河(湖)长制:中国治水新模式 China adapts new model of water control, appoints Chief of River (Lake) Administration 一方水土养一方人。江河湖泊带来的丰沛水流,为农业的发展带来希望,人类文明的曙光由此点亮。河流流经处,崛起了一座座繁荣的市镇,从而衍生出了不同的地域文化。城市因河流而兴起,也因河流而繁荣。 As the saying goes, water and soil make human civilization prosper. The abundant water flow brought by rivers and lakes provides irrigation for agriculture which in turn ignites development of a civilization. In places where rivers flow through, cities cropped up and flourished, giving birth to a dazzling mix of cultures. 在经历过经济发展与水资源污染的突出矛盾后,今天的中国,每一条江河、每一片湖泊都有属于自己的“管理员”—— 河(湖)长。由各级党政主要负责人担任辖区内河湖的第一责任人。中国的河湖环境保护治理由此翻开了新篇章。河长制下,各级河长巡河、管河、治河形成常态;多部门、多层级联动,针对河湖存在的突出问题,有序开展整治行动,短短三年,水环境显著改善。 With economic development came industries and effluents and the threat of water pollution. But China came up with a novel method to counter it. Every river and lake in China today has its own “administrator” — Chief of River (Lake) Administration. The head of governments at all levels is mandated to be the first person in charge of the rivers and lakes under their jurisdictions. Under the system of river administration, the river governors at all levels patrol, manage and regulate the river and respond to any existing problems and take action in an orderly manner. With the concerted efforts by multiple departments at different levels, in just three years, the country’s water quality has shown remarkable improvement. 图为长沙后湖。(长沙市水利局供图) 湖南长沙,湘江穿流而过,河网密布。湖南全省近60%的人口居住在湘江流域,江河支撑起市镇的繁华,却也因人口的集聚带来了严重的用水污染问题。对此,长沙市建立了“一河一策”治理体系,针对城市与农村的不同特质,采取相对应的治理措施。精心治水,巧手绘绿,通过综合治理,众多河流蝶变成水清岸绿景美的生态河、风景线。 In Changsha, Hunan Province, the Xiangjiang River runs through the city, with a dense network of tributaries. Nearly 60% of the population of Hunan Province lives in the Xiangjiang River area. The rivers support the prosperity of the towns, but there are also serious water pollution problems due to heavy population concentration. In this regard, Changsha City established a governance system of “one river, one policy” and took measures keeping in mind the different characteristics of urban and rural areas. Through comprehensive management, many rivers have become ecological rivers and scenic spots with crystal clear waters. 图为绍兴迪荡湖。中国网记者 伦晓璇 摄
图为绍兴叶家堰村风光。中国网记者 伦晓璇 摄 浙江绍兴,坐落于杭州湾南岸的水上城市。水孕育了绍兴灿烂的文化,造就了绍兴的繁荣发展。为了守护好这一方碧水,绍兴开展了多场“治水战役”。如今,这里的河湖水环境面貌焕然一新,古桥下河水静谧流淌,水面不时飘过一艘乌蓬船。山清水秀、白墙青瓦,好一派诗画江南的景象。 Shaoxing city, Zhejiang Province, is located on the South Bank of Hangzhou Bay. Shaoxing has a thriving culture and abundance of water resources. In order to protect river water, Shaoxing has launched many water regulation campaigns. The river flows quietly under the ancient bridge, its silence broken only when a black awning boat passes by. The beautiful mountains, crystal clear rivers and the typical white-wall and grey tile houses present an artistic southern China scene. 福建莆田的木兰陂是古代大型水利工程,至今仍保存完整并发挥其水利效用。中国网记者 伦晓璇 摄 福建莆田,台湾海峡西岸的沿海城市。每年,来自太平洋的风都会暴虐地吹过这里。曾经,莆田的“母亲河”木兰溪会在台风季节“变脸”,湍急的河流冲过堤坝,淹没家园。东圳水库、陈桥涵坝等一系列工程,让木兰溪“变害为利,造福人民”。水质环境的改善让河湖保持自然原生态,白鹭在此栖息,也让人们日常休闲有了更好的去处。 Putian City, Fujian Province, is a coastal city on the west coast of the Taiwan Strait. Every year, strong winds from the Pacific hit the area. In the past, Mulan River — regarded as the mother river of Putian City — would change its flow when the storm hit. Its gushing waters would sweep away everything in its way — trees, homes and livestock were just sitting ducks. A series of projects, such as Dongzhen Reservoir and Chenqiao culvert dam, helped regulate the flow of the river and it was channelized for benefit of the people. Much of the river now maintains its natural ecology, harboring species like egrets and becoming a popular spot for relaxation. 在中国人的观念中,国家的地理概念可以概称为“山河”,在人们心中,河流与高山是家园最具像的形态。山河不仅是我们生存的依托,更连接着我们的文化血脉。这片山河是前人交接到我们手中的珍贵财富,还要经由我们再交接给后来人。面对环境和发展的矛盾,“绿水青山就是金山银山”是中国人给出的答案。只有让这片山河更加美好,才能不负往者,也造福来者。 Ask a Chinese person to describe the geography of the country and they think of mountains and rivers, which are not only key to our survival, but also an important link of cultures. They are among our most important resources, in a way handed down from generation to generation to lead us to prosperity. There is no doubt in the minds of people that economic development should not be at the cost of environment, blue water and green mountains are as precious as gold and silver. The Chinese believe that we can ensure a better future only by taking care of our mountains and rivers. 来源:中国网 长按识别二维码可关注该微信公众平台