此文接《大咖陪你聊国际学校认证那些事儿 All About Accreditation (Bilingual Version)》《大咖继续陪聊国际学校认证(二)All About Accreditation》文章,建议阅读完上述两篇,再读此篇。
文章 John Royce / 翻译 龚琴 (Helen)
The visiting team produces a report, commending the school for the things it has done well and making recommendations for areas in which change and improvement is considered necessary. Much of the time, the school can reject recommendations, but if they do they must show why they reject them, why they think they do not need to follow through. The school has to respond within two years of the accreditation visit, report on what has been done since with regard to the recommendations. Some recommendations are mandatory, and accreditation may be withheld or withdrawn if they are not addressed: the school does not meet the standard in crucial areas.
There will be a follow-up visit, five years after the accreditation visit. This again is usually a two-person team. This team is checking on what has been done since the last visit and considering what might need to be done before the next visit. And then, two years before the next full visit, another team of two arrive for the preparatory visit, and the cycle continues.
Improvement is continual. no school is perfect, it can always be better, always do better.
Accreditation is a good process for schools. It is a wonderful process for those who serve on visiting teams. Forget the glamour of travel. Those who serve on teams are typically busy from Saturday, the day they arrive, through to Friday, the day of departure. There might be time to fit in a quick tour of the city; there might not be. a typical day will be spent meeting with the committees responsible for various sections of the self-study report and visiting classrooms, talking with teachers and students and parents, looking through the documents provided by the school to support what they say they are doing, looking for evidence to support the documents. Each member of a team is likely to be responsible for chairing one section while supporting at least one and possibly two other section chairs. Each visiting team section chair is responsible for writing the team’s response to the self-study report on that section, with the support of the one or two section members.
Teamwork is essential, sharing relevant observations with the section members. During each day, several reports will be presented to the entire team, and there are opportunities for team members to support the statements made, or to disagree. Sometimes a section report will be accepted in the first reading, but sometimes team members so disagree that the chair will be asked to go back and find further evidence to support one view or the other. The reports presented in the first few days are especially subject to revision, since there is insufficient time to check everything in the first day or two.
All teams work differently. Some team chairs like to get all the team work done before the evening meal; others will have an earlier meal and reconvene after dinner. Once the team day is finished, section members may meet to discuss their reports, or retire to the team room at the hotel or to bedrooms to continue writing up their reports.
Reports are usually discussed a second time before acceptance – and it is important that the section reports are accepted by the team. There are no individual section reports; the team is responsible for the full report. It is a grand exercise in teamwork. Team members may be complete strangers at the start of the week, but by the end they have shared a memorable experience and have become firm friends. Some team members stay in touch with each other for years afterwards. The experience lives on.
报告一般都有至少两次的讨论,才能得到所有人的认可,这点是非常重要的。虽然报告各部分的撰写任务分摊到了各个成员身上,但报告最终呈现是以团队整体名义出具的,所有人都对报告中的任何一部分都负有责任,而非个人。 这是一次超棒的团队合作。认证开始时,所有成员可能都是完全陌生的人,但到最后,所有人不断分享各自的经验和观点,最终成为友谊深厚的朋友。有的成员会在很多年后一直保持联系,经验得以不断流传。
Serving on an accreditation team is also wonderful professional development. In addition to the experience of serving on a team, one learns so much about how other schools work. Team members almost always return to their own schools with three or four new ideas that they want to try, new ways of doing things. Given responsibility, one may be amazed by how much one can do, and be appreciated and respected for.