
世辉观点 | 中国数据保护法规如何影响Web3.0市场

世辉观点 世辉律师事务所 2022-06-13

In 2021, China officially promulgated the Data Security Law (the “DSL”) and the Personal Information Protection Law (the “PIPL”).  It is expected that in 2022, a series of specific rules will be finalized to support implementation of the two laws.  This article aims to introduce how these data protection rules may affect the Web 3.0 market.

2021年,中国正式颁布了《数据安全法》和《个人信息保护法》。预计在2022年,将有一系列具体法规出台以配合这两部法律的实施。本文旨在介绍这些数据保护法律法规将如何影响 Web3.0市场。

作者:世辉律师事务所 | 卢璟 | 夏彦 | 曾铮

I. Background 导言 

On May 27, 2022, the Web 3.0 move-to earn app STEPN announced that starting from July 15, 2022, it would stop providing Global Positioning System and Internet Protocol location services to users in China.  STEPN also said the move was made to actively comply with relevant regulatory requirements in China, although it is unclear what specific requirements STEPN was referring to. 


II. Overview of Data Protection Rules in China  中国数据保护法律法规概述  

In China, two types of data are subject to enhanced regulatory scrutiny: Important Data, and Personal Information.  In particular, cross-border transfer of these data may trigger a state security concern by the Chinese government.

在中国,有两类数据会受到监管的特别关注:重要数据和个人信息。尤其是,这些数据的跨境传输有可能引起主管部门对国家安全问题的关注。1. Rules Related to Important Data  


a) What is Important Data? 


Important Data is a concept under the DSL, which refers to those data which, once tampered with, destroyed, divulged or illegally used, may cause a material adverse impact to state security or the public interest.  The DSL does not further specify what types of data will be regulated as Important Data, but delegates government agencies in different industries to formulate a Catalogue of Important Data.  The catalogues will clarify the scope of the Important Data in each industry.  Up to now, the Catalogue of Important Data for the Automobile Industry has been promulgated, while the catalogues for the other industries have not been issued.


According to the Catalogue of Important Data for the Automobile Industry, the following data are regulated as Important Data:


  • Geographical information, flows of people or vehicles and other data in respect of any sensitive location such as a military administrative zone, an entity responsible for science and technology development for national defense, or government agency at or above the county level;


  • Traffic volume, logistics and other data that reflect the performance of the economy;


  • Data related to the operation of a vehicle charging network;


  • Videos or photos of human facial images or license plate information; and


  • Personal information involving more than 100,000 individuals.


Although the above catalogue is only applicable to the automobile industry, it reflects the regulatory attitude regarding what data is viewed by the government as important enough to have an impact on state security or the public interest.  For instance, it is of a high likelihood that government agencies in other industries (e.g., the Web 3.0 industry) would also regulate the following data as Important Data: (i) the geographical information of any sensitive location (e.g., military base or government agency); and (ii) Personal Information involving a huge number of individuals.


b) General Rules about Protection of Important Data  


Under the DSL, anyone who collects and uses Important Data within China shall: (i) designate a Data Security Officer responsible for the protection of the Important Data; (ii) regularly conduct a risk assessment of the Important Data processing activities and submit the risk assessment report to the competent authorities; and (iii) comply with relevant rules on the cross-border transfer of Important Data, as further explained in Section II.1.c) below.

根据《数据安全法》,在中国境内收集和使用重要数据的任何主体应:(i)指定数据安全负责人和管理机构负责重要数据保护工作;(ii)定期对重要数据处理活动进行风险评估,并向相关主管部门提交风险评估报告;以及(iii)遵守重要数据出境的相关规定,详见下文第 II.1.c)部分。

c) Cross-Border Transfer of Important Data  


The cross-border transfer of Important Data is subject to a prior security assessment conducted by the Cyberspace Administration of China (“CAC”).  


Since the Important Data may have an impact on China’s state security or public interests, it is reasonable to expect that the Chinese government will be very serious about the CAC security assessment requirement.  In other words, if anyone transfers Important Data outside of China without obtaining the CAC’s clearance, or if anyone outside of China bypasses the CAC security assessment to collect Important Data from within China, the Chinese government may take enforcement action to crack down on the cross-border data transfer.


2. Rules Related to Personal Information  


a) What is Personal Information?  


As defined under the PIPL, Personal Information means any kind of information related to an identified or identifiable natural person as electronically or otherwise recorded, excluding information that has been anonymized.


