
跨界大展|九层塔⑤陈文骥+丁乙+梁铨+谭平 “相似的结果,不同的路径”预告

九层塔:空间与视觉的魔术Nine-Tiered Pagoda: Spatial and Visual Magic







+ 空间呈现张永和+ 平面设计韩家英   + 策展人崔灿灿  + 出品人刘晓都  + 开幕2021年5月9日+ 地点+ 主办深圳市坪山区文化广电旅游体育局+ 承办坪山美术馆   + 协办华润文化体育发展有限公司坪山分公司



陈文骥用工业化的色彩和模块,以不同的组合和拼接方式,给出相异的节奏和停顿,形成一组排列有序的抽象作品。丁乙的5张作品从1993年开始,他将“十字”以各种媒介、材质、笔触、色彩、结构,进行“重复” 创作,产生了无限的变量。梁铨有自己的法则,他制作不同颜色的纸片,在画面中进行拼接,纸片多样的分布形成了永不重复的点线面关系。谭平的“位置系列”,则设计了一个规则:在画面上随机画上几个点,拉出放射线,然后在多次相交的放射线中确定几个交叉点,最终得出点在画面中的位置。我们会发现,四位艺术家的作品中,形式只是执行的手段,“路径”自身会发展作品,会产生变量。变量近乎无限。






陈文骥 《叠/对系列 (粉绿色)》铝塑板上油画140 X 140cm(2020)

陈文骥,中央美术学院壁画系教授。1954年生于上海, 1978年毕业于中央美术学院版画系,目前生活、工作于北京和河北燕郊两地。

八十年代初期,他有过一段不长的版画创作经历,自八十年代中期,开始转而以油画作为个人的创作方式,经历了从写实到抽象视觉形态的表达方式,近十年来始终通过这种绘画思考途径来完成个人的艺术创作。作品曾参加《中国现代艺术展》(北京·1989),《演变—中国当代艺术展》(德国科布隆茨·2008),《中国当代艺术三十年历程1978-2009》(上海·2009), 《Ctrl+N非线性实践2012光州双年展特别展》(韩国光州·2012),《2017巴西库里蒂巴双年展·脉动——中国当代艺术展》(巴西·2017),《鲍博·勃尼斯+陈文骥》(北京·2018)。

丁乙 《十示 2020-23》椴木板上综合媒介 120 x 120cm(2020)


丁乙的作品在全球各大机构广泛展出,包括上海当代艺术博物馆、美国旧金山现代艺术博物馆、古根海姆博物馆、德国柏林戴姆勒当代艺术馆、法国巴黎蓬皮杜艺术中心等;大型国际双年展包括第45届威尼斯双年展(1993) 、第一届亚太三年展(1993)、第11届悉尼双年展(1998)、第一届横滨三年展(2001)、第六届上海双年展(2006)、第七届深圳雕塑双年展(2012)、第七届釜山双年展(2016)。

梁铨 《空山不见人 2 》 宣纸水墨拼贴 91 X 61cm (2015)

梁铨 《空山不见人 3 》 宣纸水墨拼贴 121 X 91cm (2013)



谭平 《手稿》 纸本铅笔 45 X 30cm X 6 pcs (2018) 



《九层塔:空间与视觉的魔术⑤“相似的结果,不同的路径” 陈文骥+丁乙+梁铨+谭平》空间呈现效果图

张永和,美国注册建筑师/美国建筑师协会院士,非常建筑创始人、主持建筑师。于1984年获得伯克利加利福尼亚大学建筑系建筑硕士学位。自1992年起开始在中国实践,1993年在美国与鲁力佳创立非常建筑。他曾荣获诸多奖项,如1986年荣获日本新建筑国际住宅设计竞赛一等奖第一名,美国“进步建筑”1996年度优秀建筑工程设计奖,2000年获联合国教科文组织艺术贡献奖,2006年获美国艺术与文学院的学院建筑奖,2016中国建筑传媒奖实践成就大奖,2019年Domus世界最佳100+建筑事务所,2020年度美国建筑师协会(AIA)建筑奖,2020 ArchDaily中国建筑年度大奖等。

