《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集
Every day, a sea of decisions stretches before us.Some are small and unimportant, but others have a larger impact on our lives.For example, which politician should I vote for?Should I try the latest diet craze? Or will email make me a millionaire?要不要试试最新的减肥食谱?或是这封电邮会让我成为百万富翁吗?We're bombarded with so many decisions that it's impossible to make a perfect choice every time.我们被大量的决定围攻着,很多时候没法做出最好的决定。But there are many ways to improve our chances, and one particularly effective technique is critical thinking.但有很多提高正确几率的方法,其中最有效的方法就是批判性思维。This is a way of approaching a question that allows us to carefully deconstruct a situation, reveal its hidden issues, such as bias and manipulation, and make the best decision.这种解决问题的思维方式,能让我们更仔细地分析形势,发现隐藏的问题,比如一些偏见和操纵,并作出更好的选择。If the critical part sounds negative that's because in a way it is.如果你觉得“批判性”有点儿否定意味,那正说明它在起作用。Rather than choosing an answer because it feels right, a person who uses critical thinking subjects all available options to scrutiny and skepticism.一个具有批判性思维的人,不会因为哪个听起来不错就选哪个,而会仔细审查每一个选择,并抱有怀疑态度。Using the tools at their disposal, they'll eliminate everything but the most useful and reliable information.他们会用一切手段排除其他选项,只留下最有用、最值得信赖的信息。There are many different ways of approaching critical thinking, but here's one five-step process that may help you solve any number of problems.运用批判性思维的方法有很多,这里讲的方法只需五步,就可以帮你解决各种问题。One: formulate your question. In other words, know what you're looking for.This isn't always as straightforward as it sounds.For example, if you're deciding whether to try out the newest diet craze, your reasons for doing so may be obscured by other factors, like claims that you'll see results in just two weeks.比如说,你在考虑尝试最近流行的饮食方法,声称“两周内就能看到效果”,你的初衷可能被其它因素而遮盖。But if you approach the situation with a clear view of what you're actually trying to accomplish by dieting, whether that's weight loss, better nutrition, or having more energy, that'll equip you to sift through this information critically, find what you're looking for, and decide whether the new fad really suits your needs.但如果你面对选择时有更明晰的观点,你真正想要通过这个饮食方法达到什么效果——为了减重也好,为了更均衡的营养也好,或是为了更有活力,就使你更批判地筛选信息,从而找到你真正想要的答案,决定这个点子是否能真正符合你的需要。Two: gather your information.There's lots of it out there, so having a clear idea of your question will help you determine what's relevant.信息无所不在,所以明晰问题可以帮你决定哪些信息是有用的。If you're trying to decide on a diet to improve your nutrition, you may ask an expert for their advice, or seek other people's testimonies.如果你想通过饮食方式来摄取更多营养,你可以咨询下营养师,或是向他人寻求经验。Information gathering helps you weigh different options, moving you closer to a decision that meets your goal.搜集信息帮助你权衡不同方案,使你做出更接近目标的决定。Three: apply the information, something you do by asking critical questions.第三:运用信息,可以通过问关键性问题对信息加以运用。Facing a decision, ask yourself, "What concepts are at work?""What assumptions exist?""Is my interpretation of the information logically sound?"For example, in an email that promises you millions, you should consider, "What is shaping my approach to this situation?"比如,一个邮件声称能让你成为百万富翁,你可以考虑下面几个问题:“什么因素决定我对此做出判断?”"Do I assume the sender is telling the truth?""Based on the evidence, is it logical to assume I'll win any money?"Four: consider the implications.Imagine it's election time, and you've selected a political candidate based on their promise to make it cheaper for drivers to fill up on gas.想象一下现在是大选期,你选择支持一个候选人是因为他承诺要让汽油更便宜。At first glance, that seems great. But what about the long-term environmental effects?If gasoline use is less restricted by cost, this could also cause a huge surge in air pollution, an unintended consequence that's important to think about.如果不用高价限制汽油的使用,大气污染将变得极其严重,而这是必须考虑的一个意外后果。Five: explore other points of view.Ask yourself why so many people are drawn to the policies of the opposing political candidate.Even if you disagree with everything that candidate says, exploring the full spectrum of viewpoints might explain why some policies that don't seem valid to you appeal to others.即使你一点都不认同那个候选人所说的,你也要探究他的一系列观点,弄清楚为什么他的政策你觉得没用,但别人喜欢。This will allow you to explore alternatives, evaluate your own choices, and ultimately help you make more informed decisions.这就让你能进一步探究其他选择,衡量你自己的选项,最后做出更好的决定。This five-step process is just one tool, and it certainly won't eradicate difficult decisions from our lives.这五个步骤仅仅是工具,也不可能完全解决我们所面对的难题。But it can help us increase the number of positive choices we make.Critical thinking can give us the tools to sift through a sea of information and find what we're looking for.批判性思维方式能帮我们筛选信息,找到我们真正想要的。And if enough of us use it, it has the power to make the world a more reasonable place.而且如果更多的人具备批判性思维的能力,这个世界将变得更加理性。