desk and reminded myself to finish the water and refill every few hours. And then adding in some tea breaks throughout the day, I felt that I was taking care of myself. This is also a good daily practice to have throughout the year. In China, you’re rarely far away from a boiler or other hot water source, so use this to your advantage.

You can also try to show some optimism on this first day back. After all, this is the first work day of a new year. Think about what steps you can take toward your New Year’s resolution, as this could inspire you on your journey forward.

My friend, it’s normal to feel mentally exhausted after a long vacation. You are not alone. But if you take your time, tackle one task at a time, give yourself some extra breaks, and take care of yourself, you’ll be back into your routine in no time. Good luck with it!

{  今日英文速记卡  }

1.Grind \ ˈgrīnd \

a)含义:n. 苦差事;苦活儿


i.I spent a wonderful holiday with my parents in Florida, but then, had to get back to the grind in the same way that many of you are doing today.


ii.It's a long grind to the top of that particular profession.


c)近义词:drudgery, labor, toil

2.Surface \ ˈsər-fəs \

a)含义:v.  浮出水面


i.I also made sure not to schedule any appointments that first day back, as I knew there would be many unexpected problems that would surface.


ii.The ducks dived and surfaced again several meters away. 


c)近义词: arise, come up, emerge

3.Slog \ ˈsläg \

a)含义:v. 艰难行进


i.We may feel sluggish on the first day back to work, wanting to wake up late and just slog through the day—perhaps trying to continue the more blissful, carefree days of vacation.


ii.He started to slog his way through the undergrowth.


c)近义词: beaver (away), plod, plug

4.Slack \ ˈslak \

a)含义:v. 放松;偷懒


i.In my case, whenever I felt like slacking off, I sat back and brewed up some of my trusty Jin Jun Mei.


ii.He never let a foreman see him slacking.


c)近义词: ease off, let up, slack off

5.Grieve \ ˈgrēv \

a)含义:v. 悲伤;伤心


iii.Be honest with yourself, and give yourself time to “grieve” the passing of a wonderful time away.


iv.She grieved the death of her husband.


c)近义词:agonize, anguish, mourn

Thank you for watching me to inspire, encourage, and accompany you. 

See you next time.



John Smagula


