

桑国亚 老桑说 2019-08-28

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Lord of the Flies




有没有人试图让你做一些你不想做的事情?或者,你是否为了“融入”或试图被同学或同事接纳而不得不做一些你不想做的事情?这就是同伴压力(peer pressure)。它可能真的会使人衰弱,即使你认为它可能会成就你的人生。

《蝇王》(Lord of the Flies)是一部经典小说,探讨了屈服于同伴压力的罪恶。1953年,诺贝尔文学奖得主、英国作家威廉·戈尔丁(William Golding)(后来被改编成电影)创作了这部小说。小说讲述了一场戏剧性的mob(暴徒)们之间的心理冲突,探索了在的巨大压力下坚守立场的挑战。







为了更好地了解男孩们的世界,我最近参观了佛罗里达州西南部的巴布科克牧场保护区(Babcock Ranch Preserve)。虽然那里不是热带岛屿,但亚热带生态系统有许多相似之处。



01牧场:想吃什么就吃什么Pasturelands: eat what you want







02柏树沼泽:想穿什么就穿什么Cypress Swamps: wear what you want







03低平松林:过你想要的生活Pine Flatwoods: live how you want








04淡水沼泽:去你想去的地方Freshwater Marshes: go where you want















Lord of the Flies:

how to beat peer pressure

 Hello, my friend!

I'm John Smagula. 」

Has someone tried to get you to do something you didn’t want to do? Or, have you had to do something you didn’t want in order to “fit in” or be accepted by your classmates or coworkers? That’s called peer pressure. It can really pull you down, even when you think it might be lifting you up.

Lord of the Flies is a classic novel that explores the evils of succumbing to peer pressure. Written in 1953 by the Nobel Prize-winning British author William Golding (and later adapted into movie versions), the story involves a dramatic mob mentality conflict, exploring the challenges of standing your ground against tremendous pressure to do the wrong thing.

During World War II, a British airplane is downed over a deserted tropical island in the Pacific Ocean. There are no adults, and a group of boys aged 6-12 are left to fend for themselves. Ralph is elected leader, but his authority is quickly challenged by Jack.

Marooned on the island, the boys struggle with the conflicting human instincts to work toward civilization and to descend into savagery. Ralph represents order, wanting everyone to focus on building shelters and maintaining a signal fire. Jack, on the other hand, represents violence, as he is only interested in hunting. The group divides into two camps supporting Ralph and Jack.


The conflict grows fierce, and virtually all the boys abandon Ralph and join Jack’s chaos. Jack bullies the weak, revels in the outward trappings of savagery by painting his face, and celebrates the loss of innocence. Ralph refuses to surrender to this innate evil. In the end he flees from Jack’s pursuit, encountering a naval officer who had just arrived to rescue them.

Throughout the story, Ralph has to dodge the antics and attacks of the others. One of his early supporters, nicknamed Piggy, tried to encourage him. “We just got to go on, that’s all. That’s what grown-ups would do.” When dealing with peer pressure, sometimes we have to “grow up” ourselves, acting as adults and not children in the face of adversity.

To better understand the boys’ world, I recently visited Babcock Ranch Preserve in Southwestern Florida. Although not a tropical island, the semitropical ecosystem would have many similarities. This preserve has four distinct ecosystems, each representing different scenes from the story—and the aspects of peer pressure involved.

01Pasturelands:eat what you want


Pastureland is an area covered with grass and other plants used for livestock grazing. At Babcock Ranch, I was entertained by cows, horses, and pigs roaming about. In Lord of the Flies, Jack prods his crew to use spears to hunt the pigs, an activity that grows into a violent obsession. Ralph rejects the savagery and contents himself by surviving on the native fruits.

Peer pressure may influence your food choices, too. I have been to many meals where someone is full, but a bowl of rice or a dessert is forced upon them. Or, I may be with people who want to have a glass of wine with their dinner, but I don’t, which makes them uncomfortable. It may seem impolite to say, “no, thank you,” but it’s still the best thing to say. 

Wild Pigs 

For many years, I would travel in Yichang’s Changyang and Wufeng Counties, gorging on the natural country cooking. Each meal would feature a hot pot filled with bone-in meat. I did not grow up in an environment where I learned to gnaw around bones, so when my host gave me large chunks of tender-at-the-bone meat, I didn’t quite know what to do with them.

I know my friends were being hospitable, and I did my best to go along. But later, I decided to be honest with my kind hosts, apologizing that I’m not too good at nibbling, but could I take something else instead? Over time they understood, and plenty of meatballs then appeared!

02Cypress Swamps: wear what you want

Cypress Swamp

A swamp is a wetland that is forested. Babcock Ranch has cypress swamps where the ground is covered with water and the sky is hidden by the tree canopy. It’s like the ground and sky are “dressed” in such a way that you can’t see them, giving a different appearance to the world.

In the novel, Jack and his clan use face paint to conceal themselves from the pigs they are hunting. But they become distracted by this wildness, compelling them to do animalistic things they wouldn’t usually do—which even leads to the murder of two of the boys. Ralph, however, refuses to paint his face and stays focused on rescue rather than the thrill of the hunt.