Therefore, to identify whether certain data is regarded as Personal Information under the PIPL, the key is whether the data can be used to identify a natural person.  For instance, a mobile number in China is classed as Personal Information under the PIPL, because the mobile number in China is registered in reliance upon a natural person’s ID certificate.  However, as is the case with an overseas mobile number, if the number is not bound with a natural person’s ID certificate, there is a strong basis to argue that the mobile number is not Personal Information.


b) General Rules about the Protection of Personal Information  


The PIPL requires that anyone who collects and uses the Personal Information of natural persons within China shall: (i) appropriately notify the natural persons about how their Personal Information will be used and collected; (ii) obtain a legal basis for collecting the Personal Information, e.g., the consent of the natural persons; (iii) conduct a Personal Information Protection Impact Assessment (“PIA”) for processing Sensitive Personal Information, cross-border transfer of Personal Information, and some other potentially high-risk scenarios; and (iv) comply with relevant rules on cross-border transfer of Personal Information, as further explained in Section II.2.c) below. 

根据《个人信息保护法》,任何在中国境内收集和使用自然人个人信息的主体应当:(i)以适当方式向自然人告知有关其个人信息的收集和使用方式;(ii)取得有关收集个人信息的合法依据,例如取得该自然人的同意;(iii)在涉及处理敏感个人信息、个人信息出境等高风险情形时,应当进行个人信息保护影响评估;以及(iv)遵守个人信息出境的相关规定,详见下文第 II.2. c)部分。

c) Cross-Border Transfer of Personal Information  


As required by the PIPL, anyone who transfers Personal Information outside of China shall, among other requirements: (i) to the extent applicable, obtain the natural persons’ separate consent for the cross-border transfer; (ii) conduct the PIA; and (iii) sign a data protection contract with the overseas data recipient.


More importantly, for anyone who processes a large volume of Personal Information, the cross-border transfer shall be subject to a prior security assessment by the CAC.


Under the draft Measures on Security Assessment of Cross-Border Data Transfer issued by CAC in October 2021 to solicit public comments, anyone who reaches either of the following thresholds must pass the CAC security assessment before the cross-border transfer of the Personal Information: 


  • Processing within China the Personal Information of more than 1,000,000 natural persons; or


  • Accumulatively transferring outside of China: (i) the Personal Information of more than 100,000 natural persons; or (ii) the sensitive Personal Information (e.g., health-related information or financial account information) of more than 10,000 natural persons. 


III. Impact on the Web 3.0 Market  对Web3.0市场的影响 

1. Nature of the Web 3.0 Business Mode  


The vision and nature of the Web 3.0 business mode is to achieve the rights authentication of data on blockchain by which clients can own, control and make a profit from, the data they have created on the Internet.  Unlike the Web 2.0 business mode, Web 3.0 users may utilize anonymous information, or encrypted personal identities (from which the companies can only get proxy smart contract addresses but have no way to recognize personally identifiable information), to log in to the product or platform account. Moreover, the data produced by clients will be stored in decentralized servers, meaning that the power of the Web 3.0 service provider companies to control the data will be greatly reduced.


Due to the prohibition of crypto currency related business and transactions in China, Web 3.0 companies involved in crypto currency business can only be registered outside China and may not provide any service targeting users within China.  However, some users from China may still have access to visit the websites and use the products of such offshore Web 3.0 companies by means of certain technical solutions.


Regarding Web 3.0 companies which are not engaged in any crypto currency business (or any other prohibited business in China), user data may be collected, stored and otherwise processed within China, or transferred outside of the territory if such companies are registered in China, or providing services to clients within Chinese borders.


2. Web 3.0 Companies Collecting Chinese Clients’ Data Outside of  China  


As for companies located outside of China, it is advisable for them to closely monitor the catalogues of Important Data and assess in a timely manner whether any data collected from China falls into the catalogues.  As mentioned in Section II.1.c) above, the Chinese government will be serious about regulating the cross-border transfer of Important Data and may take enforcement action to crack down on the cross-border data transfer activities that bypass the CAC security assessment requirement.  Therefore, to the extent that any data falls into the catalogues, the companies shall either stop collecting such data, or apply for the CAC security assessment (although such application may not be practically feasible, considering that individual users directly provide relevant data to the companies outside of China).  However, as for the other rules discussed in Section II.1.b) above (e.g., designation of a Data Security Officer or regular risk assessment), the likelihood is low that these rules would directly apply to companies outside of China.

