
Measures introduced to support businesses

Follow us ➤ AnyShanghai 2020-08-28

The Shanghai government has unveiled 28 measures to steady businesses during the novel coronavirus outbreak, with immediate effect.

“The measures pay close attention to those key enterprises working in prevention and control of the epidemic, as well as the hardest-hit industries and small and medium-sized enterprises. They also take into account those that have suffered from delays in resuming work,” said Ma Chunlei, deputy secretary-general and director of the Shanghai Development and Reform Commission.

The measures, which will help cut down the costs of affected enterprises by 30 billion yuan (US$4.29 billion), lay emphasis on support for enterprises at the frontline of virus control, reducing the burden on companies of all kinds, increasing financial assistance, stabilizing employment and resuming work in an orderly manner.

Read more HERE.

Source: SHINE

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