First, don't hit the snooze button.Scientists say those extra tiny minutes of sleep don't actually make you more rested.科学家说,那短短的几分钟对于补充睡眠根本于事无补。Next, make sure you eat breakfast.Research suggests eating within an hour of waking up boosts your mood and cognition. 研究表明,起床后一小时内进食会提升情绪和认知能力。And no sugar, it'll give you a crash later. Stick to whole grains and protein. 记住别吃糖,糖会使你疲惫不堪。吃些全谷物和蛋白质。If you are a coffee drinker, grab a single cup. You don’t want to overload on your recommended daily caffeine intake too early.如果你要喝咖啡,就只喝一杯。你不会想过早就超出每日推荐咖啡因摄入量。Then get outside, bright, natural light raises your body temperature and amps up your alertness.走出家门,明亮的自然光使你体温升高,还提高你的警觉性。And don’t wear sunglasses. Scientists say even sun in your eyes can be helpful. Once you're at work, do your toughest tasks first. Because these first few hours are the most alert you're going to be all day. 一到工作地点,先做最难的活。因为开头的这几个小时是你一天中最清醒的时刻。Have another cup of coffee soon after you get to the office, too. It takes about 30 minutes for caffeine to kick in. So you will need to ramp up before meetings start.到达办公室之后马上再喝一杯咖啡。三十分钟之后咖啡因开始起作用,这样开会之前你就会有精神了。Have a light lunch of grains, veggie and lean protein. Heavy sugary lunches will zonk you out later.午餐吃一些清淡的谷物,蔬菜和瘦肉。油腻多糖的午餐会使你下午筋疲力尽。Have another cup of coffee in the early afternoon, which is your drowsiest time of a day. But don't drink it after 3 p.m. Caffeine lasts for about 7 hours in your system. And you don’t want to mess up your next night. 下午再喝一杯咖啡,这段时间是你最困的时候。但是三点之后别再碰咖啡。咖啡因会在你体内停留大约七个小时,你不想这一天晚上也睡不着吧。Now you are in the home stretch, do some simple busy work for the rest of the day. Research suggests sleep-deprived folks can’t focus for more than about 10 minutes at a time. So just power through stuff like replying to emails, sorting files.研究说缺少睡眠的人最多只能集中十分钟注意力。那就打起最后一点精神,回回邮件,理理文件。And finally, get out of the office a little early if possible. Sleep scientists told you to.最后,尽量早点回家。如果有人问起来,说是睡眠科学家让这样做的。-END-