对于位于中国境外的公司,我们建议其密切关注重要数据目录,并及时评估其从中国收集的数据是否落入重要数据目录。如上文第 II.1.c)部分所述,有关重要数据的跨境传输的监管要求会被认真地贯彻实施,并且规避网信部门安全评估要求的数据跨境传输行为有可能被执法部门制止。因此,对于落入重要数据目录内的数据,公司或应停止收集该等数据,或应申请网信部门的安全评估(但考虑到个人用户直接将相关数据传输给中国境外的公司,该等申请在现实当中难以操作)。但是,上文第 II.1.b)部分所述的其他规则(例如,设立数据安全负责人和管理机构、定期进行风险评估)直接适用于中国境外的公司的可能性较低。

As for the rules about Personal Information, it is true that the PIPL has an extra-territorial effect.  Theoretically speaking, companies located outside of China shall also comply with those rules as discussed in Section II.2.b) above when the companies collect the Personal Information of natural persons within China.  However, we do not see a high enforcement risk in terms of PIPL compliance, because of the following:

就有关个人信息的法律法规而言,《个人信息保护法》确实具有域外效力。理论上,当收集中国境内自然人的个人信息时,位于中国境外的公司也应当遵守上文第 II.2.b)部分所述的规定。但是,从《个人信息保护法》合规的角度而言,基于以下原因,我们认为在现实当中,相关规定直接适用于境外公司的可能性不高:

  • The Chinese government has not issued any specific regulation on how to apply the PIPL to an overseas company, and up to now, we have not observed any enforcement case in this regard.


  • To the extent that the overseas companies are not aiming to collect the Personal Information of natural persons within China, and the volume of the Personal Information from China is not huge (e.g., not more than 100,000 individuals), the likelihood that the Chinese government would be interested in taking enforcement action against the overseas companies is low.


Further, due to the decentralized and anonymized nature of the Web 3.0 business, many Web 3.0 companies do not need to collect their users’ Personal Information.  If there is no collection of Personal Information, the companies will not be subject to the PIPL. 


3. Web 3.0 Companies Collecting Chinese Clients’ Data within China 


Regarding Web 3.0 companies within China which are not engaged in any crypto currency business (or any other prohibited business in China), as compared to those located outside of China, such companies will face a heavier regulatory burden.  


First of all, to the extent that any data they collect falls into the catalogues of Important Data, the companies shall comply with all the rules related to Important Data, as described in Section II.1.b) above.  In particular, if the companies intend to transfer the Important Data outside of China, they must apply for the CAC security assessment.  Again, it is advisable for these companies to closely monitor the catalogues of Important Data to be issued by the Chinese government in the future.

首先,如果收集的任何数据落入重要数据目录范围,则公司应当遵守上文第 II.1.b)部分所述的与重要数据有关的所有规定。尤其当公司计划向中国境外传输重要数据时,其应当向网信部门申请安全评估。我们再次建议这些公司密切关注主管部门将来发布的重要数据目录。 

Second, if the companies collect any Personal Information, they shall also comply with all the rules related to the Personal Information, as discussed in Section II.2.b) and c) above.  In particular, if the companies intend to transfer the Personal Information outside of China and they reach a threshold that requires the CAC security assessment, the companies shall apply for the assessment.

其次,如果公司收集任何个人信息,则应当遵守上文第 II.2.b)和 c)部分所述的与个人信息有关的所有规定。尤其当公司计划向中国境外传输个人信息,并且达到需要向网信部门申请安全评估的标准时,其应当申请安全评估。

IV. Conclusion  结语

The Web 3.0 business mode may achieve better protection of personal privacy, and in terms of data, realize the maximum economic benefits for clients. However, concerns about related data security, money-laundering, terrorism financing, tax evasion, hacking and other unlawful activities are continually raised, which may cause competent authorities to promulgate more stringent regulatory concerns about users' personal identification and impose more stringent KYC duties for service providers.  More stringent KYC examination means greater likelihood of collecting Personal Information.  Thus, it is advisable for service providers to be more careful when considering the foregoing issues analyzed in this article.  In addition, since issues related to Important Data will be the focus of enforcement for the Chinese government, Web 3.0 companies should closely monitor whether any data they collect falls into the catalogues of Important Data to be issued by the government authorities in China.


We hope the above is helpful.  Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.  Thanks.




卢璟 合伙人



夏彦 合伙人








