

桑国亚 老桑说 2019-08-30

For English, please scroll to the bottom. 

























电力机车 (1963)




守车 (1942)



不过,我没有在这里提供视频链接,因为我对此感到非常尴尬!因为里面的我看起来很不自然也非常僵硬。现在当我拍视频的时候,即使我知道自己想要表达的主题和观点,我也会经常extemporaneous(即兴)发言。不过,我第一次在没有提词器的情况下拍摄时,我还是很紧张的 。因为我一直在担心视频播放出来的效果。




蒸汽机车 (1914)



客车 (1928)




柴油电力机车 (1955)




 客车 (1886) 













Your train ticket to a better life:

why you need to change to make progress

 Hello, my friend!

I'm John Smagula. 」

This is my 200th blog post! I started this blog nearly three years ago to send positive energy over the Internet to inspire, encourage, and accompany you. I’ll continue to do my best as we all work together to move on and move forward. Thanks for all your support.


Last weekend I visited the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania, which traces 200 years of US railroad history through locomotives, railcars, and artifacts. The beautifully restored rolling stock is displayed on five tracks inside the massive main hall. It takes many hours to see the 110 vintage locomotives and railcars.

If you’re like me, I’m sure you have taken the train many times. Regardless of whether I take the commuter rail from Philadelphia to New York or China’s high-speed rail from Beijing to Shanghai, each trip evokes inspiring imagery of imagination and progress.

Railroads fuel our dreams. The nostalgic whistle of a distant train has often touched our imaginations. For some, the sight of a passing train has the power to create wanderlust and the desire to travel to distant lands. Just today as I was leaving a grocery store next to a train track, an Amtrak train whizzed by. I took a moment to watch it, imagining where I want to go next.

Railroads also represent progress, as they changed our lives forever. Since the 1800s they connected the United States with speed and efficiency, delivered goods to distant markets, brought fresh produce to our dinner tables, changed business practices, encouraged manufacturing, and hired millions of workers. Today, railroads remain vital to our way of life.

Rolling Stock Hall 

As I wandered around the museum, I marveled at how railroads beget progress. The earliest US cities developed along waterways, but railroads later allowed resources from more remote areas to enter commerce. Prior to railroads, people and goods traveled by foot or by horse-and-carriage. Railroads enabled passengers and freight to go places they had never gone before.

Although we generally have positive associations with imagination and progress, like with railroads, there’s a condition that must be satisfied for us achieve progress: change. If you want to improve your health, relationships, work, or lifestyle, you need to make some changes. Yet at times we fear change, and that fear is what prevents us from moving forward.

Change requires you to go from the familiar to the unfamiliar. At the railroad station, you pay for a ticket and go through a turnstile to get on board the train and enjoy the ride. Change is like that, too. Yet, many people get to the turnstile of their dreams and back away, thinking it’s not worth paying the price to go through. Sadly, they walk away from their hopes and goals.

There is a ticket price to a better life. Just as my train rides to New York and Shanghai aren’t free, there is a price of admission to get to the other side of change. Are you up for it?


Electric Locomotive (1943)

Railroads tunnel through mountains. Similar to a cave, when you enter a tunnel, you don’t know what you’ll find. This uncertainty can create fear.

When you start to change your life, you don’t know how it’s going to turn out. For example, if you start a new diet, you don’t know if it’s going to work out. If you’re going to change your career or quit your job, you don’t know if your next job will be better. If you are going to leave a relationship, you don’t know if that next person will really care for you and treat you well. 

Boxcar (1960)

This uncertainty terrifies people. Rather than confront this risk, you may just settle with what you have. But in order to change, you have to come to grips with this fear so you can deal with it. It requires that you acknowledge that you are uncertain of the result, but that you’re going to go for it anyway. You trust in your ability that you’ll be able to figure things out.

Gondola Car (1964)

You can say, “I’m going to try, even though I don’t know how it’s going to turn out.”

On the occasion of this 200th blog post, I went back to my very first blog post, dated September 25, 2016. This article, Home Stretch, also included my very first video. That video was perfectly scripted, and I read it many times to the camera before I got to the version I liked. I was pretty proud of myself, as I had to draw up courage to film a video in another language.

I’m not linking the video here, though, as I’m pretty embarrassed by it! It seems very unnatural and stilted. Now when I film, even though I know the topic and the points I want to make, I often speak extemporaneously. Yet when I first filmed without a teleprompter, I was terrified. I needed certainty of knowing how the video was going to go.

