

我是小F FT每日英语 2022-12-16



Donald Trump’s businesses have been found guilty of running a 13-year tax fraud scheme, in a significant victory for Manhattan prosecutors who pursued the only criminal case against the former US president’s empire even as he launched a third bid for the White House.

唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)的企业被认定实施了长达13年的税务欺诈计划,这是曼哈顿检察官取得的重大胜利。在特朗普发起第三次竞选白宫之际,他们对这位美国前总统的商业帝国发起了唯一一项刑事诉讼。

A New York jury on Tuesday convicted The Trump Organization — whose entities had been charged with illegally reducing the tax it paid on executive pay by awarding top managers “off the books” perks — on all 17 counts following a trial that began October 31.

在10月31日开始的审判后,纽约一个陪审团周二裁定特朗普集团(Trump Organization)的所有17项罪名成立。特朗普集团旗下实体被控通过向高管发放“账外”津贴,非法减少其支付的高管薪酬税。

“The former president’s companies now stand convicted of crimes. That is consequential, it underscores that in Manhattan we have standard of justice for all,” Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg told reporters immediately after the unanimous verdict.

“这位前总统的公司现在被判有罪。这具有重要意义,它强调了在曼哈顿,我们拥有适用于所有人的司法标准,”曼哈顿地区检察官阿尔文•布拉格(Alvin Bragg)在一致裁决后立即告诉记者们。

——本文2022年12月7日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Trump Organization convicted of tax fraud in Manhattan trial




The price of lithium-ion batteries rose for the first time in more than a decade this year, with surging raw material costs expected to challenge the car industry’s efforts to turn electric vehicles into a mass market product.


Soaring prices of battery metals such as lithium, cobalt and nickel and higher component costs pushed battery pack prices up to $151 per kilowatt hour, a 7 per cent rise compared with a year ago and the first increase since BloombergNEF began its annual survey in 2010.


The company expects prices to rise further to $152 per kWh next year. In 2010, prices were $1,160 per kWh on average.


——本文2022年12月7日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Electric car battery prices rise for first time in more than a decade




The European Commission will propose a ban on new investments in Russia’s mining sector as part of a fresh package of sanctions against Moscow aimed at further eroding the country’s economy and the Kremlin’s ability to fund its war against Ukraine.

欧盟委员会(European Commission)将提议禁止对俄罗斯矿业进行新的投资,这是针对莫斯科方面新一轮制裁的一部分,旨在进一步削弱俄罗斯经济,以及克里姆林宫为其对乌克兰战争提供资金的能力。

The mining investment ban, which will have exceptions for some specific products, is part of a ninth EU sanctions package that officials will discuss with member states in the coming days and aim to have agreed by the end of next week, three people with knowledge of the discussions told the Financial Times.


Russia’s vast mining sector, a producer of commodities including gold, iron ore, uranium and phosphates, accounted for a quarter of foreign investment into the country before the Ukraine war, according to the Paris-based OECD.


——本文2022年12月7日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为EU to propose sanctions on Russia’s mining industry




Ministers have raised the prospect of UK children being given antibiotics as a precaution if a classmate falls ill with a Strep A infection, as they seek to allay parents’ fears following nine deaths.

在A族链球菌(Strep A)造成9个孩子死亡后,英国官员正试图减轻家长的担忧。大臣们提出了一种可能性,即如果孩子的同学感染,可以给孩子服用抗生素作为预防措施。

Group A Streptococcus is a bacteria that can cause strep throat and scarlet fever, as well as skin infections. In a small proportion of cases, bacteria can enter the bloodstream of infected children and cause sepsis or chest, bone or joint infections or abscesses.


In its most recent update, the UK Health Security Agency on Friday said there were 851 cases of scarlet fever reported in the week to November 20, compared with an average of 186 in recent years. The unexpected rise in cases has sparked concerns that children may have failed to build up immunity during the Covid-19 pandemic as they normally would have done.

英国卫生安全局(Health Security Agency)上周五发布的最新数据显示,在截至11月20日的一周内,共报告了851例猩红热病例,而近年来平均值为186例。病例的意外增加引发了人们的担忧,即儿童在新冠疫情期间可能无法像正常情况下那样建立免疫力。

——本文2022年12月7日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为UK considers precautionary antibiotics for children as Strep A cases rise




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