Erhai Lake, at Dali in Southwest, is the second largest fresh-water lake in Yunnan Province.洱海位于中国西南部的云南大理郊区是云南省第二大淡水湖。
This beautiful fresh water lake on the plateau covers an area of 256.5 square kilometers, with an average depth of 10 meters and a maximum depth of 20 meters.湖面面积256.5平方公里平均湖深10米,最大湖深达20米,是一个风光秀美的高原淡水湖。
As Yunnan is located far inland, it is said the people here sometimes call this lake the Erhai Sea, to express their yearning for the distant ocean.据说是因为云南深居内陆,白族人民为表示对海的向往所以称这个湖位洱海。
Formed in a rift depression, Erhai Lake has been known since ancient times as the "flawless jade among mountains" due to the color and clarity of its waters.洱海属断层陷落湖泊湖水清澈见底透明度很高自古以来一直被称作群山间的无瑕美玉。
The Bai people call it the "Mother Lake".白族人称它为母亲湖。
Their ancestors knew it as the "Golden Moon".白族先民叫它金月亮。
Beside the Erhai Lake, there is a mountain peak, named Cangshan, which is covered with snow all year round.洱海的旁边有一座终年不化的雪山名为苍山。
With an average altitude of more than 3,500 meters, Cangshan Mountain forms a sharp contrast with the beautiful scenery of the Erhai Lake.平均海拔3500米以上与秀丽的洱海风光形成强烈对照。
According to legend, the husband of a princess went into battle just after their marriage.当地传说新婚的驸马夫出征打仗了。
He was gone for more than ten years and she feared he had been killed in battle.一去十几年未归人们传言他死在了战场上。
The princess cried day and night, and her tears gathered to form the Erhai Lake.这位公主就开始日夜哭泣泪水汇聚成了洱海。
When her husband eventually returned, he found the princess had died of a broken heart.当驸马得胜归来发现公主已经死去。
He swore to heaven that he would turn into a mountain to stay with the lake.他对天发誓说自己要化山守海。
The couple, the Erhai Lake and Cangshan Mountain lived together for eternity.两人生生世世以山水为伴由此便有了洱海和苍山相守至今的故事。
Along the shore of the Erhai Lake there are many inns where you can hear the gentle lapping of the waters.洱海的旁边有很多的客栈住在洱海旁可以听到洱海轻柔的海浪声。
The lake is also a favorite spot for movie makers.同时这里也是很多电影的取景地。
Erhai Lake, shaped like an ear, seems to be listening to every story being told.长按识别二维码可关注该微信公众平台
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