

Romy Friedman K12谈 2020-08-22

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龚老师说:接上次两篇关于国际学校数学的文章,见《国际学校之数学篇-学生分享》《国际学校数学篇》(点击蓝色部分即可阅读),今天来和大家聊聊国际学校里科学这门课程。给大家邀请到的是与我一起共事过的曾任某帝都国际学校的科学主管Romy Friedman,她将和大家分享她在中国本土的国际学校教科学的一些体会。下面内容以访谈形式展开。

Note from Helen: Following the last two articles on Maths course at international school

国际学校之数学篇-学生分享》《国际学校数学篇》(click the blue ones and you can read directly), today I've invited one of my previous colleagues Romy Friedman, who used to be the Head of Science at an international school at Beijing. Romy is going to share some of her thoughts and experience as a science teacher with all of us. The following content is conducted via Q&A format.

文章 Romy Friedman / 编辑&翻译  龚琴(Helen)

Q1: Introduce yourself a little bit (your academic background, teaching experience, etc)介绍一下你自己吧(学术背景,教学经验等)

Regarding academics, I first got a Bachelor of Science from McGill University. I was lucky to get a chance to carry out a lot of scientific research through working in a Biochemistry laboratory over one summer as well as completing my honours project in the Shriners Hospital for Sick Children. Through this project I got to work with a professor assisting in her research into the enzymes that break down cartilage leading to diseases like osteoarthritis. Having this experience in two different laboratories has really helped me be able to teach. I can talk about how science is done in the real world leading to improvements in our lives, but also better guide students through such this as their Extended Essay – an original research paper they complete in the Diplomma Programme.  I have taught the IBO in three different schools in three countries: Germany, Uganda and China. It has been amazing to see how different schools approach the same program given their different contexts. 

在学术方面,我毕业于McGill 大学,获得科学学士学位。在此期间的一次暑假,我很幸运得到了一个在生物化学实验室做很多科学研究的机会,同时我也完成了在Shriners医院针对某类患病儿童的荣誉项目。在此项目中,我是一位大学教授的助理,帮助其研究某类生化酶,这些酶能破坏人体软骨结构从而造成诸如骨关节炎之类的疾病。在两个不同的研究室里工作的经历,很好的帮助了我日后的教学。我得以与学生分享科学是如何在现实世界中改进与我们息息相关的生活的体会。除此,我也能更好的指导学生如何进行拓展论文(extended essay)的写作-这是学生为取得国际文凭必须完成的一项原创研究论文。我分别在三个不同国家的国际学校工作过,分别为德国,乌干达以及中国,这使得我能够对比不同学校鉴于自身情况的不同是如何应对相同国际教育体系的。

Once I decided to pursue teaching I attended Trent University for my Bachelor of Education. Most recently, after four years of teaching, I went back to complete my Masters of Arts in Science Education at the University of British Columbia. My thesis was titled: "Exploring the status of science outreach in science teaching". It looked at ways to bring scientists into the classroom or get involved in the teaching of science. 


Q2. How do you like the IB teaching philosophy? What do you think of the biggest differences between Canadian local education system and IB system? Can you give some more specific examples about this? (e.g some case studies in the subject area you teach) 你对IB教育理念如何看?你觉得IB教育体系与加拿大地方教育体系最大的不同是什么?能给我们一些具体的例子吗?

I very much like the IB teaching philosophy. So much so, that if I do have children I would definitely want them to be in this system, especially the Diplomma Programme (DP). There are two differences that I have noticed the most. The first is obviously the emphasis on internationalism and a global society. One example of this is the new element for the 2015 guide called The Nature of Science. It looks at contributions various scientists around the world have made, but also looks at how global cooperation is important in science; for example, the Human Genome Project and the International Space Station. I think the program emphasises the importance of living in a world where individual and country’s choices affect us all – for example, emissions leading to global warming. 


The second difference is about how we learn or understand. I very much love the course, Theory of Knowledge for the DP where students engage in exploring how we learn or understand things. For science, this is about sense perception and collecting data. This links to students understanding how scientific data is collected, allowing them to better design experiments and process and analyze their data. I think I feel so strongly about this as I only moved to Canada at age six (immigrating from South Africa). However, I must say that I feel the public education system in Canada is great. I actually graduated from a public high school and thought it prepared me for university and life very well. It is interesting to see that many public schools in Canada are now offering the DP as an option for students in high school.