《九层塔:空间与视觉的魔术⑤“相似的结果,不同的路径” 陈文骥+丁乙+梁铨+谭平》折页设计示意图






九层塔:空间与视觉的魔术⑥“形式的狂想”  刘韡个展



Nine-Tiered Pagoda:Spatial and Visual Magic
Nine-Tiered Pagoda: Spatial and Visual Magic, as a cross-disciplinary event, represents an unprecedented direction and form of exhibition in China.  Nine (groups of) artists will provide their works as the basis material for the exhibition. Besides, nine architects and nine designers will also join to form nine temporary teams, hence the cooperation among artists, architects and designers. There is no ‘priority’ or ‘center’ in the exhibition, only division of labor and collaboration, presenting nine individual exhibitions of a brand-new type.
As the core determinant for the exhibition, space and design are also a kind of re-creation of the exhibition and the work; They determine the content and how the audience see the exhibition, as well as the sequence and pace. Space and design, no longer in the service of the exhibition, provide an independent and autonomous experience for the audience, granting the exhibition a myriad of variables and possibilities.
There has always been a lack of quality cross-disciplinary exhibitions, which are neither a fast food product preached by celebrities and online influencers nor a highbrow art confined to professional barriers. The cross-disciplinary advocated by Nine-Tiered Pagoda creates a nexus joining art, architecture and design together with a new cross-discipline, which reflects the practical needs and collaboration of the three professions, while it also retains the expertise and strengths of each with a proper division of labor.
As an ancient Chinese architecture, ‘Pagoda’ has a special structure, with each tier telling a different story. These stories, spaces, and designs are closely intertwined with each other into a superimposed whole, formulating the external image and spiritual core of the exhibition.
Nine-Tiered Pagoda: Spatial and Visual Magic, launched by curator Cui Cancan and architect Liu Xiaodu in 2020, is a hands-on project that mixes ideas, methodologies and tools. It's not only a workshop for cross-disciplinary art, but also a platform for artists, architects and designers to cooperate and expand their development realms together.
The advent of Nine-Tiered Pagoda represents the ambition to create an entirely new field, with an aim to invent a new way of collaboration and to create a fresh exhibition concept that can reshape the perceptual experience of our times.

Nine-Tiered Pagoda: Spatial and Visual Magic ⑤
Similar Results, Different Approaches - Chen Wenji + Ding Yi + Liang Quan + Tan Ping

Spatial Design: Chang Yungho
Graphic Design: Han Jiaying
Curator: Cui Cancan
Producer: Liu Xiaodu
Opening: 5/9/2021
3rd Floor, Exhibition Gallery, Pingshan Art Museum
Host: Culture, Broadcast and Television, Tourism and Sports Bureau of Pingshan District
Organizer: Pingshan Art Museum
Co-Organizer: China Resources Culture and Sports Development Co,. Pingshan Ltd Pingshan Branch
Project Team: Pingshan Art Museum
Production: Jinkuntai Culture Communication

As the fifth project of “Nine-Tiered Pagoda”, “Similar Results, Different Approaches” is the first group exhibition unveiling a discussion on abstract art creation methods, with the focus on elementary and core issues in art, architecture, and design: the constant change of dots, lines and planes in the work. The exhibition is based on the works of the artists Chen Wenji, Ding Yi, Tan Ping, and Liang Quan, with the architect Chang Yungho designing the space, and graphic designer Han Jiaying in charge of posters and other visual designs.

“Similar Results” refers to the common use of dots, lines, and planes as elements of creation to finally present a similar form of picture; while “Different Approaches” refers the completely different working method, conceptual intention, production mechanism, as well as the artistic language employed by the four artists.

