

老桑说 2019-04-05

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  朋友,你好,我是老桑。 」






福鼎新闻中心的两位记者陪我一起进行了为期两天的访问,chronicle(记录)下一路的足迹。之后他们还发表了一篇很棒的报道:John Smagula首游福鼎,揭秘外国人如何看福鼎白茶》。感谢记者们牺牲他们周末的休息时间来采访我。



尽管所有的茶叶都来自于茶树(Camellia sinensis),但它实际上有超过1500个品种。用于制作白茶的品种叫做“福鼎大毫茶”和“福鼎大白茶”,代表着其新鲜的粗壮芽和叶上覆盖着一层细绒毛而downy(柔软的)白毫。虽然白茶也可以用其他品种生产,但这两种茶树被认为是制作福鼎白茶最为理想的茶叶品种。

白毫的容貌正是白茶的特点所在。它被称为“毫香蜜韵” ,白茶有着清新的口感,最为接近茶叶自然的味道。此外,研究表明,白茶中的黄酮类化合物和茶多酚含量特别高,其抗氧化功效已被证实非常有益于健康。































How white tea can 

release your human potential

 Hello, my friend!

I'm John Smagula. 」

Daqin White Tea Fields

Hello, my friend! I’m John Smagula. On my recent visit to Wenzhou, where I spoke at Wenzhou University, I spent a delightful weekend in the neighboring Fuding white tea fields. With the thoughtful arrangements of the municipal people’s congress, I was fortunate to gain inside access to the world of Fuding white tea.

Lvxue Ya White Tea Fields

In my previous article on white tea, I described the three main kinds of white tea (silver needle, white peony, and shoumei) and why they are mysterious and misunderstood. In sum, white tea is the least processed of all teas, being plucked, withered, and dried. Green tea, on the other hand, is pan-fired or otherwise heated as part of its processing. 

White Peony Tea

On my visit to Fuding, the municipal communications department accompanied me on the two-day visit, chronicling our experiences. They produced a wonderful article, A foreigner reveals how they view white tea. Many thanks to the journalists for giving up their weekend to join me.

A Unique Tea

When I was in Fuding, the first flush of tea was being plucked. I watched the farmers pick the buds, bring them to the processing facilities, and place the leaves one by one on the drying trays. Ideally, the teas are left to dry in the sun, but if the weather conditions don’t allow, they are brought indoors where heat and windows are used to regulate the ambient temperature.

Although all tea comes from the camellia sinensis tea bush, there are over 1,500 cultivars. The cultivars used for white tea are called Fuding Dahaocha and Fuding Dabaicha, which produce fleshy buds and leaves covered with fine, downy white hair. Although white tea can be produced from other cultivars, these cultivars are considered to produce Fuding’s most prized white teas.

This down is what gives white tea is characteristic taste. Known as “downy aroma and honey flavor,” white tea has a freshness to the taste, coming closest to the natural tea leaf. Moreover, research has shown that white tea is particularly high in flavonoids and polyphenols, and these antioxidant properties have been shown to have many health benefits.

Carefully controlled indoor and outdoor withering for an extended period of time turns into drying. In general, the entire process takes over 40 hours.

The story of white tea

There are many legends about the creation of white tea. Most historians agree that green tea production was well-established in China before white tea was first devised in Fujian Province. The process was perfected in the 19th century, with Da Bai Hao becoming the cultivar of choice. The basic production of white tea has changed little since then.

But the legends of white tea go back much farther. The most compelling legend is that of Taimu Niangniang, who has since become Fuding’s regional protector. Her famous statue now perches aloft the Taimu Mountain Scenic Area, overlooking the East China Sea’s Qingchuan Bay.

It is said that 4,000 years ago in the era of Emperor Yao, there was an outbreak of measles in a small mountain village. A local indigo farmer, known simply as Lan Gu (“Blue Girl”), received a vision from a saintly immortal to locate a tea bush in the nearby mountains, to pick and dry the leaves, and then boil the tea to give to the village residents afflicted with the disease.

Lan Gu trekked several kilometers through the ridges, peaks, clouds, and mists, where she came across a mountain tea bush with abundant downy white hair. She plucked the leaves, made the tea, and served it to the afflicted villagers. They were healed. Lan Gu then taught the other villagers how to make the tea, and the measles outbreak dissipated.

Daqin White Tea Fields

Emperor Yao learned of Lan Gu's imperial virtues and sainted her, giving her the name of "Tai Mu" (paternal grandmother). Out of respect, generations of villagers referred to her as Taimu Niangniang, or their "goddess grandmother." Today, locals continue to pay homage to her, believing that she still blesses them—and their tea—from the heavens.

