
【资讯】 联合国教科文组织驻华代表处招募实习生

BEJ/SHS 跨文化交际前沿 2022-04-24

Intern Recruitment

Position: Intern

Location: Beijing, China

Sector: Social and Human Sciences Sector

Duration: Six Months, starts from September, 2020

Deadline for Submission: 8 Septermber, 2020


  • Full time postgraduate or doctoral student at a University or equivalent institution.  

  • Excellent command of English (oral and written).

  • Good sense of teamwork, adaptability, and commitment to assigned tasks. 

  • Good computer and IT skills and experience in using Office software packages.

  • Good communication skills, including writing skills.

  • Major in Social and Human Sciences related fields (development studies, humanities, law, politics, sociology, anthropology, gender, youth, gerontology, peace study, ethics, etc.) would be an asset. Mastering one language of East Asia countries (Korean, Japanese, Mongolian, Chinese) would be an asset.


Under the direct supervision of the Programme Specialist for Social and Human Sciences, the Intern shall perform the following functions related to implementation of the Social and Human Sciences programme:

  • Assist in researching and drafting papers, reports, speeches, social media content, and presentations with a view to the implementation of social and human science projects and activities to achieve notably SDG 5, SDG 10, SDG 11 and SDG 16 related to – inter alia –youth engagement, youth empowerment, social transformation, social inclusion of persons with disabilities, gender equality, bioethics, ethics, social impacts of climate change, sport for peace and development, intercultural dialogue, ethical aspects of artificial intelligence, and inequality reduction within and among countries etc.;

  • Provide administrative assistance in the preparation of contracts, monitor and prepare payments, communicate and follow up with project partners to ensure smooth implementation of contractual activities, reporting and updating of relevant databases, office filing, procurement of office supplies for the unit, distribution of relevant publications and documents within UNESCO and to relevant partners;

  • Provide assistance in organizing meetings, seminars, teleconferences and training sessions; make travel arrangements, prepare relevant travel documents, seek relevant clearances, finalize/ formatting travel reports; 

  • Undertake other tasks that may be assigned by the Supervisor.


  • The aim of the internship is to provide you with professional experience in an international organization which relates to and supplements your studies.

  • This internship offers you the opportunity to work in a multicultural, intergovernmental organization.

  • UNESCO does not remunerate or pay interns. Costs and arrangements for travel, visas, accommodation and living expenses are the responsibility of interns or their sponsoring institutions.

  • As the internship programme is not connected with the recruitment process, the grating of an internship should not be interpreted in any way as a preliminary step towards employment at the Secretariat.

  • Full conditions applicable to an internship in the Beijing Office may be found at https://en.unesco.org/careers/internships

To Apply

If you possess the above qualifications and are interested in the position offered, please submit your CV and Cover Letter in English to mi.yang@unesco.org no later than 8 September, 2020




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