
名著精读笔记|海明威和费兹杰拉德合体的 Graven Image《世界短篇小说50强》

2017-04-12 Oscar读书时间 有趣有爱有才的奥斯卡老师

今天是Oscar名著精读课【critical thinking levlel】的第二次课。

一整天哪儿都没有去,把今天要讲的government and politics 主题的小说又备了一遍。当然又有了更多体会。




所以,我厌倦一成不变的我。 I am forever renewing myself. I hate monotonous regularity.


因为我发现了一个了不起的作家,John O'Hara.


O’Hara has been likened to F. Scott Fitzgerald for interpreting the United States of the 1930’s through fiction as Fitzgerald had the United States of the 1920’s.

He has been likened to Ernest Hemingway in the cleanness and spareness of his style.

He has been likened to the great naturalistic writers because of his trapped, doomed characters.

What can be said with certainty is that he was a master craftsman, a prolific creator of works which have demonstrably pleased the reading public for many years.


1. 简练的文风

他文风超级简练,简练到什么程度呢? 二八法则重出江湖,这个可是真烧脑,可是我喜欢!一个废字都没有,一句废话都没有。

O’Hara’s fiction balances on a tightrope, telling you just enough to figure out what he means (most of the time), offering up a puzzle with about 80% of the pieces filled in, and leaving it to the reader to imagine how the rest of it should look

2. 烧脑的推理



A. doorman为什么说:“well,it was a long time coming. It took him longer than most, but sooner or later all of them--”我必须补齐他没有说完的话。

B. 文中一共5次斜体强调,比如Under Secretary说: Leave it there anyway. 最后一个词要强调。这五次斜体对整个文章三大线索的理解有什么影响?

C. 文章一共有两次frown,一次是doorman目送副国务卿进门, 一次是副国务卿看到哈佛同学装逼跟大厅经理秀法语。这两次frown的背后是什么conscious 和unconscious的motive?

D. 文章里面躺枪的分别有senators(two son of a btiches), Union League or Junior League( the big jerk),  Havard Porcellian (bastards), 为什么?

E. CHARLES BROWNING两次提到under secretary所在的阶层,都用的是you fellows. 但是语气完全相反!

F. 文章里面The obvious reason为什么是 “My country, "tis thee"?, 这个有什么典故?

3. 条理的梳理


A. 人物形象线索--对应charaterization题目


Under Secretary(JOE)






maitre d'hotel

cursed 被骂的



B. 故事发展线索---对应shift题目




整个故事发展的最大的shift of focus是什么?

C. 情绪和态度线索-对应mood attitude题目


4. 文摘选登:

Reluctantly-and quite obviously it was reluctantly-the Under Secretary grinned. " All right. I was baiting you."

"You know him?"

"Sure, I know him, but that doesn't say I approve of him."

5. 文学评论的写法:

5. 额外收获:


亲爱的James老师随问随答:【江博AP美国历史和founding documens老师,北京最好最负责的外教】







4.预习William Faulkner的That Evening Sun




Question: "What is a graven image?"

The phrase “graven image” comes from the King James Version and is first found in in the second of the . The Hebrew word translated “graven image” means literally “an idol.” A graven image is an image carved out of stone, wood, or metal. It could be a statue of a person or animal, or a relief carving in a wall or pole. It is differentiated from a molten image, which is melted metal poured into a cast. Abstract , carved wooden covered in gold leaf, and etchings of gods accompanying Egyptian hieroglyphics are all graven images.

The progression of idolatry in a pagan religion generally starts with the acknowledgement of a power that controls natural forces. The presence of the force is then thought to indwell an object, like a stone, or a place, like a mountain. The next step is altering a naturally occurring object, like a standing stone, a deliberately planted tree, or a carved Asherah pole and asking the force to indwell it. When the idolatrous culture has had time to contemplate the personality of the god, they then make corresponding physical images—a statue that looks like a woman or a relief carving that looks like an animal. Graven images can be either of the last two steps.

The spiritual progression is similar. People start with wanting something (; ), often children or prosperity or good crops. They observe the circumstances (which some acknowledge are God-ordained, and others think are independent) that lead to these things and begin to ascribe to the causal forces human characteristics—thus creating gods. Places are set aside to commune with these false gods. For convenience sake, smaller items, thought to hold the power or the communication line of the gods, are brought into homes. Before long, the people are ensnared by the compulsion to give homage to a thing of their own definition instead of to the God of the universe.

The second commandment, recorded in , reads, “You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth. You shall not worship them or serve them.” Likely, this refers back to the first commandment, “You shall have no other gods before Me,” and specifically forbids the creation of idols. But it is equally dangerous to create an image of God Himself. God has given us reminders enough of His power and glory () without man attempting to use created things to represent the Creator.

Functionally, there is no difference between a “graven” image () and a “molten” image (). Both are man’s attempt to define and confine the power of God who works over creation. Both are the result of greed and covetousness, along with the fear that God does not have the worshipers’ best interests at heart. Graven images, whether an idol, a crystal, or a charm, are attempts to limit the power of God and reduce it to a small package that we can control. As with any kind of worship, the object of adoration inevitably controls us.



30. 【 爱教书的Oscar】新概念还有留学版! 之一

29. 30年参加一回的爸爸生日、茅台和歌声

28. 爸爸的夹克衫

27. 【Oscar弟子归第一期】 得语文者得天下,原来是这个道理...

26. 从牛津到哈佛,他们都认这门课!

25. #一天一点小幸福#  时间永远都不够用

24. 奥斯卡寻遍世界名校,为儿子找了10位导师,第十位竟然是...

23. SAT到底怎么了?我们应该怎么办?

22. 我们到底应该教会孩子什么?

21. 名著就该这样读!名著精读课《世界短篇小说50强》(上)渐入佳境

20. 还有谁过感恩节么?除了我和耶鲁大学校长...【完整版】

19. 人们叫他明神,实际就是一个喜欢折腾的熊孩子,他今天过生日,我送他40张图。

18. 斯坦福问了一个让所有年轻人都很崩溃的问题:What matters to you?  Oscar是这么回答的...

17. 这个女孩的人生就是一部励志大片!

16. 有个人写诗比迪伦还牛,嗓音比迪伦还性感,长相比迪伦还帅,虽然没有得诺贝尔奖,也没有竞选总统。他死了。

15. 为什么有人晒娃成瘾?

14. 早申还有三天,是不是觉得自己文书写的像shxt?【附提升方案】

13. 今天,一个美高党过生日,所有党员都收到了一封奥斯卡家书


11. 亲情|我哥是李江【此处有halo]

10. 文书|一个热爱申请文书写作的老师无比平常但是却又无比刺激的半天

9. 成长思考|妈妈,这些问题都没有想清楚,你让我谈什么未来?

8. 成长思考|我生命的前十五年都去干吗了?

7. 美国名校游 |7. 美国最值得申请的顶级宗教背景大学(完整游记+文书地标+录取数据)

6. 美国名校游 |6. 九位北京最牛高中生眼中的哈佛和MIT(完整游记+文书题材+录取数据)

5. 美国名校游 |5. 游不是目的, 记才是。

4. 美国名校游 |4. 讲真|游学的真正意义就是抛弃排名找真爱!

3. 美国名校游 |3. 知识从来不是力量,____ 才是。

2. 美国名校游 |2. 大多数的游学都是看起来在学,其实只是游。

1.  美国名校游 |1. 在美国的蓝天下

