


KPMG 开除五位合伙人,


民财经汇导读: 2017年4月11日,毕马威公布,开除其五名合伙人和一名员工,因为他们违反了公司行为准则。

被开除的五名合伙人当中,包括毕马威美国公司副主席,也是毕马威美国审计业务主管合伙人Scott Marcello。




毕马威美国公司董事长兼首席执行官Lynne Doughtie 在一份声明中表示:

:“毕马威对这种不道德行为表示零容忍。 “质量和诚信是我们所有方面的基石,其中包括最大程度地尊重和注重监管过程。毕马威致力于最高标准的专业性,诚信和品质,我们致力于我们所服务的资本市场。我们正在采取进一步措施,确保这种情况不应再发生。“



在宣布Marcello离职的第二天, 2017年4月12日,毕马威宣布,Frank Casal被任命为审计副主席。


Doughtie在一份声明中说:“事实证明, Frank 弗兰克是一位领导者,他被广泛认为是专业精神和诚信的领军人物。 “他对专业卓越的坚定承诺和对审计质量的高度关注将提供有价值和有效的领导。弗兰克将与审计领导小组紧密合作,执行和实施实践的战略重点。"

此外,毕马威同时还任命Jackie Daylor评为美国审计质量和专业实践的管理合伙人。她曾在该公司工作了28年,并且是其董事会成员及其专业实践,道德与遵守委员会成员。

看来, 有些东西提前知道真的不好......


KPMG Removes Audit Personnel, Including Head of Audit Practice

April 11, 2017

KPMG LLP, the audit, tax and advisory firm, today said that it had determined that six individuals in its Audit practice, including the head of the Audit Practice, four other partners and one employee, had violated the firm’s Code of Conduct and they are leaving the firm.

The firm learned in late February, from an internal source, that an individual who had joined KPMG from the PCAOB subsequently received confidential information from a then-employee of the PCAOB, and shared that information with other KPMG personnel. That information potentially undermined the integrity of the regulatory process.

KPMG immediately reported the situation to the PCAOB and the SEC, and retained outside counsel to investigate. The firm learned through the investigation that the six KPMG individuals either had improper advance warnings of engagements to be inspected by the PCAOB, or were aware that others had received such advance warnings and had failed to properly report the situation in a timely manner.

This issue does not impact any of the firm’s audit opinions or any client’s financial statements.

“KPMG has zero-tolerance for such unethical behavior,” said Lynne Doughtie, Chairman and CEO, KPMG LLP. “Quality and integrity are the cornerstones of all we do and that includes operating with the utmost respect and regard for the regulatory process. KPMG is committed to the highest standards of professionalism, integrity and quality, and we are dedicated to the capital markets we serve. We are taking additional steps to ensure that such a situation should not happen again.”

The firm, which continues to cooperate with its regulators, intends to name a new Vice Chair of Audit shortly.

KPMG Announces Audit Leadership Appointment

April 12, 2017

Lynne Doughtie, Chairman and CEO of KPMG LLP, the audit, tax and advisory firm, has announced the appointment of Frank Casal as Vice Chair – Audit. Casal succeeds Scott Marcello.

A former member of the firm’s Board of Directors, Casal will be responsible for helping to maintain the highest quality audit standards at KPMG. During his 38-year tenure with the firm, Frank has established an extensive track record working at the highest levels with many of KPMG’s largest audit clients. He has served previously as the lead audit engagement partner on some of KPMG’s largest, publicly held financial services and industrial manufacturing clients.

“Frank is a proven leader and is widely regarded as a champion of professionalism and integrity,” said Doughtie. “His strong commitment to professional excellence and his intense focus on audit quality will provide valued and effective leadership. Frank will work closely with the Audit leadership team to execute and implement the practice’s strategic priorities.”

Doughtie also announced the appointment of Jackie Daylor as National Managing Partner for Audit Quality and Professional Practice.

Daylor has been with KPMG for 28 years serving primarily large global clients in consumer and retail businesses, both public and private. Daylor is a member of KPMG’s Board of Directors and the firm’s Professional Practice, Ethics and Compliance Committee. Prior to joining the Board, she served on the firm’s Legal, Risk and Regulatory Committee from 2009 to 2015, where she was involved with overseeing key risk-related issues facing the firm.

“Jackie has a long-standing track record - driving results, serving significant clients, and developing our people,” said Doughtie. “Her leadership skills coupled with her technical expertise and commitment to audit quality make her the ideal person to lead our Audit Quality and Professional Practice going forward.”

KPMG shakes up audit team for inside info on PCAOB inspections


Published  April 11 2017, 1:00pm EDT

Big Four firm KPMG LLP has shaken up its audit team, with the head of the practice, Scott Marcello, leaving the firm along with four other partners and one employee after it was discovered that they had improper advanced warning of regulatory inspections.

The departing individuals either receiving advanced notice of which audit engagements were going to be inspected by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, or knew that the information had been improperly shared, either of which constitutes a violation of the firm’s Code of Conduct.

According to the firm, an internal source alerted its leadership in early February that a KPMG employee who had previously worked at the PCAOB was getting the confidential information from a PCAOB employee.

In a statement, KPMG said that it “immediately reported” the situation to the board and the Securities and Exchange Commission, and retained outside counsel to conduct an investigation.

“KPMG has zero-tolerance for such unethical behavior,” firm chairman and CEO Lynne Doughtie said in a statement. “Quality and integrity are the cornerstones of all we do and that includes operating with the utmost respect and regard for the regulatory process. KPMG is committed to the highest standards of professionalism, integrity and quality, and we are dedicated to the capital markets we serve. We are taking additional steps to ensure that such a situation should not happen again.”

The firm said that the improper conduct does not change any of its audit opinions, or any client’s financial statements.

Marcello had been U.S. vice chair of audit since July 2015, and sat on the firm’s Management Committee.

Shortly after announcing Marcello's departure, the firm announced that Frank Casal had been appointed vice chair of audit.

Casal is a former member of the firm's Board of Directors, and has been with the firm for 38 years, serving as lead audit engagement partner for some of its largest public financial services and industrial manufacturing clients.

“Frank is a proven leader and is widely regarded as a champion of professionalism and integrity,” said Doughtie in a statement. “His strong commitment to professional excellence and his intense focus on audit quality will provide valued and effective leadership. Frank will work closely with the audit leadership team to execute and implement the practice’s strategic priorities.”

In addition, Jackie Daylor has been named national management partner for audit quality and professional practice. She has been with the firm for 28 years, and is a member of its Board of Directors and its Professional Practice, Ethics and Compliance Committee.

