
中国范儿104 新中国70年印迹——“中国科考”从极地到深海

Love English 2 2022-12-23

Love English 2 助大家快乐学英语!


[Seventy Years' Imprint of New China]

"Chinese Scientific investigation" --from Polar to Deep Sea


  At 62 degrees south latitude, more than 17,000 kilometers from Beijing, China's Antarctic Great Wall Station is situated on the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. In December 1984, China's polar experts came here to build the country’s first Antarctic Science Station. This pivotal moment opened the door to a new era of exploration by Chinese researchers in Polar Science. In the past decades, Zhongshan Station, Kunlun Station, Taishan Station and other Antarctic Science and Technology Stations have been set up and put to use, and China's Polar Science and Technology Investigation  is also moving forward at a fast pace.

  In 2005, the Chinese Polar Science Team completed the first human conquest of the Antarctic Ice Dome's highest point: Point A. At the same time, China's exploration of the Arctic and the Arctic Ocean is also proceeding in an orderly manner.

  Over the past decades, thousands of Chinese scientists have landed at the two poles of the earth and conducted in-depth research in oceanography, geology, atmospheric science and other fields. They have bagged a number of internationally recognized scientific achievements. China has made great strides from being a late entrant to the world of Polar Science to being at the forefront of Polar Science research.


  Over the past 70 years, China has gone deeper into the Polar Regions, embarked on a quest to unravel secrets of the deep sea and headed to space. The Chinese dream of leading scientific research is gradually becoming a reality.

  7062.68 meters below the surface, close to the deepest part of the earth's oceans, is the deepest known point that manned submersibles can reach at present, and this record was created by China's Jiaolong manned submersibles. It allows deep-sea prospecting, seabed high-precision topographic survey, suspicious geophysical detection and capture, deep-sea biological survey and so on. It can theoretically cover 99.8% of the world's marine areas.

  Buried deep in the dense forests of Guizhou in southwest China, China's Sky Eye FAST, the world's largest single-aperture radio telescope, is busy observing tens of thousands of light-years in space. Since its completion in 2016, FAST has discovered 44 new pulsars. 


  In Wuxi, on the southeastern coast of China, Shenwei-2 of China's National Supercomputing Center is running quietly on a nanometer scale computing unit with 125,400 trillion operations per second. This is the world's first supercomputer with a peak computing speed of more than 100,000 trillion times, and one of the most powerful supercomputers in the world. In the calm cabinet, huge amounts of data are handled at all times to simulate complex climatic and meteorological conditions, calculate the return trajectory of spacecraft, and even in the fields of biomedicine and financial analysis. This wealth of information can provide a powerful platform for China-led scientific and technological innovations and economic development.

  Seventy years ago, one would not have imagined exploring the far end of the world the two poles of the earth, the depths of the Mariana Trench and thick canopied forests..Chinese researchers have covered all that and then some. After the founding of New China in 1949, a series of major scientific and technological innovations have turned from blueprint to reality. Today, there is a distinct Chinese footprint in fields of science and technology.



Love English 2 助大家快乐学英语!



中国范儿101 巴扎:藏着关于新疆的故事

中国范儿102 立秋:落叶知秋 暑去凉来

