
BBC纪录片《中华的故事》The Story of China 第五集:末代王朝

Love English 2 2022-12-23

BBC历史纪录片《中华的故事 The Story of China》耗费三年时间拍摄制作,讲述从夏商周到改革开放的中国,跨越4000年历史,涵盖各个时期历史事件,并展示中国无与伦比的艺术成就,包括书法、绘画、玉器、丝绸、陶瓷、漆器和青铜器等,还有令人叹为观止的园林艺术和古代科学技术。 

明亡清兴,历史学家Michael Wood认为康熙是中国最伟大的皇帝,开创133年康乾盛世。新疆开封扬州访古,曹寅刊刻《全唐诗》,曹雪芹作《红楼梦》。鸦片战争撼动清朝根基。

China’s last empire, the Qing, lasted from 1644 to 1912. It began in violence and war as the Manchus swept down from the north, but invaders became emperors, with three generations of one family ruling the country. Among them, Michael Wood argues, was China’s greatest emperor – Kangxi.

Under the Qing, China doubled in size to include Xinjiang in the far west, as well as Mongolia and Tibet, creating the essential shape of China today. The new dynasty tolerated a diversity of cultures and religions, including Islam. In Kaifeng, Michael visits a women’s mosque with a female imam, a delightful scene that ends with laughter and selfies! The Qing also undertook huge cultural enterprises. At a traditional printing house where the wood blocks are hand-carved, we see how the Complete Tang Poems were reproduced–all 48,000 of them. We travel through the wintry countryside to a remote village where a hardy audience watch open-air opera in the snow and visit a painter’s studio, and ‘storytelling’houses in Yangzhou.

In the 18th century, China was arguably the greatest economy in the world, and we get a fabulous sense of the rich culture that came with prosperity. But then came the clash with the British, in the first Opium War, when a British expedition destroyed the Qing navy and extracted territory and trading rights. We leave with a glimpse of the future. ‘Every dynasty has risen and declined,’ says Michael, ‘and has needed new life to regenerate, and this time the catalyst was the British.’Among the ports China ceded was an almost uninhabited island, Hong Kong, one of today’s greatest financial centres, and Shanghai, a small town then but now one of the greatest cities in world.




BBC纪录片《中华的故事》The Story of China 第四集:明朝
BBC纪录片《中华的故事》The Story of China 第三集:盛世中华

BBC纪录片《中华的故事》The Story of China 第二集:丝绸之路和中国船舰

BBC纪录片《中华的故事》The Story of China 第一集:寻根问祖





The School Fete

