
中国范儿 66 科尔沁:风从草原来

Love English 2 2022-12-23










Amazing China《美丽中国》全集

《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集

Keerqin: The Wind Blowing across the Grassland

There is vast grassland in the east part of Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region and the northwest of the Songliao Plain. Here, water and vegetation are plentiful, the sky is high, and the land is boundless. It is a place to see wandering cows and sheep and whinnying horses. It is the Keerqin Grassland, a place generations of herdsmen called home.


In Mongolian, Keerqin means archer. Ancestors of the local people once followed Genghis Khan in his conquest of Eurasia. A time-honored history left behind a thick cultural tradition and humanistic heritage on the Keerqin Grassland. Boundless sky and grassland converge here. The local people are extraordinarily hospitable, optimistic and tolerant.

Created in the 1950s, Meeting at the Aobao is a song that left an enduring memory for generations of Chinese. Thanks to the popularity of this song, Aobao became the most visible symbol of the grassland culture in China. In Mongolian, Aobao means a pile of stones, through which the local Mongolians demonstrate their respect to nature, admiration to the grassland, and gratitude to heaven. So, Aobao attests to the harmonious and symbiotic relationship between people and nature.


Today, whenever a big festival comes, people of the grassland will put on their gorgeous clothes and make their way to worship Aobao. They walk around the Aobao and speak out their wishes with great faithfulness. They call the sky above their head and the grassland under their feet home.  Being the most important connection between the heaven and the earth, Aobao also functions as the most cherished symbol in the spiritual world of the local people. They worship Aobao, through which they express their purest and most beautiful wishes to the sky and the earth.


Praised as the First Mongolian Dance, Andai Dance has distinctive ethnical features and mirrors the lifestyle of the local people. It has been passed down through generations on the grassland. In the Keerqin area, people dance Andai for the harvest day and the feasts for weddings and receptions. Andai involves a list of freestyle moves like waiving the handkerchief, stepping, clapping hands, placing hands on waists and rushing forward. People widely express their enthusiasm, happiness, and joy through dancing Andai.

Every August, Keerqin will host an event themed on One Belt & One Road Initiative and Meeting at the Aogao. Specifically, on August 18, Keerqin will hold a horse racing event. People take this chance to enjoy some relaxing and happy moments and express their joy for harvest. 


Out of the conviction for courage and strength, they admire masterly riders and hefty horses. When the feudal forces colluded with warlords for vandalism in the past, GadaMeilin, a Mongolian hero, stood up and led the local people for a brave rebellion to protect their homeland. People turned this sad story into a heroic epic and generations of people got inspired by it. His bravery to defend the grassland and the country left behind a shared legacy among the local people.


The horse-head fiddle is the most popular instrument in the grassland area. It has a horse head on the top and two strings above the sound box. The horse-head fiddle can produce full, heavy and lingering sounds. Whenever the sounds of a horse-head fiddle appear, they spread across the grassland like a wind. They blow over the cows, sheep, horse, Aobaos and the sleeves of the dancing herdsmen. Immersed in the beautiful sounds, people let go of their minds, which freely travel across the grassland and go back to the time-honored history. The remoteness and coldness of history meet the sunshine, rains and dews of nature in every jumping syllable and in every touching sound.



“Love English 2”一周年了!

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