champion;first place;gold medalist
medal /'med(ə)l/ n. 奖牌,勋章,纪念章medalist n. 奖牌获得者🥈“亚军”在英语中可以表达为:
second place;runner-up;silver medalist
silver /'sɪlvə/ adj. 银制的; 像银的🥉“季军”在英语中可以表达为:
third place;second runner-up;bronze medalist;
bronze /brɒnz/ adj. 青铜制的;青铜色的,古铜色的someone or something, especially a person or animal, that has beaten all other competitors in a competition(人或动物)冠军,获胜者an Olympic champion 奥运会冠军She is the world champion for the third year in succession.The defending champion will play his first match of the tournament tomorrow.champion作形容词也可以表示“优秀的,第一流的,很好的”。亚军指在竞赛中比较冠军次一名的参与者。在文言文,亚字带有次级的意思。例如,西周时代,有一职级称为亚卿,就是比较正卿低一个级别;项羽称范增为「亚父」,表示他比较生父次一级的意思。后来,人们就以亚军称呼比赛中的第二名。In a competition, the runner-up is usually the person who comes in second place. In the Olympics, an athlete who wins a silver medal can be called a runner-up.在比赛中,runner-up通常指的是第二名。在奥运会上,获得银牌的运动员可以被称为runner-up。这个取词的意义可能和第二名以及之后的名次的人需要继续追赶(run up)第一名有关。例:Italy, with roughly the same population, has won four World Cups and been runner-up in a few more.而人口差不多相当的意大利,获得四次世界杯冠军和好几次亚军。 second runner-up/ third place 而季军在英语里就没有单独的词汇,一般都是second runner-up或third place。而如果你使用了复数形式,也就是runners-up 其实它是可以指第一名以后的几名的,可能是第二名、第三名或第四名等。
当女生说“I'm late”的时候!可要注意了!可能不是说我迟到了!