Q3. Having stayed in Beijing for a couple of years, what are some of the interesting things you find in students? (can be good things and bad things)在北京呆了好几年,在学生身上,你发现的有趣点?(好的?坏的?)

Taking lessons and trying to learn Chinese myself was actually one of the biggest helps to me in understanding my Chinese students. I realized why they struggle with things such as punctuation or capitalization. For example, science is very specific. For measurements, “Mm” and “mm” are two very different things. I often correct students for things like “pH”. At the same time, when trying to learn the characters, I realize how much memorization and work goes into it. I can appreciate why students have the patience and ability to work hard and memorize things. 


Another interesting thing, was experiencing how motivated and aware the students are.I was spoiled working in Beijing because my students are so respectful and grateful. This could be international schools in general or just China, but I felt that there was definitely an appreciation for learning. I am Jewish and the culture I am from is one that very much places a value on learning. I think this is true for the Chinese too. Students worked hard, putting in a lot of time and effort into their studies and always demonstrated an appreciation for the efforts I put into their learning too. 


Q4. Do you know anything about the local education system in China? Especially the differences in terms of the subject you teach and the subject taught in China? 


I was lucky to meet and interact with some local science teachers in Beijing. In particular, we had a visiting scholar come to visit the school and my classroom and it was interesting to talk to her. I also met many expats teaching in international sections of local schools so I got to compare the systems. I personally found the biggest difference is in the laboratory or practical, hands-on experiments. Students coming into the international IB system from local schools very much struggled with this, especially when they had to design their own experiment. I found that they were excellent in theory but sometimes struggled to translate that into the real world. 


They often needed help with problem solving or trouble shooting when things didn’t go as expected or planned.  Actually, most students find designing their own experiments the most challenging part of the course. As a teacher, I find that sitting down with the student and getting them to talk through their thoughts and ideas, helps us to put it down and organize their thinking. Once they have gotten started, it is less overwhelming and they are able to proceed. As a teacher, I have to always see a first draft of the design to ensure it is safe and appropriate. Students have told me that getting feedback on this first draft really helps them to improve, both their actual experiment, but also the written laboratory report itself. Though very time consuming for both studnets and teachers, the process of going through this design cycle, including reflecting on the lab in the evaluation,  is extremely beneficial. I think it is a strength to the IB programme. 


Q5. Do you have any advice/suggestion to both teachers and students in China in order to be better prepared for our current world?对于中国学生/老师,就如何准备好迎接我们现在的世界,你有什么想说的吗?

Actually I think just living in Beijing is good preparation for the current world. It’s a fast-paced life, and Beijing, China in general, is undergoing a lot of change at the moment. I think it prepares you for the good, but also the bad. With technology and other regards, our world is changing at a fast pace and that is clear in Beijing. It is a big city and you have access to so much; so many people of various nationalities, different food and available experiences. I also think it makes you realize what life is like with the world’s population increasing so much. Both the good, but also what that means in respect to resources, such as housing (land) and pollution. My advice is just to get involved in as many things as possible - take advantages of opportunities and talk to as many different people as you can. I think making connection and understanding people from various backgrounds, in my opinion, is what best prepares you for the future in a time when change is happening so fast.   


Q6. I know you've established your own website for students' learning interest. Can you introduce a bit more about that? How does it go so far? What's your plan next?我知道为了方便学生的学习,你建立了一个自己的网站。能否介绍一下?现在进展如何?下一步的计划是什么?

It has been great so far. I have been surprised by how many teachers and even some students around the world contact me, having found me through my website; I love receiving emails unexpectedly. It also led to a job preparing resources for Kerboodle, an IB online platform by Oxford University Press. I had no idea the positive responses I would get when I created my website so I am very happy with how it has gone. 


The idea was to post my own resources, and others (or links) so that there could be one place to go to for many resources for the 2015 guide. Right now, I have only posted resources for a few units. The plan is to continue to post and update the site. I also want to make the presentations into videos so I can upload these to YouTube. This is definitely the plan. 



