
活动预告|Introduction to Foreign Funds in China

Brought to you by Shihui Partners, join China Investment Funds lawyer Rui Wang (Shenzhen), along with Foreign Counsel Ian Read (Shanghai), as they help you to navigate the complex areas of capital markets and foreign equity investment in mainland of China.

The webinars will explore the Qualified Foreign Limited Partner (QFLP) Pilot Program - the most popular way to invest in China - which helps foreign investors to execute equity investment via entering or establishing a private foreign fund in China and enjoys a variety of facilitation policies of foreign exchange settlement, preferential treatment, and broader investment scope under the Negative List. Also, the Qualified Domestic Investment Enterprise (QDIE) Pilot Program, which aims to assist qualified domestic investors to allocate private equities via private funds or other qualified entities, will be discussed. 

These sessions will be of particular interest to overseas counsel who want to gain valuable insights into the practical and legal aspects of foreign investment in China.



活动预告|Introduction to Foreign Funds in China


