

桑国亚 老桑说 2019-04-11

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  朋友,你好,我是老桑。 」

























Spend time with people who laugh.






Watch a funny movie, TV show, or online video.



另一个我最喜欢的节目是《轻松一笑》。该系列节目使用一个隐藏的摄像头来戏弄那些毫无戒心的拍摄对象,捕捉他们的反应。我最喜欢的一集是《丛林中的外星人》(Alien in the bush),在这一集里,当人们穿过公园时,会听到灌木丛中传来奇怪的声音。当他们走近时,一个外星人就会跳出来追赶他们。吓得人们尖叫!


尽管《老友记》取景地是在纽约的格林威治村,但它实际上是在洛杉矶附近的华纳兄弟电影公司拍摄的。如今,如果你去华纳兄弟工作室参观,就可以到剧中的咖啡馆里坐一坐,在中央公园咖啡馆(Central Perk)的沙发上拍照。在中国,你可以在北京、上海、广州和深圳的中央咖啡馆主题分店享受一杯咖啡的时光


Joey演出的Lucille Lortel剧院

老桑在真实的中央咖啡馆Central Perk 









Friends: Learn to Laugh

 Hello, my friend!

I'm John Smagula. 」

It’s hard to believe that it has been 15 years since the last Friends episode aired. Despite the passage of time, the show remains very popular in the United States, China, and almost everywhere else. What is the secret to its lasting appeal? Many reasons have been posited, but I think it all boils down to one: the show makes us laugh.

On my recent visit to New York, I visited the Friends apartment building in the West Village. There were tourists from all over of the world (including a family from Hunan) taking pictures in front of the iconic apartment building and talking about their favorite characters. This stream of fans and tourists is a testament to the enduring appeal of the show.

Learn to laugh

Last week I wrote about the importance of taking breaks to recharge and help resolve problems (see Stuck on a problem? Take Five). I gave some suggestions on how to “take five,” such as meditating, running, taking a nap, or just taking some deep breaths. After reading that article, some readers contacted me to ask for more guidance.

In addition to the methods I suggested, I think readers are also looking for a quick and easy remedy to use when they’re in a bind—something to be done in an instant to help calm you down. When the pressures of life weigh us down, we can’t always sit and meditate, go out for a run, or lie down and take a nap. So, is there another way to “take five”?

There is. In a word: laugh.

Laughter is the best medicine

A joyful heart is the health of the body, but a depressed spirit dries up the bones. Proverbs 17:22

When was the last time you let out a good, hearty laugh?

Many of us lead solemn and somber lives. We may think that we have to be serious to be responsible. But it is possible to be both responsible and good-natured. When we go about our day, stressed out and tense, we may forget the meaning of life and neglect to find the joy there. One way to find joy is find something to laugh at. And it only takes a few seconds.

Studies have shown that laughter can improve your health. Laughter can strengthen your immune system, boost your mood, reduce pain, and diminish the effects of stress. Humor lightens your burdens, inspires hope, and connects you to others. It can also help you release anger and forgive sooner.

Moreover, laughter can help you stay younger. Studies have shown that it releases the “youth hormone” that slows the aging process. When we live sullen and discouraged, we can suppress our own internal healing powers. But if you laugh a lot, you may add some years to your life.

For patients with ailments such as insomnia and anxiety, some doctors prescribe that they watch any funny movie they can find, read any funny book, and laugh each day. They report that these patients, little by little, can get their joy back, experience more energy, and feel better.

But sadly, as we grow older, we tend to laugh less. The average child laughs 150 times a day, but the average adult only laughs three times a day. This is all the more reason for us to be conscious of remembering how to laugh. Stress winds us up, but laughter relaxes the whole body. Life can weigh us down, but laughter protects the heart and lightens anger’s heavy load.

"Laugher is the best medicine" is a common idiom used in English. It means, laughing a lot can be a very effective means of recovering from physical or mental injury. More generally, it also means that maintaining a positive outlook on life will help combat negative emotions and give you strength to get through hard times.

“Take five” with laughter

One way to “take five” is simply to laugh. As you laugh and find the humor in life, you are recharging and refreshing yourself. You may then see your situation in a different way, lighten up, and come to peace with your circumstances. You may even have fun in the process.

