

One Speech A Day 精彩英文演讲 2023-01-02





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Former President Donald Trump has lost weight in recent months mainly because he no longer has 24-hour access to the White House kitchen, his former advisor Jason Miller said on Sunday.

In an interview with GB News, a British TV channel, Miller described the former president as "a lot happier," "tanned," and "rested" since leaving the White House in January.

Miller said he recently visited Trump in Florida, where they discussed his well-being.

When asked about Trump's weight, Miller said Trump told him the difference was "not having the kitchen there 24/7," as well as "a little bit of golf and a whole lot of endorsement."

The last point seemed to be a reference to Trump's endorsement of candidates who embrace his politics or aim to unseat his enemies.

In April, an unnamed Trump advisor told Insider's Tom LoBianco that Trump had "lost 15 pounds since he left the White House."

In the GB News interview, Miller said Trump had lost 20 to 25 pounds since January.Trump lost weight out of office because he no longer has access to the 24-hour White House kitchen, former aide says

Donald Trump is happier and slimmer after leaving the White House, a former aide told GB News.

Jason Miller said Trump cited the absence of the 24/7 White House kitchen as one reason.

Miller also said Trump enjoyed influencing GOP politics from the sidelines by making endorsements.

Former President Donald Trump has lost weight in recent months mainly because he no longer has 24-hour access to the White House kitchen, his former advisor Jason Miller said on Sunday.

In an interview with GB News, a British TV channel, Miller described the former president as "a lot happier," "tanned," and "rested" since leaving the White House in January.

Miller said he recently visited Trump in Florida, where they discussed his well-being.

When asked about Trump's weight, Miller said Trump told him the difference was "not having the kitchen there 24/7," as well as "a little bit of golf and a whole lot of endorsement."

The last point seemed to be a reference to Trump's endorsement of candidates who embrace his politics or aim to unseat his enemies.

In April, an unnamed Trump advisor told Insider's Tom LoBianco that Trump had "lost 15 pounds since he left the White House."

In the GB News interview, Miller said Trump had lost 20 to 25 pounds since January.

ABC News reported in June 2020 on a physical exam that said Trump weighed 244 pounds, over the clinical threshold for obesity.

Reports have described the always-on food production at the White House. Bill Yosses, who worked there as a pastry chef from 2006 to 2014, told HuffPost last year that his team was always on standby.

"In theory, we were working 24/7," Yosses said, though he added that no president had asked for a midnight snack in the years he was there.

While Trump does not appear to have spoken much about the 24-hour service in the White House, he has expressed a love of junk food and sweets.

An advisor close to Trump told Insider he used to snack extensively on M&M's while flying on Air Force One.

And Dr. Ronny Jackson, a former White House physician, once said he tried to hide vegetables in Trump's food to get him to eat more healthily.

在接受英国电视频 GB News采访时,米勒形容这位前总统自今年1月离开白宫以来“快乐多了”、“皮肤晒得黝黑”、“精力充沛”。


今年4月,川普的一位不具名的顾问告诉“商业内幕”称,川普离开白宫后,瘦了15磅(约6.8公斤),而在GB News的采访中,米勒更说川普自1月以来瘦了20-25磅(约9-11公斤)。

美国广播新闻( ABC News)报道称,2020年6月的体检记录时,川普的体重是244磅(约110公斤),超过了临床指标中的肥胖区间。

比尔·约赛斯( Bill Yosses)在2006-2014年担任白宫糕点师,去年他接受《赫芬邮报》采访时表示,他的团队一直处于待命状态。约赛斯说:“理论上我们是全天候工作的”,不过他也提到,这些年里并没有哪位总统要求吃宵夜。

报道指出,川普并没有过多的谈论白宫的24小时餐饮服务,但他曾多次表达对食物和糖果的热爱。一位与川普关系密切的顾问告诉“商业内幕”,川普在乘坐空军1号时,经常吃 M&M巧克力豆。

前白宫医生罗尼·杰克逊( Ronny Jackson)也曾说,他试图把蔬菜藏在川普的食物里,以便让他吃得更健康。

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