
Expat: “I'll stay in Shanghai whatever conditions good or bad"

AnyShanghai 2020-08-28

My name is Shah Zaman Chinese name王世界. I’m from Pakistan 🇵🇰 , living in Shanghai, China.

When I heard about the virus for the first time, I thought this is just normal flu but time to time it was getting terrible. My friends suggested me to go back to home country or to any safe country and 90 % of foreigners left China in Early February including my friends but I asked myself I will stay here in Shanghai whatever conditions good or bad. I also knew that China is a very developed country and 2nd rich country by the economy so they will control this epidemic period especially in Wuhan many foreigners were Evacuated by own countries but our country didn’t. Because China government gives 💯 % trust to my country and asked my country government we will care for all students from Pakistan the same as the Chinese nation. At that time many neighbor countries students argue with my country students and give them panic but they stay strong, and Chinese nations stand hard, committed and worked hard day by day to overcome this issue.

China 🇨🇳 Pakistan 🇵🇰 is brother countries and very close friends from last 70 years. Pakistan 🇵🇰 was the first country to send all available mask 😷 medical equipment to Wuhan by medical cargo during the epidemic. Only 2 Pakistan worked in Wuhan during the epidemic period.

My Chinese colleagues friends worried about me and government really care me at epidemic time. I felt so safe, So I proudly say China is my second hometown.

I really appreciate China and Chinese people for everything they did for me.

As a Pakistan nationality, I want to say that all Chinese people are welcomed in Pakistan 🇵🇰 for traveling, now Pakistan is world 🌍 number 1 traveling destination and the capital Islamabad is the second most beautiful city in the world. Pakistani are very hospitable people and when they see Chinese people they respect so much and give everything free not take any penny! I insure you this 100 %.

Pakistan 🇵🇰🇨🇳 China friendship forever our friends the same and our enemies the same.                                               

Love ❤️ Respect ✊ and care to all my Chinese friends!

Best regards,

Dr. Shah

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