
学生电台| 我在杜克大学海洋实验室

Sara Zhang 昆山杜克环境 2022-12-31





Duke University Marine Lab

View of Duke University Marine Lab, Beaufort, NC

杜克海洋实验室(Marine Lab)是美国杜克大学的一个卫星校园,是尼古拉斯环境学院的一个分支。它在地球环境质量和自然资源可持续利用领域提供了跨学科教育与研究的机会。海洋主宰着地球表面,并极大地影响着人们的日常生活;海洋调节着气候,在水循环中起着至关重要的作用;海洋不仅维持着地球上大部分的动植物物种,为它们提供食物和矿物资源,同时也激发着人类的审美天性。海洋研究对于解决与人类对生态系统、生物多样性、气候变化、海岸土地管理、环境质量和环境健康的影响相关的全球环境问题至关重要。

The Marine Laboratory is a satellite campus of Duke University and a unit within the Nicholas School of the Environment. It provides interdisciplinary educational and research opportunities addressing an area of vital concern--the quality of the Earth's environment and the sustainable use of its natural resources. Oceans dominate the Earth's surface and greatly affect daily life. Oceans regulate climate, play a critical role in the hydrologic cycle, sustain a large portion of the Earth's plant and animal species, supply food and mineral resources, and inspire the aesthetic nature of humankind. Ocean studies are central to the resolution of global environmental problems related to the impacts of humans on ecological systems, biodiversity, climate change, coastal land management, environmental quality, and environmental health.



 Life at Marine lab

Kameron Schroeder:我在杜克大学海洋实验室度过了一个美好的学期。海洋实验室位于北卡罗来纳州州海岸外的一个小岛上,因此这使得我可以将课堂中学到的东西充分运用到我的生活。比如,我常常在课堂上学习海豚的同时,就能在窗外看到海豚成群在海上嬉戏。在选修海洋政策课程中,我学习了美国用马格努森史蒂文斯法案来保护海豚的具体政策。这是我在海洋实验室最喜欢的课程,因为它结合了我对环境政策体系的热爱和我对海洋以及海洋生物的热爱。

Kameron Schroeder: Spending my semester at the Duke University Marine Lab has been a wonderful experience. The location on an island off the coast of North Carolina makes it easy to gain real world experience with the subjects I learn in the classroom. In fact, there have been many times when I have been learning about dolphins in class and looked out the window to see local dolphins swimming on the surface of the water in pods. I learned about dolphins and the specific policies the US uses to protect them with the Magnuson Stevens Act in my Marine Policy course. It was my favorite course at the marine lab because it combined my love of learning about environmental policy systems with my love for the ocean and the marine creatures that inhabit it.

By the Sea


This hands-on learning has been furthered by the small class sizes that truly enhance my ability to interact with my professors and my classmates on an individual level. I have made many connections here that will help me as I continue my studies and pursue my career. The experience has greatly enhanced my iMEP studies and I am constantly linking what I've learned about environmental policy in China to my marine-centric studies at the Marine Lab. While the Marine Lab almost entirely focuses on US policy, there have been a few links made in the classroom between the Marine Lab and China. For example, we learned about different regulations surrounding offshore aquaculture and compared the policies used in the US with major aquaculture producing countries in Asia, such as China.



Garbage collected

iMEP student Yumin Wang 

Yidan Chu:如果你不仔细观察,你无法想象那里有多少海洋垃圾。在国际海岸清理日,iMEP的学生与尼古拉斯环境学院的许多其他志愿学生组成了几个小组,在北卡罗莱纳州波弗特附近的海滨清理海岸垃圾。在捡起许多废物中(如家具、书桌、渔网等),我们发现大多数废物是使用过的塑料制品。每年约有800万塑料进入我们的海洋,而目前已经有大约1.5亿吨塑料在海洋环境中循环,导致许多海洋生物都会误食塑料。我们知道,仅仅在一天之内收集海洋垃圾是无法改变全球海洋污染的大环境。但是,我们必须行动起来,以每个人微小的行动来表明保护海洋的决心,同时尽可能少用塑料制品。只有这样,我们所作的小贡献才可以带来大改变。

Yidan Chu:You could not imagine how much marine waste is out there if you don’t take a close look. On International Coastal Cleanup Day, iMEP students, together with many other volunteer students from the Nicholas School of the Environment, formed several groups to pick up coastal waste near Beaufort, NC waterfronts. Among the many types of waste we found, such as furniture, a desk, fishnets, and much more, the majority of the waste we found was used plastic products. Every year, about 8 million metric tons of plastic enter our ocean on top of the estimated 150 million metric tons that currently circulate our marine environments[1]. Many marine species suffer from mistakenly eating plastic as food. We know that we cannot make significant changes to global ocean pollution by simply picking up marine waste on a single day. But we must contribute our personal and tiny contributions, showing our determination to protect our oceans as often as possible, trying to use less plastic products whenever possible.  In this way, we hope that small contributions can lead to a big change.


申请进行时| 杜克大学环境政策硕士专业

昆山杜克环境  2020-1-14


昆山杜克环境  2019-10-14


昆山杜克环境  2019-9-25


昆山杜克大学环境政策硕士专业(international Master of Environmental Policy, iMEP)是国际首个集成环境管理与公共政策核心课程的硕士项目,由美国杜克大学尼古拉斯环境学院和桑福德公共政策学院共同授予美国杜克大学硕士学位,旨在培养环境领域新一代的领军人才。

昆山杜克大学环境政策硕士专业 2020年秋季学期申请正在进行,最终截止日期为5月31日

若有相关问题,请联系: iMEP@dukekunshan.edu.cn

联系电话:+86(0)512 3665 7038