Although I still have a long way to go, I think my videos are now a little better. The script was holding me back, and the spontaneity and vibrancy that comes from living in the moment has helped me progress. This is also a metaphor for life. If you need to be perfect and have everything scripted out, you’re not growing or progressing at the rate you could.


Hopper Car (1898)

Railroads altered landscapes. Once pristine and idyllic scenes were transformed by railroad networks. Many projects met resistance—and rejection—by local residents for the change it would produce, even though it may have brought them better lives.

When you go to make changes in your life, people might not understand you. They may make fun of you or even reject you. They may want you to conform to the conceptual cage they have drawn around you.  They don’t know what you are capable of, but are judging based on their certainty of you coming from the past.

Steam Locomotive (1875)

Who you are is not tethered to the past. Each day is a new day, and you can always choose how you are going to live. It takes courage to do this, though, and most people don’t take that step because they’re scared of the rejection that could come. Don’t put your dreams on hold. 

At the end of the day, it's your life, and you have to decide what it stands for.


Diesel-Electric Locomotive (1955)

Railroads bridged roaring streams. Bridges are among the most complex feats of civil engineering, and they are challenging and risky to construct. Yet the industry proceeded through the difficulties, achieving new heights.

When you knock at the door of opportunity, it's work who answers.

Time and time again, we are told that struggle and difficulties are a fact of life. There are plenty of idioms and expressions that describe how overcoming hardships is part of the process to progress. We have heard them many times over, but they take on an entirely different meaning when we voluntarily take these challenges as opposed to having them thrust onto us.

Passenger Car (1886) 

It is hard to make changes. You may have to stay up late at nights to work on your dream. You may need to limit your time with family and friends so you can focus more. You may have to change your reading materials, abandon entertainment-based content and pick up more substantive content. You will have to struggle with the discipline to stay focused.

Restaurant Sleeping Car (1913)

Like a butterfly going through metamorphosis, it’s in that struggle that you find real growth. Hardships expose and forge your character. Through the difficulties, your path will become more meaningful. Those who live the comfortable life know that something is missing, as they lack verve and power. If everything were easy, none of us would learn, grow, or feel alive. 

”An object at rest stays at rest, and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction UNLESS acted upon by an unbalanced force.” Newton’s first law of motion can be applied to our lives as well. We will stay in the same circumstances with the same habits UNLESS we release the unbalanced force of change into our lives.

Train Yard 

My friend, if you feel stalled in life, you may not be paying the price to change. Consider whether uncertainty, judgment, or struggle might be holding you back. Face those fears and act anyway. When you pay this ticket price and walk through the turnstile, like the railroads themselves, you’ll transform your personal landscape into one of progress and success.

{  今日英文速记卡  }

1.Terrify \ ˈter-ə-ˌfī \

a)含义:v. 恐吓;使害怕


i.This uncertainty terrifies people. 


ii.Insurgents had put them in bins around the city and set them off by mobile phones to terrify voters.


c)近义词:frighten, horrify, scare


\ ek-ˌstem-pə-ˈrā-nē-əs \

a)含义:adj. 即席的;临时的


i.Now when I film, even though I know the topic and the points I want to make, I often speak extemporaneously. 


ii.I especially enjoyed the extemporaneous speech we just heard.


c)近义词:improvised, offhanded, unprepared


\ ˈvī-brən(t)-sē \

a)含义:n. 振动;活力


i.The script was holding me back, and the spontaneity and vibrancy that comes from living in the moment has helped me progress. 


ii.These cities are engines of globalization, and their enduring vibrancy lies in money, knowledge, and stability.  


c)近义词:liveliness, sprightliness, vitality

4.Capable \ ˈkā-pə-bəl \

a)含义:adj. 有能力的;有才干的


i.They don’t know what you are capable of, but are judging based on their certainty of you coming from the past. 


ii.She’s a very capable teacher.


c)近义词:able, competent, qualified

5.Tether \ ˈte-t͟hər \

a)含义:v. 拴住


i.Who you are is not tethered to the past. 


ii.Tether technology is one of key technologies to develop space transportation, space research, and space applications.


c)近义词:lash, leash, tie

Thank you for watching me to inspire, encourage, and accompany you. 

See you next time.



John Smagula


