

桑国亚 老桑说 2019-03-27

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  朋友,你好,我是老桑。 」





























Always in a Hurry?

4 tips to help you slow down the rush

 Hello, my friend!

I'm John Smagula. 」

So, how does it feel to be back at work after the Chinese New Year holiday? After the break, many people posted expressions like “Wishing you a wonderful beginning” on their social media feeds that day. Indeed, I also wish you an auspicious beginning for the goals you are planning to achieve this year.

After so much time away, you may have returned to a lot of work, with many projects having piled up. If you still feel like you couldn’t get through all the work you have on your plate, check out my article on how to prioritize your tasks to help you better manage your time.

With so much going on, do you find that you are often running late? For example, I have encountered many impatient drivers on the road, seen students rushing on campus to get to class, and stepped aside in line at the airport to let people through anxious to catch their flight. Sometimes the delays are out of their control, but other times, it's a self-created problem.

My experience is that business culture in China is very punctual. For example, if I scheduled a meeting at 3:00 pm, I would plan for it to begin at 2:45, as it was quite common for my guests to arrive early for a meeting! Once we meet, extend greetings, and brew tea, the meeting would then begin promptly at 3:00.

If you’re the kind of person who is always falling behind, here are some tips to consider.


Look at when you are usually late

The first step to becoming more punctual is to assess when you most commonly run late. Are you more likely to rush during your morning routine, before class or meetings, or during boring or routine tasks? Think about when you rush, and this can help identify the reasons for your rushing.

Doing this reflection will help you frame the problem and move you closer to finding a solution. For example, rather than say, “I’m always late,” which could set you up for failure, try saying something like, “I’m often late to class.” This way, you can focus on your class schedule and how to better plan your day.


Plan, don't react

Some people become worried about the possible consequences of being late that they lose focus, either planning too much or too little time to get to their destination. It is better focus that energy on making sure you are completely prepared for when you arrive.

To help avoid being late in the first place, plan travel time into your calendar. If your class starts at 9:00 am, schedule both your class and the proposed departure time in your calendar. This way, transit time becomes part of your daily plan, helping to keep you on track.

Another tip is to set your alarm in the morning 10 minutes earlier than you think you need to get up. If you start your day off rushed and frazzled, you could be starting off the whole day on the wrong foot. Sometimes that extra 10 minutes in the morning can make a world of difference. And we all know that waking up early is a habit of many successful people. 


Use a timer for everything

If you’re often running behind, use timers to help bring some discipline into your life. If you take too long in the shower, time it. If you need to leave at a certain time to get to a meeting, set a timer. If you’re on break or scrolling through social media, set a timer to remind you to get back to work. And when the timer goes off, hold yourself accountable for staying on schedule.

The principle works in reverse as well. If you have blocked two hours to work on a project, set the timer to remind you to take a break. If you have planned two hours to study for an exam, set a timer to cause you to walk away and brew a cup of tea so you can process what you’re learning. You’ll feel better for what you have accomplished and for raising your own standards.


Plan for the unknown

There are plenty of unforeseen possibilities that can slow us down. If others show up late for a meeting or your doctor is delayed in seeing you at your scheduled appointment, that can set the rest of your day off. Traffic, public transportation delays, or long lines at stores are frequent occurrences, and they beyond our control.

Preparedness averts peril.

Be aware of these possibilities and build in a cushion to take the pressure off. And then have a plan for what you can read or listen to in those circumstances. For example, I always have an e-book downloaded on my phone that I can read when I have some time to kill.

And if you are running late due to circumstances beyond your control, rather than stress about the consequences, say to yourself, “I visualize arriving at the most opportune moment.” Although nobody likes to be late, you can at least say you did your best to get there on time.

My friend, being punctual is an important skill in this fast-paced world. If you are often running behind, take a good look at when you are late, be proactive in making your daily schedule, use a timer to instill discipline, and plan for unknown contingencies. These tips will increase your efficiency and reduce your stress, setting you up for success. 

{  今日英文速记卡  }


\ ȯ-ˈspi-shəs \

a)含义:adj. 吉祥的;吉兆的


i.Indeed, I also wish you an auspicious beginning for the goals you are planning to achieve this year.


ii.This Chinese lunar new year, which starts on February 18, is believed to be an especially auspicious “golden year of the pig,” which only comes around every 60 years.  

2月18日将迎来中国农历新年。 有说法认为,这一年是60年不遇的“金猪年”,是个难得的吉利年份。

c)近义词:  hopeful, promising, propitious 


\ ˈfra-zəld \

a)含义: adj. 疲惫的


i.If you start your day off rushed and frazzled, you could be starting off the whole day on the wrong foot.


ii.When you eat mindlessly, while multitasking and in a frazzled state of mind, your digestive process is sluggish and results in poor uptake, indigestion, and improper elimination.  


c)近义词: burned out, exhausted, fatigued

3.Scroll \ ˈskrōl \

a)含义:v. 滚屏;滚动


i.If you’re on break or scrolling through social media, set a timer to remind you to get back to work.


ii.When all the header information for calendar entries cannot be displayed completely for a day in a calendar view, the day displays a horizontal scroll bar.  


c)近义词: move, slide, swipe


\ ˌä-pər-ˈtün \

a)含义:adj. 恰当的;恰好的


i.And if you are running late due to circumstances beyond your control, rather than stress about the consequences, say to yourself, “I visualize arriving at the most opportune moment.”


ii.Recent moves by several cities to bring in higher tariffs have shown how prickly water-users can be about rising prices, even at what seemed an opportune time. 


c)近义词: seasonable, timely, well-timed


\ kən-ˈtin-jən(t)-sē \

a)含义:n. 意外事件


i.If you are often running behind, take a good look at when you are late, be proactive in making your daily schedule, use a timer to instill discipline, and plan for unknown contingencies.


ii.As a manager, you must ensure that all test plans have contingency plans for dealing with problems.  


c)近义词: contingence, eventuality, possibility

Thank you for watching me to inspire, encourage, and accompany you. 

See you next time.



John Smagula


