Jane Pilcher和Imelda Whelehan所著的《性别研究中的关键概念》(Key Concepts in Gender Studies)是性别研究领域非常具有参考价值的一本书。这本书深入浅出地介绍了性别研究中50个非常重要的概念和这个概念所涉及的研究领域,以及各领域最具有代表性的研究成果。对于性别研究的初学者来说,这本书堪称一部完美的性别研究百科全书。当代社会学泰斗吉登斯对这本书赞誉有加,称任何想要在性别研究领域查找文献的人都可以咨询这本书。但很可惜,这本书暂时未被翻译成中文。不过,我们为各位读者整理了在这本书的“性别暴力”专题中提到了的所有文献,将其适当分类并修正了原作者的一些笔误,供各位读者学习参考!
1. Kelly, L. and Radford, J. (1998) ‘Sexual Violence against Women and Girls’, in Dobash, Emerson R. and Dobash, R. (eds) Rethinking Violence against Women, London: Sage.
2. Merry, S. (2009) Gender Violence: A Cultural Perspective, Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.
1. Connell, R. (2000) The Men and Boys, Cambridge: Polity.
2. Breines, I., Connell, R. and Eide, I. (2000) Male Roles, Masculinities and Violence, Paris: UNESCO.
3. Dobash Emerson, R. and Dobash, R. (eds) Rethinking Violence against Women, London: Sage.
4. Whitehead, A. (2005) ‘Man to Man Violence: How Masculinity May Work as a Dynamic Risk Factor’, Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 44(4): 411–22.
1. Brownmiller, S. (1976) Against Our Will: Men, Women and Rape, London: Secker & Warburg.
2. Radford, J. and Stanko, E. (1996) ‘Violence against Women and Children’ in Hester, M., Kelly, L. and Radford, J. (eds) Women, Violence and Male Power, Buckingham: Open University Press.
3. Walby, S. (1990) Theorising Patriarchy, Oxford: Blackwell.
1. European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (2014) Violence against Women: An EU-Wide Survey, Strasbourg: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights.
附该报告官方获取渠道:Violence against women: an EU-wide survey. Main results report | European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (europa.eu)
2. Bureau of Justice Statistics (2013) Female Victims of Sexual Violence, 1994–2010, Washington: Bureau of Justice Statistics.
附该报告官方获取渠道:Female Victims of Sexual Violence, 1994-2010 | Bureau of Justice Statistics (ojp.gov)
1. Edwards, S. (1987) “Provoking Her Own Demise”: From Common Assault to Homicide’ in Hanmer, J. and Maynard, M. (eds) Women, Violence and Social Control, London: Macmillan.
2. Grubb, A. and Turner, E. (2012) ‘Attribution of Blame in Rape Cases’, Aggression and Violent Behavior 17(5): 443–52.
3. Randall, M. (2015) Gender, Violence and the Law, London: Routledge.
1. Montoya, C. and Agustin, L. (2013) ‘The Othering of Domestic Violence: The EU and Cultural Framings of Violence against Women’, Social Politics 20(4): 534–57.
2. Strid, S., Walby, S. and Armstrong, J. (2013) ‘Intersectionality and Multiple Inequalities: Visibility in British Policy on Violence against Women’, Social Politics 20(4): 558–81.
3. Bradley, T. (ed.) (2011) Women, Violence and Tradition: Taking FGM and Other
Practices to a Secular State, London: Zed Books.
参考资料:Pilcher, J. and Whelehan, I., (2017) Key Concepts in Gender Studies, London: SAGE, 2017.
本文责编 ✎ Claudio
本期编辑 ✎ Leila