We can all feel pressure to wear fashionable clothes. Friends, non-friend peers, cliques, adults, and the media can all influence your choices. You may want to wear what the “popular kids” wear, take cues from how your friends dress, follow the latest celebrity trend to feel “cool,” or buy things that you don’t need just so you won’t feel excluded by or different from others.

In many ways, you are what you dress. As Ralph refused to wear face paint and carry totems to belong to a tribe that didn’t share his values, you also need not dress or accessorize in ways that hide your true identity. Be yourself from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet, and not like a swamp where the earth below and sky above are hidden.

03Pine Flatwoods: live how you want

Pine Flatwoods 

Flatwoods are an ecosystem maintained by fire. At Babcock Ranch, the flatwoods are burned every four years to nourish the soil and clear out the underbrush. The larger trees, however, survive in this fire-based ecosystem. In Lord of the Flies, Ralph maintains the signal fire in hope of rescue, whereas Jack uses fire to hunt and kill. Ralph refused to assimilate.

The novel explores how Ralph felt the pressure to fit in to Jack’s growing tribe. By staying true to himself, Ralph was taunted and condemned, ending up all by himself. He refused to do the things and live the way of the others. Rather than be “burned” by the fire of savagery, he became stronger and more civilized with each trial by fire.

We often feel the pressure to assimilate. If you start a new job, you may feel like you have to play video games, smoke, or drink to fit in. At school, if the roommates in your dorm room play cards or ma jiang, you may feel compelled to participate or risk being labeled as antisocial. If you aren’t interested, you may feel “burned” if the others snub you.

Build your own social system, as there many others who share your interests. For example, I do not like to drink. There’s no particular reason, other than it just doesn't do anything for me. So, I joined a tea club with others with my same interest. When I feel pressured to drink, I politely decline, and know that there will always be an opportunity to get together with my tea friends. 

At one point in the story, Ralph moved the signal fire from a high location to one near their living shelters, making it easier to maintain. The narrator says, “The greatest ideas are the simplest.” You may have some great ideas for your life. Simple or not, give them a try!

04Freshwater Marshes: go where you want

Freshwater Marsh 

Swamps have trees, whereas marshes support reeds and grasses. Freshwater marshes are seasonal, flooding when rivers rise and precipitation increases, and then becoming dry in the summer. They lead a cyclical existence. In Lord of the Flies, Jack shunned rescue to stay chief of the island and perpetuate the cycle of violence. Ralph, though, wanted to move forward.

I once spoke to a group of young adults who lived in a rural town with limited opportunity. They bemoaned their ill fortune and how they just weren’t going anywhere in life. One later confided that he had a chance to leave and go to technical school, but chose against it because his friends would become angry and accuse him of trying to be “better” than them.

To me, this is a tragedy of wasted opportunity. I said that a friend who holds you back is no friend at all, and I encouraged him to try out the school anyway. He agreed, in principle, but I suspect his will was too weak. I could tell he valued his friends more than his own future. I wish he could have met Ralph, whose drive for rescue and a future could have been an inspiration.

Managing peer pressure requires balance. On the one hand, when you ingratiate yourself to others or fake being part of a group, you eventually may become forced to do more things you may not want. Yet on the other hand, you can still be cordial with others to work together and avoid being incompatible. 

My friend, be independent in mind and action. Whether it’s your food, clothing, life, or journey, stay true to yourself, resist involuntary actions when you can, and build a support system of other like-minded people. Just like Ralph in Lord of the Flies, you may be tested by the fire of loneliness and scorn, but in the end, you’ll come out ahead.

{  今日英文速记卡  }

1.Mob \ ˈmäb \

a)含义:n. 暴徒;暴民


i.Written in 1953 by the Nobel Prize-winning British author William Golding (and later adapted into movie versions), the story involves a dramatic mob mentality conflict, exploring the challenges of standing your ground against tremendous pressure to do the wrong thing.

1953年,诺贝尔文学奖得主、英国作家威廉·戈尔丁(William Golding)(后来被改编成电影)创作了这部小说。小说讲述了一场戏剧性的暴徒们之间的心理冲突,探索了在做错事的巨大压力下坚守立场的挑战。

ii.As the mob surged, the police drew back.


c)近义词:crowd, horde, mass

2.Fend \ ˈfend \

a)含义:v. 供养;照料


i.There are no adults, and a group of boys aged 6-12 are left to fend for themselves. 


ii.But they see our children, and the old folk fend for themselves.


c)近义词:guard, protect, secure

3.Maroon \ mə-ˈrün \

a)含义:v. 使孤立


i.Marooned on the island, the boys struggle with the conflicting human instincts to work toward civilization and to descend into savagery. 


ii.The car broke down and left us marooned in the middle of nowhere.


c)近义词:abandon, forsake, strand

4.Content  \ kən-ˈtent \

a)含义:v. 使满足


i.Ralph rejects the savagery and contents himself by surviving on the native fruits.


ii.Martina contented herself with a bowl of soup.


c)近义词:gratify, please, satisfy

5.Taunt \ ˈtȯnt \

a)含义:v. 奚落;逗弄


i.By staying true to himself, Ralph was taunted and condemned, ending up all by himself. 


ii.They do not taunt you to finish what you started.


c)近义词:deride, hassle, heckle

Thank you for watching me to inspire, encourage, and accompany you. 

See you next time.



John Smagula