Chen Wenji uses industrialized colors and modules to form a matrix of ordered abstratic works with various rhythms and pauses by using different combinations and splices. Ding Yi has started to create these five exhibited works since 1993. He uses multiple media, materials, brushstrokes, colors, and structures to “repetitively” create the “cross”, therefore creating a myriad of variables. Liang Quan has his own rules. He makes pieces of paper of different colors and collages them all in one picture. The diverse distribution of the pieces forms a never-repeated relationship between dots, lines and planes. Tan Ping sets up a rule in his “Position Series”, where he draws a few dots randomly on the paper , pulls out the radiating rays,  pins down a few intersections on the rays, and finally gets the position of dots in the plane. We will find that in the works of the four artists, the form is only a means of execution, while the “Approach” itself will develop the work and generate infinite variables. 

“Similar Results, Different Approaches” provides us with a new perspective for recognizing abstract art, which no longer aims at form innovation, but shows the importance of the artist's conceptual thinking,  artistic language, and the systematic work.

Architect Chang Yungho transforms these “perspectives” into a spatial feeling, and thus building a brand new field for the works. The exhibition space has become another form of “dot, line and space”, giving the viewers different experiences: big and small, interior and exterior, top and bottom, movement and stillness, seeing and being seen. Here, architecture is interacting with paintings, just as the viewers are interacting with the exhibition. Designer Han Jiaying provides another intersection of artist's names with dots, lines and planes of the work, making these simple elements ideological, realistic and personal.

“Similar Results, Different Approaches” shows the joint work of artists, architects and designers, which carries out infinite explorations of dots, lines, and planes in the world of order. These explorations depend on changes in emotions and concepts, as well as the tools, techniques, and approaches that we continue to create in various fields. Countless directions and arrivals (reflected in all these explorations) have enriched our language world. And also because of the essence and basis of dots, lines and planes, they can exist eternally and are almost immortal.

Curator: Cui Cancan


Chen Wenji. Professor of Mural Department, China Central Academy of Fine Arts(CAFA). Chen Wenji was born in Shanghai in 1954. He graduated from the Printmaking Department of CAFA in 1978, Chen lives and works between the city of Beijing and Yanjiao of Hebei province.

In the early 1980s, the artist had a fair amount of experience in printmaking. Since the mid-1980s, oil painting has been used as his primary creative medium, which further experienced a conversion of visual forms from figurative realism to abstract expression. In the past fifteen years, he has stood by this way of thinking to follow his artistic pursuit. Chen Wenji has participated in “Chinese Modern Art Exhibition” (Beijing, 1989) , “China's Revision” (Koblenz,Germany, 2008) , “Thirty Years of Chinese Contemporary Art 1979-2009” (Shanghai, 2009) , “Ctrl+N Non-Linear Practice - 2012 Kwangju Biennale Special Exhibition” (Kwangju,Korea, 2012) , “Brazil Curitiba Biennale 2017: Pulse - Contemporary Chinese Art Exhibition”(Brazil, 2017) , “Bob Bonis + Chen Wenji”(Beijing, 2018) .

Ding Yi (b.1962) was born and currently resides in Shanghai. He graduated from Shanghai University with B.F.A. in 1990. The practice of Ding Yi encompasses painting, sculpture, spatial installation and architecture. He works primarily with “+” and its variant “x” as formal visual signals, above and against the political and social allegories typical of painting in China. He chose this sign in the second half of the 80s as a synonym of structure, rationality and of a pictorial expressiveness that reflects the essence of things.

Ding Yi has exhibited extensively at various institutions and galleries, among many others, Power Station of Art (Shanghai, 2019); San Francisco MoMA (2018-2019); Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum (New York/Bilbao, 2017-2018); Daimler Contemporary (Berlin, 2017); Centre Pompidou (Paris, 2015). His works has also been included in 45th Venice Biennale (1993), The First Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art (1993), 11th Biennale of Sydney (1998), Yokohama 2001 International Triennale of Contemporary Art (2001), 6th Shanghai Biennale (2006), 7th Shenzhen Sculpture Biennale (2012), 6th Busan Biennale (2016).

