

One Speech A Day 精彩英文演讲 2022-06-20


《周六夜现场》(Saturday Night Live,缩写SNL,又称周末夜现场)是美国一档于周六深夜时段直播的喜剧小品类综艺节目,SNL的节目由一系列讽刺恶搞当下政治和文化的喜剧小品组成,每周都有不同的客座主持人与音乐来宾加入,与该节目的固定卡司一同演出。

最近一期“甜茶”蒂莫西·柴勒梅德现身《周六夜现场》现场,主持了开场秀,还参加了其他几个片段的录制。今天来分享其中一个片段,是关于“新冠病毒传播者”的假期聚会小段,其中甜茶扮演的是一个不称职的病毒,被“老爸”(Beck Bennett饰演)批评毫无成效的病毒。当然讽刺特朗普的意味还是很淋漓尽致的,一起来看看吧。

Coronavirus Holiday - SNL

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>> and now a rona family christmas.

>> can't believe 2020 is almost over. i'm going to miss it.

>> i know. and we've been traveling nonstop all year. china, italy, new york, florida. how great is florida?

>> so great. i just wish we had a break from all of the holiday parties. how many can the white house throw?

>> i think i know who that is. ah, my baby girl's home.

>> hi mom.

>> how was your first semester of college.

>> it was incredible. i took out like a whole dorm.

>> we're so proud of you, honey.

>> my little girl's a superspreader.

>> i wanted you to meet this guy i start datding.

>> hi.

>> not to put him on the spot but we did meet on the contact tracing app.

>> i swabbed right.

>> and he's kind of famous.

>> i guess a little.

>> oh come on tell them.

>> all right. it's no big deal. but -- i was the one who infected hanks.

>> tom hanks?

>> wow, that was basically the super bowl of infections, what do you do next?

>> i'm going to disney world.

>> this one's a keeper.

>> oh, now who's that.

>> hi, it's your neighbors, thought we'd pop out of nowhere and say hello.

>> well this is a surprise. honey, have you met the herpes.

>> oh, i haven't actually. even though statistically i should have.

>> i'm oral and this is my wife genital.

>> please call me jen.

>> hey. hey what's the matter? aren't going to introduce them to your other child?

>> wow, look who is awake before 6:00 p.m. just in time to start drinking.

>> oh, yeah am i little disinfected. at least i'm not a hoax like the rest of this family.

>> sorry, maybe now's not a good time.

>> it's like at herpes only show up when you're stressed out.

>> sorry. oh no, no. it's fine, we'll come back.

>> we always do.

>> well, that was incredibly rude.

>> sorry mom my, proteins aren't perfect like my little sister here, back from her first semester of university of phoenix in person.

>> we gave you every opportunity. we paid to sends you to new zealand and now look zero cases. people are going to concerts there. it's a disgrace.

>> think of your poor grandmother's spanish flu.

>> come on give me a kiss, i'll kill you.

>> now, she infected the whole world and that was before airplanes.

>> -- i kill everyone.

>> if you don't start infecting again, your career's over. you're going to end up like those washed up viruses on dancing with the sars.

>> maybe you would feel better if you just dined indoors more.

>> hey, i'm just following cuomo's stay-at-home orders.

>> you do not mention cuomo in this household!

>> a lot of people say he's the only real leader in this country right now.

>> you know damn well that president trump is only one looking out for us, we wouldn't still be here without trump.

>> and trump introduced us to everyone he knows, even after he was infected. now that's a class-act.

>> guys, do we have to talk politics right now?

>> your brother is living in clouds when he should be living on surfaces.

>> i jarrod heard your not even deadly as the regular flu.

>> let the big man talk. you think you're not big enough to hit your old man?

>> dad, stop!

>> you're not my dad. maybe mom just landed on a lung cell and replicated.

>> you know, sometimes i wish you weren't my son.

>> oh, yeah, it must be christmas because your wish just came true. i'm getting the vaccine.

>> you wouldn't.

>> watch me. pretty soon i'll have the antibodies.

>> he's joined in the radical antibo.

>> why are you doing this to us?

>> because mom, you never had time for me. never went to a single one of my nfl games. dad's been so focused on the second wave can't even hear his first-born son crying out for help.

>> ronie, say something.

>> you're a great virus, son. your laughter was always so infectious and you gave those tigers at the bronx zoo covid, rememberr. i don't even know how the hell you pulled that off.

>> snuck in their butts.

>> i know i don't say this enough, but i'm proud of you,

>> we all have so much to be grateful for this christmas. and to think, this time last year we were just a glimmer in the eye of a sick bat. i know the odds were stacked against us but maybe 2021 will be even better.

>> we were going to wait to tell you but, we're engaged.

>> and we're moving into rudy guiliani.

>> yay!

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双语|SNL恶搞2016年第二场辩论:梅 开 二 度!



