作者: Cleminson J, McGuire W;译者:何宗蔚,审校:刘琴,重庆医科大学公共卫生与管理学院循证医学中心,Cochrane中国协作网成员单位;编辑排版:索于思、张晓雯,北京中医药大学循证医学中心,Cochrane中国协作网成员单位
【Cochrane Plain Language Summary】Topical emollient for preventing infection in preterm infants
Preterm infants (born before 37 weeks' gestation) are susceptible to bloodstream and other serious infections partly because their immature skin is not a fully effective barrier to micro-organisms. Applying emollient (ointment, cream, or oil) may protect against skin breakdown and thereby prevent micro-organisms from spreading into the bloodstream and causing serious infection.
Study characteristics
Our search (updated January 2021) identified 22 eligible trials. In total, 5578 infants participated. Eight trials (2086 infants) examined the effect of topical ointments or creams in very preterm infants (born more than eight weeks early) cared for in hospitals, mostly in high-income countries. Fourteen trials (3492 infants) assessed the effect of sunflower and other vegetable oils, mostly in low- or middle-income countries in south Asia. All but one of these trials was conducted in hospitals. One large trial in India (2249 infants) was based in the community.
Key results
Regular application of ointments or creams to the skin of very preterm infants may have little or no effect on serious infection or death. Application of sunflower and other vegetable oils may reduce invasive infection but have little or no effect on mortality.
Certainty of evidence
These analyses provide low certainty evidence about the effects of emollient therapy on serious infection or death in preterm infants. Since these interventions are mostly inexpensive, readily accessible, and generally acceptable, further good-quality randomised controlled trials in healthcare facilities, and in community-settings in low- or middle-income countries, may be justified.
Authors' conclusions:
The level of certainty about the effects of emollient therapy on invasive infection or death in preterm infants is low. Since these interventions are mostly inexpensive, readily accessible, and generally acceptable, further good-quality randomised controlled trials in healthcare facilities, and in community settings in low- or middle-income countries, may be justified.