Liang Quan was born in Shanghai in 1948. In 1980, Liang studied at Academy of Art College in San Francisco. He back to China in 1984 and started his career of teaching as a professor at the Printmaking Department of  China Academy of Art. Liang currently lives and works in Shenzhen.

Liang Quan was one of the earliest artists in China to combine traditional Chinese ink-wash painting with abstract expressions. He framed a personal expression that western and eastern aesthetic languages interacted with each other while either of them could be distinguished. The abstract and realistic thinking is debated by fine fragments, rebuilding the order between form and immateriality, the details are subtly adjusted to “Blank”. The fact is re-interpreted by arranged layers and back to reality with an almost faded way. Blank means infinity. The expression of ambiguous point and nonresistant attitude towards reaction to constant changes, the picture renders naturally calm.

Tan Ping was born in Hebei in 1960. Now he is a professor of Chinese National Academy of Arts, doctoral supervisor, and enjoys special government allowance from the State Council. He graduated from the Print-making department of Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1984 and worked in it. From 1989 to 1994, He was awarded the DAAD scholarship to study at UDK, and received a master's degree and a Meisterschule degree. He also was the honorary doctor of Kingston University, dean of the Design Institute of China Central Academy of Fine Arts and vice president of CAFA. He is regarded as the leading figure of Chinese abstract art, the pioneer of the contemporary Chinese art design discipline and the promoter of Chinese experimental art discipline.

Spatial Design
Chang Yungho , FAIA .

Founding Partner and Principal Architect, Atelier Feichang Jianzhu 
Chang received Master of Architecture degree from the University of California at Berkeley in 1984. Since 1992, he has been practicing in China and established Atelier Feichang Jianzhu (FCJZ) with Lijia Lu in 1993. Chang has received numerous prizes, including the First Place in the Shinkenchiku Residential Design Competition in 1986, the Progressive Architecture Citation Award in 1996, the 2000 UNESCO Prize for the Promotion of the Arts, and the Academy Award in Architecture from American Academy of Arts and Letters in 2006, and 2016 China Architecture Media Award Excellence in Practice Prize. 2019, FCJZ has been recognized as one of the 100+ Best Architecture Firms 2019 by Domus magazine.

Graphic Design
Han Jiaying was born in Tianjin in 1961 and graduated from Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts in 1986.  He is the founder of Han Jiaying Design & Associates and a member of the Alliance Graphique Internationale (AGI).
Since the “Frontiers Magazine” series, Han has constructed his own visual thinking around Chinese characters. Eastern philosophy and culture are conveyed through contemporary expressions, presenting a concise beauty. This idea is continued in works such as “Forms of Words on Heaven and Earth”, “Ingenuity Follows Nature”, “Celebrate Our Planet”, and three-dimensionally presented in installations such as “The Sundial”. Works such as “Poetry”and “Meeting”are experimental artistic creations.

Han has won the Grand Prize of Asia's Most Influential Design Award, and was named Forbes “China's Most Influential Designer”. Many of Han’s works are collected by international art institutions in Britain, France, Japan, Hong Kong, etc.

Cui Cancan, an active Chinese curator and writer, has curated nearly 100 major solo and group exhibitions for the most representative Chinese artists of different generations since 2012. His group exhibitions include Hei Qiao Night Way, Rural Wash, Cut and Blow-dry, Unlived by What is Seen, Between the 5th & 6th Ring Road in Beijing, The Decameron, Spring Festival Projects (2015-2019), The Curation Workshop and Nine-Tiered Pagoda.

About PAM
Situated in the north district of Pingshan Culture Quarter, The Pingshan Art Museum (PAM) is an important public cultural institution in Shenzhen. It is a major force for resource fusion from conventional public art museums and private art institutions, fueled by its institutional innovation. Aiming to build an art museum that is “positive and cool”, PAM actively explores professional development with high-quality in an international scope. The Pingshan Art Museum dedicates to be a new landmark in our time by bringing fresh and diverse cultural enjoyment and experiences to its citizens and celebrating vitality, inclusion, creativity, and interaction.

审校|郭琳 李耀

