

Isha瑜伽 Isha 2022-03-15


Sadhguru: Do you see this body – as we've been going through this again and again to the same point - when it was born it was so small, now it became this much. Definitely you didn’t need any external stretching help to get it to this size, isn't it? That which is the source of creation, what you refer to as the creator seem to be functioning from within you. Isn’t it so? Yes? The creator is functioning, that is… that means the manufacturer of this body and this existence seems to be functioning from within you. If the manufacturer is inside, if you allow him to function, fixing small flaws in the body you think it’ll be a problem?
So, Shambhavi Mahamudra is just creating a passage so that your innermost core functions. If you allow it to function, the nature of this - in yoga we refer to the… your innermost core as the bliss body. People have always talked for ages that if you come in contact with God you will become blissful, you know, Brahmanand? You know, they’ve been talking about this? See, it’s different ways of presenting it. Your innermost core is referred to as bliss body. Now, all we are trying to do is the physical body, the mental body, the pranic body and the etheric body we are aligning it in such a way so that the innermost core within you, the bliss body finds expression.所以,Shambhavi Mahamudra(香巴维大手印,Isha内在工程课程中教授的练习)只是在创造一条通道,使得你最内在的核心起作用。如果你允许它发挥作用——在瑜伽中,我们将你最里面的核心称为喜悦身。人们从古至今一直在谈,如果你触碰到神,你就会充满喜乐。你知道Brahmanand吗?他们一直在谈论这个?这是另一种表达方式。你最里面的核心称为喜悦身。现在,我们在努力做的一切就是校准物质身、精神身、能量身和以太身,使得你最里面的核心,即喜悦身找到表达。 The Shambhavi is not creating ecstasy. The Shambhavi is just aligning these four so that, this one, the source of creation finds expression. If the source of creation within you, the creator finds expression, fixing your heart, liver or kidney you think it's a big problem? Manufacturer, when he comes out and begins to functionn, everything is fixed. You will see miraculously health will become okay. I can show you thousands and thousands of people who come out of their ailments just like that, like a miracle. Is it a miracle? Anything that you don’t understand, you will call it a miracle, isn't it?Shambhavi(香巴维)不是在创造狂喜。Shambhavi只是在校准这四个身体,使得这个喜悦身——创造的源头,找到表达。如果你内在的创造之源——造物主找到了表达,修复你的心脏、肝脏或者肾脏,你觉得会是大问题吗?制造者,当祂出来开始发挥作用的时候,一切都会被修复。你会看到,奇迹般地,健康就会变好。我能向你展示成千上万人,就这样奇迹般地走出了慢性病。是奇迹吗?你不明白的一切,你都会称之为奇迹,不是吗?
Suppose you don't know what is electricity, and I tell you ‘you just watch this, I am going to press that wall and this hall will be flooded with light’ would you believe me? You won't believe me. You’ll say ‘No, such things are not possible.’ Now, if I press it and suddenly there is light everywhere, now you think either I am son of God, messenger of God or God himself, depending upon which culture you come from, isn't it? Anything that you don’t understand is a miracle in your understanding. Either there is no miracle in life, everything happens between cause and effect or, everything is a miracle. Isn’t this life a miracle? You and me sitting here on this round planet which is going at a tremendous speed, is it not a miracle? We sitting here and talking all this nonsense (Few laugh)? Is it not a miracle?假设你不知道什么是电,我跟你说,“看着啊,我按一下那面墙,这个大厅就会溢满光”,你会相信我吗?你不会信。你会说,“不,这种事不可能。”现在,如果我一按,突然之间,到处都是光,你就会认为,我要么是神之子,要么是神的使者,要么是神本人——取决于你来自于哪种文化,不是吗?在你的理解中,任何你不理解的,就是奇迹。要么,生命中没有奇迹,一切都是因果而已,要么,一切都是奇迹。难道这个生命不是奇迹吗?你和我坐在这里,在这个圆形的、极其快速地转动着的球体上,这不是奇迹吗?我们能坐在这里,说着这些废话,这不是奇迹吗?
So, if you look at it, if you have eyes to see, everything is a miracle, or nothing is a miracle. These are two ways to approach life; these are two forms of yoga. One is to see everything as sacred; another is to see everything as utter nonsense. But now your problem is, what you like is sacred, what you don’t like is nonsense, that’s a problem, that’s a trap. Everything is sacred; this is a beautiful way to live. Everything is nonsense; that is also a very beautiful way to live. What, these people are sacred, these people are nonsense - this will destroy you.







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