Regardless of your background, you can learn to laugh at any stage of life. You can smile more, which usually causes someone to smile back. You can count your blessings, reflecting on the things you can be grateful for. You can also bring humor into your conversations, like asking people, “What’s the funniest thing that happened to you today?”

A hospital took its long-term sick patients to a local playground to watch children play. As the patients heard the children laugh over and over, the sound of laughter stimulated their bodies’ natural healing process. It affected their outlook and helped them recover faster. Just hearing other people laugh helps bring healing. Imagine what laughter can do for you.

If you still need some help learning how to laugh, here are two suggestions:


Spend time with people who laugh.

Laughter is contagious. Joyful people are social magnets, as their laughter attracts friends. If you need a break, find a friend who enjoys to laugh. Visit with a friend who has a great sense of humor, and see how they find humor in life’s situations. And as you laugh together, you’ll form a special bond as well.

At the same time, create an environment where you take time to laugh with friends, have fun with your family, and just enjoy being around other people. This atmosphere will bring new life and freshness into your relationships. How long has it been that there has been laughter in your home or office?


Watch a funny movie, TV show, or online video.

Still need help laughing? Try watching Friends. In each episode, there are several laugh lines. Even if you watch the show in translation, you can’t help but laugh. Episodes depict the friends’ timeless comedic adventures as they try to find love, careers, and happiness.

 Friends Apartment 

Another one of my favorite shows is Just for Laughs: Gags. The series uses a hidden camera to play pranks on unsuspecting subjects, capturing their reactions. One of my favorite episodes is Alien in the Bushes, in which people walking through a park check out strange noises coming from a moving bush. As they approach, an alien pops out and chases them away. Hysterical!

In addition to TV shows, there are plenty of funny movies to watch, like Planes, Trains & Automobiles. If you don’t like Friends, maybe try watching The Big Bang Theory. There are also plenty of funny books and comics as well (A Man Called Ove is a great blend of drama and comedy). In sum, find what works for you, as there’s no right or wrong “prescription.” 

Even though Friends was set in New York’s Greenwich Village, it was actually filmed at Warner Brothers Studios near Los Angeles. Today, if you go on the studio tour, you can visit the café and take your photo on the real Central Perk couch. In China, you can enjoy a cup of coffee at Central Perk replica cafes in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen.

Lucille Lortel Theatre

Central Perk, 

Warner Brothers Studio Tour

My friend, laughter has many physical, mental, and social benefits. As we all face tough times in life, try to be of good cheer. Don’t fall into the trap of discouragement, but rather, try to be light-hearted in the midst of difficulty. And laugh every day, as laughter is the best medicine. Best of all, this priceless medicine is fun, free, and easy to use.

{  今日英文速记卡  }

1.Instant \ ˈin(t)-stənt \

a)含义:n. 瞬间


i.In addition to the methods I suggested, I think readers are also looking for a quick and easy remedy to use when they’re in a bind—something to be done in an instant to help calm you down.


ii.Instant is good, not seizing the moment is sad.  


c)近义词: flash, moment, twinkling

2.Solemn \ ˈsä-ləm \

a)含义: adj. 严肃的;庄严的


i.Many of us lead solemn and somber lives. 


ii.His laughter was not becoming on that solemn occasion.  


c)近义词: grave, humorless, sober

3.Sullen \ ˈsə-lən \

a)含义:adj. 不高兴的;阴沉的


i.When we live sullen and discouraged, we can suppress our own internal healing powers.


ii.The sullen child refused to answer my questions.  


c)近义词: cheerless, funereal, somber


\ kən-ˈtā-jəs \

a)含义:adj. 感染性的


i.Laughter is contagious. 


ii.Laughing at the same joke would help us to show affiliation with others, and this may be why it is especially contagious.  


c)近义词: catching, infectious, spreading

5.Timeless \ ˈtīm-ləs \

a)含义:adj. 永恒的


i.Episodes depict the friends’ timeless comedic adventures as they try to find love, careers, and happiness. 


ii.When some people say we can't do it, we will respond to them with this timeless creed: Yes, we can.  


c)近义词: enduring, perennial, undying

Thank you for watching me to inspire, encourage, and accompany you. 

See you next time.



John Smagula


