

BUCM循证医学中心 BUCM循证医学精视角 2022-12-01

















作者:Walsh V, Brown JV, Copperthwaite BR, Oddie SJ, McGuire W;译者:吴文懿;审校:刘琴,重庆医科大学公共卫生与管理学院循证医学中心 Cochrane中国协作网成员单位 The Cochrane China Network Affiliate,School of Public Health and Management, Chongqing Medical University;编辑排版:索于思,北京中医药大学循证医学中心




【Cochrane Plain Language Summary】

Early full enteral feeds for preterm or low birth weight infants

Review question

do preterm or low birth weight infants (babies born early or small) grow faster and have fewer problems when they receive all their nutrients as milk feeds from shortly after birth (compared with gradually introducing milk feeds while giving fluid or nutrients via an intravenous drip (a slow infused into the bloodstream via a vein))?


 'early full enteral feeding' means that preterm or low birth weight infants receive all their nutrition as milk feeds from shortly after birth, and do not receive any supplemental fluids or nutrition via intravenous drips. Assessing whether this approach is safe and beneficial is particularly relevant to feeding very preterm or very low birth weight infants (born before 32 weeks, or birth weigh less than 1500 g).

Study characteristics: we included six trials, all undertaken in neonatal care units in India during the 2010s. The trials were generally good quality although most were small (involving 526 infants in total). Participants were preterm infants of birth weight 1000 g to 1500 g.

The search is up to date as of July 2020.

Key results

there were insufficient data to show whether infants who received full milk feeds from birth put on weight and grew more quickly than those for whom feeds were introduced gradually during the first week or two after birth. The trials reported no information about the effects early full milk feeds might have on development and growth later in the baby's life. The included trials found no evidence of other potential benefits or harms of early full feeds, including any effects on feeding or bowel problems.


there is not enough evidence to determine whether early full milk feeds benefit preterm or low birth weight infants. New trials would be needed to resolve this uncertainty.

Quality of evidence

we assessed this evidence as being of low or very low quality because the included trials were small with some methodological weaknesses and their findings were inconsistent with each other. This means that further research is very likely to have an important impact on the estimates of effect and our confidence in the findings.

Authors' conclusions: 

There is little research focusing specifically on healthcare workers' perceptions and experiences of communication with older adults about vaccination. The studies we identified suggest that healthcare workers differed among themselves in their perceptions about the aim of this communication and about the role of older adults in vaccine decisions. Based on these findings and the other findings in our review, we have developed a set of questions or prompts that may help health system planners or programme managers when planning or implementing strategies for vaccination communication between healthcare workers and older adults.