The mother tree and its legacy

Nestled within the Taimu mountains is the Great Snow Cave (Hongxue Dong). Growing from one of its crevices is an ancient six-meter (20 foot) tea bush, christened as Green Snowy Buds (Lvxue Ya). Many locals believe this is the mother bush of all white tea. The adjacent Single Tile Temple (Yipian Wa Temple) remains an active place of worship.

Lvxue Ya

Today, the Tianhu Tea Company produces white tea grown in fields adjacent to the mother tree. Led by my friend and chair of the board Lin Youxi, Tianhu carries on the traditions of white tea culture. They sell both fresh and aged white tea. In fact, in 2007, Chairman Lin invented methods to produce China’s first pancake (bing) aged white tea. 

While in Fuding, I also visited Daqin and Panxiren white tea production facilities. Each company had its own variations on white tea production, but they still adhere to the core methods that have been passed down over generations.

The spirit of white tea

The Fuding tea farmers told me how Taimu Niangniang had boundless love and was charitable and benevolent. They said this love and generosity of heart did not make her poor, but rather, elevated her in status and ultimately made her a saint. A selfish or greedy farmer would not likely have been chosen with the important mission to cure the village.

Lvxue Ya White Tea Fields

Taimu Niangniang is said to have been happy to help others, as her joy came from not from cultivating her own interests, but rather, in serving others. She worked from a spirit of love, and not simply by conducting a series of business transactions. This spirit is ultimately what caught the attention of the emperor—causing her to be revered until this day.

Some time ago, Fuding had a “tea pavilion” culture. Scattered along the tea roads were various pavilions or kiosks where travelers could rest on their journeys. Locals would serve them white tea, as a sign of hospitality and to help them on their way. In welcoming others, the locals made new friends and clients, learning about the world.

Release your own potential

A tea bud is not just an unfurled leaf, but rather, around 5 tender leaves tightly encased together. If left alone, the bud will grow to produce leaves. This reminds me of our own human potential. In the Chinese idiom of being a “bud just ready to burst,” we are each brimming with potential, like a series of unfurled leaves in a bud that are ready to break into growth.

If you drink a budded white tea, then you’re drinking in this potential. If you blend your potential with the spirit of white tea, grounded in the selfless love and generosity of Taimu Niangniang, you are positioning yourself to do great things for the world—and for yourself.

Your potential, then, is linked to serving others and making the world a better place. If you are stuck in a rut, perhaps you’re focusing too much on yourself. Explore ways that you can emulate Taimu Niangniang around you. Even if you don’t have the cosmic wisdom to cure the measles, there is certainly something you can do to improve the lives of those around you. 

The greatest love is acting on the spirit of love, and not a love of material things.

My friend, white tea is both a tea and a story. Each time you brew, you are drinking a tea that comes closest to the natural flavor of the tea bush. At the same time, you are taking part in the tradition of Taimu Niangniang, where she used tea to help and serve others. See how you can purpose yourself to serve others. This will unlock your potential, like a bud just ready to burst.

{  今日英文速记卡  }

1. Chronicle  ˈkrä-ni-kəl

a) 含义:v. 记录

b) 例句:

i. On my visit to Fuding, the municipal communications department accompanied me on the two-day visit, chronicling our experiences.


ii. One of the most remarkable aspects of art is its ability to chronicle moments in history through creative expression.


c) 近义词:document, record, register

2.Downy   ˈdau̇-nē 

a)含义: adj. 柔软的;柔和的


i.The cultivar used for white tea is called Da Bai Hao, which produces fleshy buds and leaves covered with fine, downy white hair. 

用于制作白茶的品种叫做“大白毫” ,代表着其新鲜的芽和叶上覆盖着一层完好而柔软的白毫。

ii.The light is downy, the air is soothing, the mood is pleasant.


c)近义词: cottony, satiny, soft

3.Trek  ˈtrek 

a)含义:v. 艰苦跋涉


i.Lan Gu trekked several kilometers through the ridges, peaks, clouds, and mists, where she came across a mountain tea bush with abundant downy white hair.


ii.I'd like to trek through the jungle, because I like exciting vacations.


c)近义词:hike, march, walk

4.Crevice  ˈkre-vəs

a)含义:n. 裂隙


i.Growing from one of its crevices is an ancient six-meter (20 foot) tea bush, christened as Green Snowy Buds (Lvxue Ya).


ii.Crevice is the work of time.


c)近义词:cleft, crack, fissure

5.Brim  ˈbrim

a)含义:v. 充满;溢出


i.In the Chinese idiom of being a “bud just ready to burst,” we are each brimming with potential, like a series of unfurled leaves in a bud that are ready to break into growth.

成语“含苞待放” 意指我们每个人都充满了潜力,就好像是一片片绽开的芽,等待着盛放的时机。

ii.Her heart was brimming over with happiness.


c)近义词:abound, overflow, teem

Thank you for watching me to inspire, encourage, and accompany you. 

See you next time.



John Smagula


